Class Profile

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Archive, MinimalFileSize, Mrc, Print, Web

    public abstract class Profile
    extends NativeObject

    The base class for PDF optimization profiles

    The profile defines the optimization parameters suitable for a particular use case, e.g. archiving, or publication on the web.
    • Method Detail

      • getImageRecompressionOptions

        public ImageRecompressionOptions getImageRecompressionOptions()

        The image recompression options (Getter)

      • getFontOptions

        public FontOptions getFontOptions()

        The font optimization options (Getter)

      • getRemovalOptions

        public RemovalOptions getRemovalOptions()

        The parameters defining the optional data to remove or flatten (Getter)

      • getCopyMetadata

        public boolean getCopyMetadata()

        Whether to copy metadata (Getter)

        Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata. Default: true.
      • setCopyMetadata

        public void setCopyMetadata​(boolean value)

        Whether to copy metadata (Setter)

        Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata. Default: true.