Class TimestampConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • getHashAlgorithm

        public HashAlgorithm getHashAlgorithm()

        The message digest algorithm (Getter)

        The algorithm used to hash the document and from which the time-stamp signature is created.

        Note: This algorithm must be supported by the time-stamp server; many support only SHA-256.

        Default: pdftools.crypto.HashAlgorithm.SHA256

      • setHashAlgorithm

        public void setHashAlgorithm​(HashAlgorithm value)

        The message digest algorithm (Setter)

        The algorithm used to hash the document and from which the time-stamp signature is created.

        Note: This algorithm must be supported by the time-stamp server; many support only SHA-256.

        Default: pdftools.crypto.HashAlgorithm.SHA256

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the value is invalid or not supported.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null