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Metadata Class

Represents the metadata of a document or an object in a document.

For document level metadata, all changes are reflected in both, XMP metadata and document info dictionary depending on the conformance of the document.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox.Pdf
Assembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.5.0+4edba55c604d55d1acd3b42825576b5d5e0943f1
public class Metadata : NativeObject

The Metadata type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthor

The name of the person who created the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "dc:creator" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Author" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyCreationDate

The date and time the document or resource was originally created.

This property corresponds to the "xmp:CreateDate" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "CreationDate" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyCreator

The original application that created the document.

The name of the first known tool used to create the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "xmp:CreatorTool" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Creator" entry in the document information dictionary.

Public propertyCustomEntries

The custom entries in the document information dictionary

The standard entries "Title", "Author", "Subject", "Keywords", "CreationDate", "ModDate", "Creator", "Producer" and "Trapped" are not included in the map. Any attempt to set a standard entry through this map will result in an error. To get or set standard entries use the corresponding properties instead.

Note: The document information dictionary has been superseded by XMP metadata and is deprecated in PDF 2.0.

Public propertyKeywords

Keywords associated with the document or resource.

Keywords can be separated by:

  • carriage return / line feed
  • comma
  • semicolon
  • tab
  • double space

This property corresponds to the "pdf:Keywords" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Keywords" entry in the document information dictionary.

Setting this property also sets the XMP property dc:subject accordingly.

Public propertyModificationDate

The date and time the document or resource was most recently modified.

This property corresponds to the "xmp:ModifyDate" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "ModDate" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyProducer

The application that created the PDF

If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the PDF processor that converted it to PDF.

This property corresponds to the "pdf:Producer" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Producer" entry in the document information dictionary.

Public propertySubject

The subject of the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "dc:description" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Subject" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyTitle

The title of the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "dc:title" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Title" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyXmp

The XMP metadata

The XMP metadata stream or if there is none.

The stream is read-only. To set the XMP stream of a metadata object use the method Document.CreateMetadata instead.

Public methodStatic memberCopy

Copy a metadata object

Copy a metadata object from an input document to the given targetDocument. The returned object is associated with the target document but not (yet) used as the document metadata. The object can be used either as document metadata using Metadata or as page metadata using Metadata.
Public methodStatic memberCreate

Create a new metadata object

The newly created metadata object is associated with the target document but not (yet) used as the document metadata. The object can be used either as document metadata using Metadata or as page metadata using Metadata.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
See Also