Source code for pdftools_toolbox.pdf.annotations.markup_info

from __future__ import annotations
import io
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
from ctypes import *
from datetime import datetime
from numbers import Number
from pdftools_toolbox.internal import _lib
from pdftools_toolbox.internal.utils import _string_to_utf16, _utf16_to_string
from pdftools_toolbox.internal.streams import _StreamDescriptor, _NativeStream
from pdftools_toolbox.internal.native_base import _NativeBase
from pdftools_toolbox.internal.native_object import _NativeObject

import pdftools_toolbox.internal

    from import _Date

    _Date = ""

[docs] class MarkupInfo(_NativeObject): """ Information for a markup annotation Holds information contained in a markup annotation or in a reply to a markup annotation. """ @property def creation_date(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """ The date of creation Returns: Optional[datetime] Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed """ from import _Date _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetCreationDate.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(_Date)] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetCreationDate.restype = c_bool ret_val = _Date() if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetCreationDate(self._handle, byref(ret_val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error() return None return ret_val._to_datetime() @creation_date.setter def creation_date(self, val: Optional[datetime]) -> None: """ The date of creation Args: val (Optional[datetime]): property value Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed OperationError: if the document is read-only StateError: if the annotation has already been appended to a page's list of annotations """ from import _Date if val is not None and not isinstance(val, datetime): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {datetime.__name__} or None, but got {type(val).__name__}.") _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetCreationDate.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(_Date)] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetCreationDate.restype = c_bool if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetCreationDate(self._handle, _Date._from_datetime(val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error(False) @property def modification_date(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """ The date of last modification Returns: Optional[datetime] Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed """ from import _Date _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetModificationDate.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(_Date)] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetModificationDate.restype = c_bool ret_val = _Date() if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetModificationDate(self._handle, byref(ret_val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error() return None return ret_val._to_datetime() @modification_date.setter def modification_date(self, val: Optional[datetime]) -> None: """ The date of last modification Args: val (Optional[datetime]): property value Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed OperationError: if the document is read-only StateError: if the annotation has already been appended to a page's list of annotations """ from import _Date if val is not None and not isinstance(val, datetime): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {datetime.__name__} or None, but got {type(val).__name__}.") _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetModificationDate.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(_Date)] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetModificationDate.restype = c_bool if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetModificationDate(self._handle, _Date._from_datetime(val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error(False) @property def locked(self) -> bool: """ Whether the content can be modified This does not restrict the modification of other aspects of the annotation or its deletion. Returns: bool Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed """ _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetLocked.argtypes = [c_void_p] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetLocked.restype = c_bool ret_val = _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetLocked(self._handle) if not ret_val: _NativeBase._throw_last_error() return ret_val @locked.setter def locked(self, val: bool) -> None: """ Whether the content can be modified This does not restrict the modification of other aspects of the annotation or its deletion. Args: val (bool): property value Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed OperationError: if the document is read-only StateError: if the annotation has already been appended to a page's list of annotations """ if not isinstance(val, bool): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {bool.__name__}, but got {type(val).__name__}.") _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetLocked.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_bool] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetLocked.restype = c_bool if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetLocked(self._handle, val): _NativeBase._throw_last_error(False) @property def author(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The author Returns: Optional[str] Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed """ _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetAuthorW.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(c_wchar), c_size_t] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetAuthorW.restype = c_size_t ret_val_size = _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetAuthorW(self._handle, None, 0) if ret_val_size == 0: _NativeBase._throw_last_error() return None ret_val = create_unicode_buffer(ret_val_size) _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetAuthorW(self._handle, ret_val, c_size_t(ret_val_size)) return _utf16_to_string(ret_val, ret_val_size) @author.setter def author(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None: """ The author Args: val (Optional[str]): property value Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed OperationError: if the document is read-only StateError: if the annotation has already been appended to a page's list of annotations """ if val is not None and not isinstance(val, str): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {str.__name__} or None, but got {type(val).__name__}.") _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetAuthorW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_wchar_p] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetAuthorW.restype = c_bool if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetAuthorW(self._handle, _string_to_utf16(val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error(False) @property def subject(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The subject Returns: Optional[str] Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed """ _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetSubjectW.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(c_wchar), c_size_t] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetSubjectW.restype = c_size_t ret_val_size = _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetSubjectW(self._handle, None, 0) if ret_val_size == 0: _NativeBase._throw_last_error() return None ret_val = create_unicode_buffer(ret_val_size) _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetSubjectW(self._handle, ret_val, c_size_t(ret_val_size)) return _utf16_to_string(ret_val, ret_val_size) @subject.setter def subject(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None: """ The subject Args: val (Optional[str]): property value Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed OperationError: if the document is read-only StateError: if the annotation has already been appended to a page's list of annotations """ if val is not None and not isinstance(val, str): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {str.__name__} or None, but got {type(val).__name__}.") _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetSubjectW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_wchar_p] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetSubjectW.restype = c_bool if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetSubjectW(self._handle, _string_to_utf16(val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error(False) @property def content(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The information content Returns: Optional[str] Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed """ _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetContentW.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(c_wchar), c_size_t] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetContentW.restype = c_size_t ret_val_size = _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetContentW(self._handle, None, 0) if ret_val_size == 0: _NativeBase._throw_last_error() return None ret_val = create_unicode_buffer(ret_val_size) _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_GetContentW(self._handle, ret_val, c_size_t(ret_val_size)) return _utf16_to_string(ret_val, ret_val_size) @content.setter def content(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None: """ The information content Args: val (Optional[str]): property value Raises: StateError: if the object has already been closed OperationError: if the document is read-only StateError: if the annotation has already been appended to a page's list of annotations """ if val is not None and not isinstance(val, str): raise TypeError(f"Expected type {str.__name__} or None, but got {type(val).__name__}.") _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetContentW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_wchar_p] _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetContentW.restype = c_bool if not _lib.PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo_SetContentW(self._handle, _string_to_utf16(val)): _NativeBase._throw_last_error(False) @staticmethod def _create_dynamic_type(handle): return MarkupInfo._from_handle(handle) @classmethod def _from_handle(cls, handle): """ Internal factory method for constructing an instance using an internal handle. This method creates an instance of the class by bypassing the public constructor. """ instance = MarkupInfo.__new__(cls) # Bypass __init__ instance._initialize(handle) return instance def _initialize(self, handle): super()._initialize(handle)