| RoleMap Class |
A dictionary that maps the names of structure types used in the document to
their approximate equivalents in the set of standard structure types. Allowed values from the PDF standard are:
Document, Part, Sect, Art, Div, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P, L, LI, Lbl, LBody, Table, TR, TH,
TD, THead, TBody, TFoot, Span, Quote, Note, Reference, Figure, Caption, Artifact, Form, Field,
Link, Code, Annot, Ruby, Warichu, TOC, TOCI, Index and BibEntry.
Inheritance Hierarchy Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox.Pdf.StructureAssembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.4.0+02318d3e3f9645a1305b87026fb971a660079e54
Syntax public class RoleMap : NativeObject, IDictionary<string, string>,
ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>>,
The RoleMap type exposes the following members.
Properties Methods See Also