Class ImageRecompressionOptions

  • public class ImageRecompressionOptions
    extends NativeObject

    The parameters for image recompression

    • Method Detail

      • getCompressionQuality

        public double getCompressionQuality()

        The compression quality for lossy image compression algorithms (Getter)

        This property specifies the compression quality for the JPEG and JPEG2000 image compression algorithms. Valid values are between 0 (lowest quality) and 1 (highest quality).

        Although the JBIG2 algorithm for bi-tonal images also allows lossy compression, it is not influenced by this property. The JBIG2 compression quality is fixed at 1 (lossless).


      • setCompressionQuality

        public void setCompressionQuality​(double value)

        The compression quality for lossy image compression algorithms (Setter)

        This property specifies the compression quality for the JPEG and JPEG2000 image compression algorithms. Valid values are between 0 (lowest quality) and 1 (highest quality).

        Although the JBIG2 algorithm for bi-tonal images also allows lossy compression, it is not influenced by this property. The JBIG2 compression quality is fixed at 1 (lossless).


        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given value is outside of the range 0 - 1
      • getReduceColorComplexity

        public boolean getReduceColorComplexity()

        Enable color complexity reduction. (Getter)

        When enabled, the software analyzes images that utilize device color spaces (DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, or DeviceGray) as well as indexed images with a device color space as their base. If applicable, the images are converted according to the following criteria:
        • Images in DeviceRGB or DeviceCMYK color space where all pixels are gray will be converted to grayscale using the DeviceGray color space.
        • Images containing only black and white pixels will be converted to bitonal images.
        • Images where all pixels are of the same color will be downsampled to a single pixel.
        Additionally, image masks and soft masks are optimized in the following ways:
        • Soft masks consisting only of black and white pixels will be converted into a standard mask.
        • Any (soft) mask that is completely opaque will be removed.
      • setReduceColorComplexity

        public void setReduceColorComplexity​(boolean value)

        Enable color complexity reduction. (Setter)

        When enabled, the software analyzes images that utilize device color spaces (DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, or DeviceGray) as well as indexed images with a device color space as their base. If applicable, the images are converted according to the following criteria:
        • Images in DeviceRGB or DeviceCMYK color space where all pixels are gray will be converted to grayscale using the DeviceGray color space.
        • Images containing only black and white pixels will be converted to bitonal images.
        • Images where all pixels are of the same color will be downsampled to a single pixel.
        Additionally, image masks and soft masks are optimized in the following ways:
        • Soft masks consisting only of black and white pixels will be converted into a standard mask.
        • Any (soft) mask that is completely opaque will be removed.