A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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a - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The 'a' matrix element.
add(int, Quadrilateral) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
Not supported.
add(int, Annotation) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
add(int, MarkupInfo) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
add(int, Glyph) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
Not supported.
add(int, PathSegment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
add(int, TextFragment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
Not supported.
add(int, FileReference) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
add(int, ChoiceItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
Not supported.
add(int, RadioButton) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
add(int, SignatureField) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
add(int, Widget) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
add(int, Link) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
add(int, OutlineItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
Not supported.
add(int, OptionalContentGroup) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
add(int, Page) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
add(int, Node) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
add(Quadrilateral) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
add(Annotation) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
add(MarkupInfo) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
add(Glyph) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
Not supported.
add(PathSegment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
add(TextFragment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
Not supported.
add(FileReference) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
add(ChoiceItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
add(RadioButton) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
add(SignatureField) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
add(Widget) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
add(Link) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
add(OutlineItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
add(OptionalContentGroup) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
add(Page) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
add(Node) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Quadrilateral>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends MarkupInfo>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Glyph>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends PathSegment>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends TextFragment>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends FileReference>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends ChoiceItem>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends RadioButton>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends SignatureField>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Widget>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Link>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends OutlineItem>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends OptionalContentGroup>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Page>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
addAll(Collection<? extends Quadrilateral>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
addAll(Collection<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
addAll(Collection<? extends MarkupInfo>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends Glyph>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends PathSegment>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends TextFragment>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends FileReference>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
addAll(Collection<? extends ChoiceItem>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
addAll(Collection<? extends RadioButton>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends SignatureField>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends Widget>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
addAll(Collection<? extends Link>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
addAll(Collection<? extends OutlineItem>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
addAll(Collection<? extends OptionalContentGroup>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
addAll(Collection<? extends Page>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
addAll(Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
addArc(Rectangle, double, double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Add an elliptical arc to the current path.
addCircle(Point, double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Append a circle to the current path as a complete subpath.
addEllipse(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Add an ellipse to the current path as a complete subpath.
addFontDirectory(String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.Sdk
Add custom font directory
addNewButton(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonGroup
Create a radio button
addNewItem(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceField
Creates a new choice item.
addNewWidget(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Create a new widget and add to the form field
addNewWidget(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButton
Create radio button widget
addPie(Rectangle, double, double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Add an elliptical piece of pie to the current path as a complete subpath.
addRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath.
AffineTransform - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
AffineTransform() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
AffineTransform(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
ALL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.UngroupingSelection
Un-group all groups.
ALL - Static variable in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
All Permission.
ANNOTATE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.MdpPermissions
Permitted changes shall be the same as for MdpPermissions.FORM_FILLING, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes shall invalidate the signature.
ANNOTATE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow annotations.
Annotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A page annotation
AnnotationList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A list of annotations
appendContentElement(ContentElement) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Paint a content element
APPROVED - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
AS_IS - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
ASSEMBLE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow document assembly.


b - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The 'b' matrix element.
BEVEL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineJoinStyle
bezierTo(Point, Point, Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Draw a bezier curve.
BLACK - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
BlendMode - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
BMP - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
BOLD - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
bottom - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
The Bottom value.
bottomLeft - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
bottomRight - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
BUTT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
BUTT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineCapStyle


c - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The 'c' matrix element.
CalibratedGrayColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
CalibratedRgbColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
CENTER - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.HorizontalAlignment
Centered text alignment.
CheckBox - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A check box field
ChoiceField - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A choice field
ChoiceItem - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
An item in a list box field or combo box field
ChoiceItemList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
CIRCLE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
Not supported.
clear() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
clipWithPath(Path, InsideRule) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Intersect clip path with path.
clipWithText(Text) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Intersect clip path with text.
CLOCKWISE - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.Rotation
close() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Close the object
close() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Close the object
close() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
Close the object
close() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
Close the object
close() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Close the file stream.
close() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
close() - Method in interface com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.Stream
Close the stream and release all associated resources.
CLOSED_ARROW - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
CLOSED_ARROW_TAIL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
closeSubpath() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Close the current subpath.
CMYK - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ProcessColorSpaceType
COLOR - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color.
COLOR_BURN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color.
COLOR_DODGE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color.
ColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
com.pdftools.toolbox - package com.pdftools.toolbox
com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry - package com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry
com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer - package com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer
com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real - package com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
com.pdftools.toolbox.internal - package com.pdftools.toolbox.internal
com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf - package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations - package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content - package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms - package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation - package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure - package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure
com.pdftools.toolbox.sys - package com.pdftools.toolbox.sys
ComboBox - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A combo box field
CombTextField - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A fixed pitch text field
concatenate(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
Concatenate transform with other transform.
CONFIDENTIAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
Conformance - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
The version and conformance of a Document.
ConformanceException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
The document has an invalid conformance level.
ConformanceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.ConformanceException
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
contains(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
Content - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Represents the content of a page or a group.
ContentElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ContentExtractor - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ContentExtractor(Content) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentExtractor
Create a new content extractor
ContentGenerator - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ContentGenerator(Content, boolean) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Create a new content generator for appending or prepending to the content of a group.
continuous - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
controlPoint1 - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
The first Bezier control point.
controlPoint2 - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
The second Bezier control point.
copy(Document, Annotation) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Copy an annotation
copy(Document, ColorSpace) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ColorSpace
Copy a color space
copy(Document, ContentElement) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentElement
Copy a content element
copy(Document, IccBasedColorSpace) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.IccBasedColorSpace
Copy an ICC-based color space
copy(Document, FileReference) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
Copy a file reference object
copy(Document, FieldNode) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNode
Copy a form field node
copy(Document, Metadata) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
Copy a metadata object
copy(Document, Link) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Link
Copy a link from an input document to a output document.
copy(Document, OutlineItem, OutlineCopyOptions) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
Copy an outline item
copy(Document, ViewerSettings) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
Copy viewer settings
copy(Document, PageList, PageCopyOptions) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Copy a page list
copy(Document, Page, PageCopyOptions) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
Copy a page
copy(Stream) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Copy the content from another stream.
COPY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.CopyStrategy
The elements are copied as-is to the target document.
COPY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FormFieldCopyStrategy
The elements are copied as-is to the target document.
COPY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.NamedDestinationCopyStrategy
Copy named destinations
COPY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow content copying or extraction.
COPY_AND_UPDATE_WIDGETS - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FormFieldCopyStrategy
Copy widgets that belong to form fields copied previously with FieldNode.copy(com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document, com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNode).
copyFromPage(Document, Page, PageCopyOptions) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
Create a group object from a page.
CopyStrategy - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
copyWithoutContent(Document, GroupElement) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.GroupElement
Copy a group element without copying its content
CorruptException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
The file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
CorruptException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.CorruptException
COUNTER_CLOCKWISE - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.Rotation
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
Create a text
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CheckBox
Create a check box form field
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
Create a combo box form field
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Create a general text form field
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ListBox
Create a list box form field
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonGroup
Create a radio button form field
create(Document) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SubForm
Create a sub form
create(Document, int) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CombTextField
Create a comb text form field
create(Document, Point, Point, Stroke) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineAnnotation
Create a line annotation.
create(Document, Point, FileReference, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Create a file attachment annotation.
create(Document, Point, Double, TextStampType) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStamp
Create a text stamp annotation.
create(Document, Point, String, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.StickyNote
Create a sticky note annotation.
create(Document, Rectangle) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.CustomStamp
Create a custom stamp annotation.
create(Document, Rectangle, Stroke, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.EllipseAnnotation
Create an ellipse annotation.
create(Document, Rectangle, Stroke, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.RectangleAnnotation
Create a rectangle annotation.
create(Document, Rectangle, FileReference) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.EmbeddedPdfLink
Create a link to an embedded PDF document
create(Document, Rectangle, Destination) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.InternalLink
Create a document-internal link
create(Document, Rectangle, String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.WebLink
Create an external link
create(Document, Rectangle, String, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText
Create a free-text annotation.
create(Document, Rectangle, String, Paint, Stroke) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText
Create a free-text annotation.
create(Document, Size) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
Create an empty group object.
create(Document, Size) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
Create an empty page
create(Document, ColorSpace, double[], Transparency) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Paint
Create an new paint.
create(Document, Path, Stroke) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.InkAnnotation
Create a ink annotation.
create(Document, Path, Stroke) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.PolyLineAnnotation
Create a poly-line annotation.
create(Document, Path, Stroke, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.PolygonAnnotation
Create a polygon annotation.
create(Document, Page, boolean) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitHeightDestination
Create a new FitHeightDestination
create(Document, Page, boolean) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitPageDestination
Create a new FitPageDestination
create(Document, Page, boolean) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitWidthDestination
Create a new FitWidthDestination
create(Document, Page, Rectangle) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitRectangleDestination
Create a new FitRectangleDestination
create(Document, Page, Double, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LocationZoomDestination
Create a new LocationZoomDestination
create(Document, Stream) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.IccBasedColorSpace
Create an new ICC-based color space from an ICC color profile.
create(Document, Stream) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
Create an image object from image data.
create(Document, Stream) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageMask
Create an image mask object from image data.
create(Document, Stream) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
Create a new metadata object
create(Document, Stream, boolean) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
Create a new font object from font file data.
create(Document, Stream, String, String, String, OffsetDateTime) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
Create a new file reference object
create(Document, String, Destination) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
Create a new outline item (bookmark).
create(Document, String, DirectDestination) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.NamedDestination
Create a named destination
create(Stream, Conformance, Encryption) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
Create a new PDF document.
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Highlight
Create a new highlight with defined area
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Squiggly
Create a new squiggly underline with defined area
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.StrikeThrough
Create a new strike-through with defined area
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, Paint) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Underline
Create a new underline with defined area
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, FileReference) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.EmbeddedPdfLink
Create a link to an embedded PDF document with defined link area
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, Destination) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.InternalLink
Create a document-internal link with defined link area
createFromQuadrilaterals(Document, QuadrilateralList, String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.WebLink
Create an external link with defined link area
createFromSystem(Document, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
Create a new font object from an installed font.
createProcessColorSpace(Document, ProcessColorSpaceType) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ColorSpace
Get the canonical grayscale, RGB, or CMYK color space.
createRaw(Document, Point, Double, TextStampType, String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStamp
Deprecated in Version 1.0. Use static method TextStamp.Create instead.
createWithFdf(Stream, Stream, Conformance, Encryption) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
Create a new PDF document and an associated FDF.
CUBIC - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegmentType
A cubic Bezier curve segment (with two control points) from the current point to the end point.
CUSTOM_ICON - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
CUSTOM_STAMP_TEXT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
CustomStamp - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A stamp annotation with custom content


d - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The 'd' matrix element.
DARKEN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors.
DEPARTMENTAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
dependsOn(OptionalContentGroup) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.OptionalContentMembership
Checks if the content element depends on a given toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroup.
Destination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination is a location in the document that can be used as a jump target, e.g.
DeviceCmykColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
DeviceGrayColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
DeviceRgbColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
DIAMOND - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
DIFFERENCE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color.
DIGITAL_PRINT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow high resolution printing.
DirectDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination that directly points to a specific location in the document.
DocMdpSignature - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A Document Modification Detection and Prevention (MDP) signature that certifies the document
Document - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
A class representing a PDF document.
DocumentSignature - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A document signature that signs the document
DocumentTimeStamp - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A document time-stamp signature that time-stamps the document
DRAFT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
DrawingAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A drawing annotation


e - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The 'e' matrix element.
EllipseAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An ellipse drawing annotation
EMBEDDED_FILES - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
EmbeddedPdfLink - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A link to an embedded PDF document
Encryption - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
Encryption(String, String, EnumSet<Permission>) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The Encryption.getUserPassword() may be used to open the document with the permissions defined by the Encryption.getPermissions() parameter.
endPoint - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
The end point of the path segment.
entrySet() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.internal.NativeObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
EVEN_ODD - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.InsideRule
EXCLUSION - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast.
ExistsException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
The specified item already exists.
ExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.ExistsException
EXPERIMENTAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
EXPIRED - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
EXTRA_BOLD - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
EXTRA_LIGHT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
extract(Stream) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
Extract embedded image from PDF
extract(Stream) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageMask
Extract image mask from PDF
extract(Stream, ImageType) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
Extract embedded image from PDF
extract(Stream, ImageType) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageMask
Extract image mask from PDF


f - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The 'f' matrix element.
Field - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A form field
FieldNode - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
Base class for form fields and sub forms
FieldNodeMap - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
FileAttachment - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A file attachment annotation
FileAttachmentIcon - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
Specifies the type of icon displayed on a page for a FileAttachment.
FileReference - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
Description of a file
FileReferenceList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
FileStream - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.sys
The stream implementation to read from and write to files.
FileStream(File, FileStream.Mode) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Create a new file stream from a file.
FileStream(RandomAccessFile) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Create a new file stream from a RandomAccessFile.
FileStream(String, FileStream.Mode) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Create a new file stream from a file name.
FileStream.Mode - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.sys
The file access mode.
Fill - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Fill(Paint) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Fill
FILL_FORMS - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow filling of form fields.
FINAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
FitHeightDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination fits the height of a page into the viewport.
FitPageDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination fits an entire page into the viewport.
FitRectangleDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination that fits a specified area of a page into the viewport.
FitWidthDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination fits the width of a page into the viewport.
Flag - Interface in com.pdftools.toolbox.internal
FLATTEN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.CopyStrategy
The elements are removed but the visible representation is retained.
FLATTEN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FormFieldCopyStrategy
The elements are removed but the visible representation is retained.
FLATTEN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.RemovalStrategy
The elements are removed but the visible representation is retained.
Font - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
FontWeight - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Indicates the visual weight (degree of blackness or thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font.
FOR_COMMENT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
FOR_PUBLIC_RELEASE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
FORM_FILLING - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.MdpPermissions
Permitted changes shall be filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes shall invalidate the signature.
FormFieldCopyStrategy - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
The FormFieldCopyStrategy defines how Form Fields are handled when they are copied from an input document to an output document using the toolbox.pdf.Page.copy and toolbox.pdf.PageList.copy methods.
FreeText - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An annotation that displays text


