Class TimestampConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • getFieldName

        public java.lang.String getFieldName()

        The name of the existing signature field (Getter)

        The pdftools.pdf.SignatureField.getFieldName of an existing, unsigned signature field to time-stamp. Note that when an existing signature field is used, the appearance's position is defined by the existing field. Therefore, make sure the getAppearance() fits into the pdftools.pdf.SignatureField.getBoundingBox.

        If null, a new signature field is created using a unique field name.

        Default: null

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the creating provider has already been closed
      • setFieldName

        public void setFieldName​(java.lang.String value)

        The name of the existing signature field (Setter)

        The pdftools.pdf.SignatureField.getFieldName of an existing, unsigned signature field to time-stamp. Note that when an existing signature field is used, the appearance's position is defined by the existing field. Therefore, make sure the getAppearance() fits into the pdftools.pdf.SignatureField.getBoundingBox.

        If null, a new signature field is created using a unique field name.

        Default: null

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the creating provider has already been closed
      • getAppearance

        public Appearance getAppearance()

        The visual appearance of the time-stamp (Getter)

        The visual appearance or null to create a time-stamp without a visual appearance.

        For time-stamps, not all text variables are available, most notably the [signature:name].

        Default: null

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the creating provider has already been closed
      • setAppearance

        public void setAppearance​(Appearance value)

        The visual appearance of the time-stamp (Setter)

        The visual appearance or null to create a time-stamp without a visual appearance.

        For time-stamps, not all text variables are available, most notably the [signature:name].

        Default: null

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the creating provider has already been closed