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GeneralTextFieldCreate Method

Create a general text form field

The returned form field object is not yet used, but it is associated with the given target document.

Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox.Pdf.Forms
Assembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.2.0+708f7116d933787a0712d56133e4c2c9bf21e5e3
public static GeneralTextField Create(
	Document targetDocument


targetDocument  Document
the output document with which the returned object is associated

Return Value

the newly created general text field
ArgumentExceptionif the targetDocument argument has already been closed
ArgumentExceptionif the targetDocument argument is read-only
ArgumentExceptionthe target document contains form fields that have been implicitly copied by a call to Copy(Document, Page, PageCopyOptions) with an argument options in which FormFields was set to Copy
ArgumentExceptionthe target document contains unsigned signatures that have been implicitly copied by a call to Copy(Document, Page, PageCopyOptions) with an argument options in which UnsignedSignatures was set to Copy.
ArgumentNullExceptionif targetDocument is .
See Also