GeneralTextField - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A general text field
GenericException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
A generic error occurred.
GenericException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.GenericException
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
get(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
get(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
get(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
get(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
getA() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
getActiveArea() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Link
The link area (Getter)
getActivePane() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
The initially visible side pane when opening the document in a viewer.
getAlignment() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText
The text alignment (Getter)
getAlignment() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField
The text alignment (Getter)
getAlignmentBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathElement
the box for alignment (Getter)
getAllEmbeddedFiles() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
plain embedded, associated, and attached files (Getter)
getAllowMultiSelect() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ListBox
Allow multiple items to be selected (Getter)
getAlpha() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Transparency
getAlternateText() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Alternate text to be used where the content denoted by the structure element and its children cannot be rendered because of accessibility or other concerns.
getAnnotations() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
the list of this page's annotations.
getAnnotations() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for annotations.
getAppearance() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.CustomStamp
The custom stamp's visual appearance (Getter)
getArtBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
The art box of the page.
getAscent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the ascent of the font.
getAssociatedFiles() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
document-associated files (Getter)
getAssociationRelationship() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file's association relationship (Getter)
getAttachedFile() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
The embedded file (Getter)
getAuthor() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The author (Getter)
getAuthor() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The name of the person who created the document or resource.
getB() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
getBaseFont() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the PostScript name of the font (Getter)
getBitsPerComponent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
the number of bits per component.
getBleedBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
The bleed box of the page.
getBlendMode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Transparency
getBold() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
If true, the outline item is displayed in bold font.
getBottom() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
getBottomLeft() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
getBottomRight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
The location on the page (Getter)
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Popup
The pop-up location (Getter)
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentElement
the bounding box (Getter)
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
the bounding box (Getter)
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Widget
The location on the page (Getter)
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Link
The location on the page (Getter)
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Bounding box for contents - should only be set for Figure, Formula and Table (Getter)
getButtons() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonGroup
This field's buttons (Getter)
getC() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
getCanEdit() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
Has an editable item (Getter)
getCapHeight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the cap height of the font.
getCharacterSpacing() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The additional spacing between glyphs (Getter)
getCharacterWidth(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the width of a single glyph.
getChecked() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CheckBox
The state of the check box (Getter)
getCheckedExportName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CheckBox
The name of the checked ('on') state used when exporting (Getter)
getChildren() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SubForm
The child form fields (Getter)
getChildren() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
The child items of this outline item.
getChildren() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
The list of child nodes under this node in the structure element tree.
getChosenButton() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonGroup
This field's selected button (Getter)
getChosenItem() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
The selected combo box item (Getter)
getChosenItems() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ListBox
The selected choice items (Getter)
getColor() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Paint
The color values of this paint.
getColorSpace() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
the color space in which image samples are specified.
getColorSpace() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Paint
The color space of this paint.
getComponentCount() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ColorSpace
the number of components in the color space.
getConformance() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the claimed conformance of the document.
getContactInfo() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Signature
The contact information of the signer (Getter)
getContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The information content (Getter)
getContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
the group content.
getContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
the page content.
getContinuous() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
getControlPoint1() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
getControlPoint2() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
getCopyAssociatedFiles() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy associated files.
getCopyLogicalStructure() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineCopyOptions
Copy the logical structure and tagging information.
getCopyLogicalStructure() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy the logical structure and tagging information.
getCopyOutlineItems() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy outline items (bookmarks).
getCreationDate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The date of creation (Getter)
getCreationDate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The date and time the document or resource was originally created.
getCreator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The original application that created the document.
getCustomEntries() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The custom entries in the document information dictionary (Getter)
getD() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
getDashArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getDashPhase() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getData() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file's stream (Getter)
getDate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignedSignatureField
The date and time of signing (Getter)
getDefaultImageType() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
Default extracted image type.
getDescent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the descent of the font.
getDescription() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file's description (Getter)
getDestination() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.InternalLink
The link target (Getter)
getDestination() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
The destination of the outline item.
getDisplayDocumentTitle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will instruct the viewer to display the document's title from the metadata instead of it's file name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItem
Displayed name (Getter)
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNode
User interface name (Getter)
getDocumentNode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Tree
The document node at the top of the structure element tree.
getDoNotCopyContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Do not copy page content during duplication.
getDoNotExport() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Tells whether this field is exported (Getter)
getDoNotScroll() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field non scrollable (Getter)
getDoNotSpellCheck() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field for prevention from spell checking (Getter)
getE() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
getEditableItemName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
The name of the editable item (Getter)
getEnd() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineAnnotation
The line's ending point (Getter)
getEndPoint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
getEndStyle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineAnnotation
The ending point's style (Getter)
getEndStyle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.PolyLineAnnotation
The ending point's style (Getter)
getExportName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItem
Export name (Getter)
getExportName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNode
The name used when exporting (Getter)
getExportName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButton
The button's name used when exporting (Getter)
getExpression() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.OptionalContentMembership
The content element visibility function.
getF() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
getFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.EllipseAnnotation
The filling paint (Getter)
getFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.PolygonAnnotation
The filling paint (Getter)
getFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.RectangleAnnotation
The filling paint (Getter)
getFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathElement
This path element's parameters for filling the path or null if the path is not filled.
getFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
This text fragment's parameters for filling the text or null if the text is not filled
getFitActualContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitHeightDestination
If true, the viewport is fitted to the width of the actual content of the page, instead of the width of the page.
getFitActualContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitPageDestination
If true, the viewport is fitted to the actual content of the page, instead of the size of the page.
getFitActualContent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitWidthDestination
If true, the viewport is fitted to the width of the actual content of the page, instead of the width of the page.
getFont() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The font (Getter)
getFontSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText
The font size (Getter)
getFontSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The font size (Getter)
getFontSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
The font size (Getter)
getFontSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ListBox
The font size (Getter)
getFontSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField
The font size (Getter)
getFormFieldConflictResolution() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Resolution of conflicting form field names.
getFormFields() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The form fields of the document (Getter)
getFormFields() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for form fields and widgets.
getFullScreen() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will make the viewer try to enter full screen mode.
getGroup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.GroupElement
This group element's group object.
getHeight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
getHeight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
getHidden() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
The annotation's visibility (Getter)
getHidden() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Widget
The widget's visibility (Getter)
getHidden() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Link
The link's visibility (Getter)
getHideMenubar() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will instruct the viewer to hide it's menu bar.
getHideToolbar() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will instruct the viewer to hide it's toolbar.
getHorizontalScaling() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The horizontal scaling factor (Getter)
getIcon() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
The displayed icon (Getter)
getId() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
The annotation identifier (Getter)
getIdentity() - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
The identity transform (Getter)
getImage() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageElement
This element's image.
getImageMask() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageMaskElement
This element's image mask.
getInfo() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupAnnotation
The information content of this markup (Getter)
getInsideRule() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Fill
getIsClosed() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
If true, the Subpath represents a closed curve.
getIsEmbedded() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
Specifies whether the font is embedded.
getIsLinearized() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
Whether the document is linearized.
getIsolated() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
the transparency isolation behavior (Getter)
getIsOpen() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Popup
The pop-up's visibility state (Getter)
getIsOpen() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
If true, the item is expanded.
getIsVisible() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.OptionalContentMembership
The element visibility.
getIsVisible() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureField
The visibility of the signature field (Getter)
getItalic() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
If true, the outline item is displayed in italic font.
getItalicAngle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the italic angle of the font.
getItems() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceField
The list of choice items (Getter)
getKeywords() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
Keywords associated with the document or resource.
getKnockout() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
the transparency knockout behavior (Getter)
getLanguage() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the default language for the document.
getLeading() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the leading of the font.
getLeft() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
getLeft() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LocationZoomDestination
The location of the page that is displayed at the left border of the viewport (if possible).
getLength() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Get the length of the stream in bytes.
getLength() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Get the length of the stream in bytes.
getLength() - Method in interface com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.Stream
Get the length of the stream in bytes
getLicensingService() - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.Sdk
Licensing service to use for all licensing requests (Getter)
getLineCapStyle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getLineEndingFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineAnnotation
The line ending filling paint (Getter)
getLineEndingFill() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.PolyLineAnnotation
The line ending filling paint for both start and end (Getter)
getLineJoinStyle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getLineWidth() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getLinks() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
the list of this page's links.
getLinks() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for links.
getLocation() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Signature
The location of signing (Getter)
getLocked() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupAnnotation
Whether the markup annotation can be modified (Getter)
getLocked() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
Whether the content can be modified (Getter)
getLocked() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Widget
Whether the widget can be modified (Getter)
getMarkupArea() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
The markup area (Getter)
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CombTextField
The maximal text length (Getter)
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
The maximal text length (Getter)
getMediaBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
The media box of the page.
getMediaType() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file's MIME type (Getter)
getMetadata() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the metadata of the document.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
the metadata of the page.
getMiterLimit() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getModificationDate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The date of last modification (Getter)
getModificationDate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file's date of last modification (Getter)
getModificationDate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The date and time the document or resource was most recently modified.
getMultiline() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field as multi-line (Getter)
getName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file name (Getter)
getName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignedSignatureField
The name of the person or authority that signed the document (Getter)
getName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.NamedDestination
The name by which the destination is referred to.
getName() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroup
The name of the OCG.
getNamedDestinations() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineCopyOptions
Copy strategy for named destinations (Getter)
getNamedDestinations() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for named destinations (Getter)
getNewWindow() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.EmbeddedPdfLink
The opening behavior (Getter)
getNoPrint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
The annotation's visibility when printing (Getter)
getNoPrint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Widget
The widget's visibility when printing (Getter)
getNoPrint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Link
The link's visibility when printing (Getter)
getNoRotate() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
The annotation's rotation behavior (Getter)
getNoZoom() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Annotation
The annotation's scaling behavior (Getter)
getOcgConflictResolution() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Deprecated in Version 1.0. Setting this property has no effect. When copying pages from multiple documents, layers (optional content groups, OCG) are always merged.
getOcm() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentElement
Defines the visibility of the content element depending on the optional content groups (OCGs).
getOpenDestination() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The destination that is displayed when the document is opened.
getOptimizeResources() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Find and merge redundant resources.
getOptionalContentGroups() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The optional content groups (layers) of the document.
getOutline() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The document outline, also known as "Bookmarks".
getOutputIntent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the output intent of the document.
getOwnerPassword() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The owner password opens the document with no access restrictions.
getPage() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.DirectDestination
The page in the document that this destination is pointing to.
getPage() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
The page on which marked content associated with the structure element node is to be found.
getPageDisplay() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
The positional arrangment for displaying pages when opening the document in a viewer.
getPageLabel() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
Page label (Getter)
getPageLayout() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
getPages() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the pages of the document.
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.DrawingAnnotation
The paint for line stroking and for the popup (Getter)
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
The paint for the icon and the popup (Getter)
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText
The paint for the text background and the popup (Getter)
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.StickyNote
The paint for the icon and the popup (Getter)
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextInsert
The paint for the annotation and the popup (Getter)
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
The paint the annotation and the popup (Getter)
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Fill
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageMaskElement
The paint used to draw the image mask.
getPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
getParent() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
The parent node in the structure element tree.
getPassword() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field as a password entry field (Getter)
getPath() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathElement
This path element's path object.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The permissions in force for this document.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The permissions that will be granted to a user who opens the document using the Encryption.getUserPassword().
getPermissions() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.DocMdpSignature
The access permissions granted for this document (Getter)
getPlainEmbeddedFiles() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
plain embedded files (Getter)
getPopup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.DrawingAnnotation
The pop-up (Getter)
getPopup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
The pop-up (Getter)
getPopup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Stamp
The pop-up (Getter)
getPopup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.StickyNote
The pop-up (Getter)
getPopup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextInsert
The pop-up (Getter)
getPopup() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
The pop-up (Getter)
getPopupPaint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.Stamp
The paint for the popup (Getter)
getPosition() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Glyph
glyph position (Getter)
getProducer() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The application that created the PDF (Getter)
getProducerFullName() - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.Sdk
The value that will be written by default to the Producer property of a document that is created with the Sdk.
GetRandomAccessFile() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Get the underlying RandomAccessFile.
getReadOnly() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Flags this field as read-only (Getter)
getReason() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Signature
The reason for signing (Getter)
getRectangle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.FitRectangleDestination
The rectangle that is displayed in the viewport.
getReplies() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupAnnotation
The replies to this markup (Getter)
getRequired() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Flags this field as mandatory (Getter)
getRight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
getRise() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The rise of the baseline (Getter)
getRoleMap() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Tree
The rolemap for structure elements in the structure tree.
getRotation() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
The current page rotation (Getter)
getSamples() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
The raw content of the image.
getSegmentType() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
getSignatureFields() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The signature fields of the document (Getter)
getSignedSignatures() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Removal strategy for signed signature fields.
getSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
The size of the group.
getSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
The size of the image in samples.
getSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageMask
The size of the image mask in samples.
getSize() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
The visible size of the page (crop box).
getStart() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineAnnotation
The line's starting point (Getter)
getStartPoint() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
The start point of the Subpath.
getStartStyle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineAnnotation
The starting point's style (Getter)
getStartStyle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.PolyLineAnnotation
The starting point's style (Getter)
getState() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroup
This property is used to determine whether this OCG is ON or OFF in the default configuration.
getStroke() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathElement
This path element's parameters for stroking the path or null if the path is not stroked.
getStroke() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
This text fragment's parameters for stroking the text or null if the text is not stroked
getSubject() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The subject (Getter)
getSubject() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The subject of the document or resource.
getTag() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Tags should conform to the Standard Structure Types described within the PDF standard.
getTarget() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Destination
The target destination (Getter)
getText() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Glyph
glyph text (Getter)
getText() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextElement
This text element's text object.
getText() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The string painted by this text fragment
getText() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField
This field's text (Getter)
getTextType() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStamp
The displayed text (Getter)
getTitle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The title of the document or resource.
getTitle() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
The title of the outline item.
getTop() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
getTop() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LocationZoomDestination
The location of the page that is displayed at the top of the viewport (if possible).
getTopLeft() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
getTopRight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
getTransform() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentElement
the transform to be applied to the alignment rectangle (Getter)
getTransform() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
the transform to be applied to the bounding box rectangle (Getter)
getTransparency() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Paint
The transparency parameters of this paint or null if this paint is opaque.
getTrimBox() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
The trim box of the page.
getUngrouping() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentExtractor
Configures the extractor's behavior regarding the selection of groups to be un-grouped.
getUnsignedSignatures() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for unsigned signature fields.
getUri() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.WebLink
The link target (Getter)
getUserPassword() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The user password opens the document with the permissions defined by the Encryption.getPermissions() parameter.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.Sdk
The version of the Toolbox add-on (Getter)
getViewerSettings() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The settings to use when opening the document in a viewer.
getWeight() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Font
the visual weight of the font.
getWidgets() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
This form field's widget annotations (Getter)
getWidgets() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButton
The button's widget annotations (Getter)
getWidgets() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
the list of this page's form field widgets.
getWidth() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
getWidth() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
getWidth() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Glyph
glyph width (Getter)
getWidth(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
Get the width of a text string.
getWordSpacing() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The additional spacing between words (Getter)
getWritingMode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
The writing direction (Getter)
getX() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
Gets Point.x
getXmp() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The XMP metadata (Getter)
getY() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
Gets Point.y
getZoom() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LocationZoomDestination
The zoom factor that is applied when jumping to the destination.
GIF - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
Glyph - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
GRAPH - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
GRAY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ProcessColorSpaceType
Group - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
GroupElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content


HARD_LIGHT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value.
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.internal.NativeObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
hashCode() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
height - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
The height (vertical size).
height - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
The Height value (vertical size).
Highlight - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An text highlighting annotation
HORIZONTAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.WritingMode
The writing direction is in positive x-direction.
HorizontalAlignment - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry
The alignment of text contained in a toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField or toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText annotation.
HttpException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
An error occurred while processing an HTTP request.
HttpException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.HttpException
HUE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color.


IccBasedColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Image - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ImageElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ImageMask - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ImageMaskElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
ImageType - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Denotes the type of the image.
IndexedColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
initialize(String, String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.Sdk
Initialize the Toolbox add-on, providing a license key and default Producer value.
InkAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A free-hand drawing annotation
InsideRule - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
InternalLink - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A document-wide link
invert() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
Invert the transform
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentExtractor
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Path
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
iterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList


JBIG2 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
JPEG - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
JPEG2000 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType


keySet() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
keySet() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
keySet() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap


LabColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
LAYERS - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
left - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
The Left value.
LEFT - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.HorizontalAlignment
Flush-left text alignment.
LicenseException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
The license is not valid.
LicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.LicenseException
LIGHT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
LIGHTEN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors.
LineAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A line annotation
LINEAR - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegmentType
A line segment from the current point to the end point.
LineCapStyle - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
LineEnding - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
Specifies the type of line termination for line and poly-line annotations.
LineJoinStyle - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
lineTo(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Draw a line.
Link - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A link
LinkList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
ListBox - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A list box field
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
listIterator() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
LocationZoomDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A destination that points to a specific location on the target page, using a specified zoom factor.
lookup(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
Access a form field by path
LUMINOSITY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color.


MarkupAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A markup annotation
MarkupInfo - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
Information for a markup annotation
MarkupInfoList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
MdpPermissions - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
MEDIUM - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
MemoryStream - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.sys
The stream implementation for in-memory processing.
MemoryStream() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Create a new memory stream with initial capacity of 0.
MemoryStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Create a new memory stream by copying from a buffer.
MemoryStream(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Create a new memory stream by copying from a buffer.
MemoryStream(Stream) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Create a new memory stream by copying a stream.
MemoryStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Create a new memory stream by copying the given stream.
MERGE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.NameConflictResolution
Elements with the same name are considered the same and are merged if possible.
Metadata - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
Represents the metadata of a document or an object in a document.
MITER - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineJoinStyle
MODIFY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow changing the document.
moveTo(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Move the current position.
moveTo(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
Move the current position.
MULTIPLY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Multiplies the backdrop and source color values


NameConflictResolution - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
The strategy that is followed when global elements from different input documents have the same name.
NamedDestination - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
A named destination that can be referred by name.
NamedDestinationCopyStrategy - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
NativeBase - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.internal
NativeObject - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.internal
NChannelColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
NO_CHANGES - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.MdpPermissions
No changes to the document shall be permitted; any change to the document shall invalidate the signature.
Node - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure
This class represents a structure element node in the structure element tree of a tagged PDF.
Node(String, Document) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Node(String, Document, Page) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
NodeList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure
NONE - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.Rotation
NONE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
NONE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.UngroupingSelection
Groups are extracted as GroupElements
NONE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
NONE - Static variable in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
No permission.
NONZERO_WINDING_NUMBER - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.InsideRule
NORMAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Selects the source color, ignoring the backdrop.
NORMAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
NOT_APPROVED - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
NOT_FOR_PUBLIC_RELEASE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
NotFoundException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.NotFoundException


OcgState - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
The ocg state affects the visibility of content elements that depend on it.
OFF - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OcgState
ON - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OcgState
OCG is ON.
ONE_PAGE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageLayout
Displays one page.
open(Stream, String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
Open a PDF document.
OPEN_ARROW - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
OPEN_ARROW_TAIL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
openWithFdf(Stream, Stream, String) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
Open a PDF document together with an FDF file.
OptionalContentGroup - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
An optional content group (OCG).
OptionalContentGroupList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
A list of OptionalContentGroup objects (also know as layers).
OptionalContentMembership - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
OutlineCopyOptions - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
OutlineCopyOptions() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineCopyOptions
OutlineItem - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
An outline item represents an entry in the outline tree of the document.
OutlineItemList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
OUTLINES - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
OVERLAY - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value.


Page - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
Represents a page, which may be either associated with a document or part of a document.
PageCopyOptions - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
PageCopyOptions() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
PageDisplay - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
PageDisplay() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
PageDisplay(PageLayout, boolean) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
pageLayout - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
PageLayout - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
Specifies the horizontal arrangement for displaying pages.
PageList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
Paint - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
paintGroup(Group, Rectangle, Transparency) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Paint a group.
paintImage(Image, Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Paint an image.
paintImageMask(ImageMask, Rectangle, Paint) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Paint an image (stencil) mask.
paintPath(Path, Fill, Stroke) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Paint a path.
paintText(Text) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Paint text.
PAPERCLIP - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
PasswordException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
Invalid password specified.
PasswordException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.PasswordException
Path - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Paths define shapes, trajectories, and regions of all sorts.
Path() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Path
PathElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
PathGenerator - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
PathGenerator(Path) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathGenerator
Create a new path generator for appending to a path.
PathSegment - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
PathSegment() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
PathSegment(Point, PathSegmentType, Point, Point) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
PathSegmentType - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Used to distinguish between linear (line) and cubic (Bezier curve) path segments.
PDF_A1_A - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-1a, ISO 19005-1, level A conformance
PDF_A1_B - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-1b, ISO 19005-1, level B conformance
PDF_A2_A - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-2a, ISO 19005-2, level A conformance
PDF_A2_B - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-2b, ISO 19005-2, level B conformance
PDF_A2_U - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-2u, ISO 19005-2, level U conformance
PDF_A3_A - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-3a, ISO 19005-3, level A conformance
PDF_A3_B - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-3b, ISO 19005-3, level B conformance
PDF_A3_U - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF/A-3u, ISO 19005-3, level U conformance
PDF10 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.0
PDF11 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.1
PDF12 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.2
PDF13 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.3
PDF14 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.4 (corresponds to Acrobat 5)
PDF15 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.5
PDF16 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.6 (corresponds to Acrobat 7)
PDF17 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 1.7, ISO 32000-1
PDF20 - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
PDF Version 2.0, ISO 32000-2
Permission - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
The Document.getPermissions() in force for this document.
PNG - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
Point - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
Point() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
Point(double, double) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
PolygonAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A polygon annotation
PolyLineAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A drawing annotation that consists of several line segments
Popup - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A pop-up for a markup annotation
PRINT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow low resolution printing.
ProcessColorSpaceType - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
PUSH_PIN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
PushButton - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A push button field
put(String, FieldNode) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
put(String, String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
put(String, String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends FieldNode>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap


Quadrilateral - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four corners.
Quadrilateral() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
Quadrilateral(Point, Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
QuadrilateralList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
QuadrilateralList() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
Create an empty list of Quadrilaterals


RadioButton - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A button in a radio button group
RadioButtonGroup - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A radio button field
RadioButtonList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Read from the stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Read from the stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Read from the stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.Stream
Read from the stream
READ_ONLY - com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Open for reading only.
READ_WRITE_APPEND - com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Open for reading and writing.
READ_WRITE_D - com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Open for reading and writing.
READ_WRITE_NEW - com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Open for reading and writing.
READ_WRITE_S - com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Open for reading and writing.
Rectangle - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
Rectangle() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
Rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
RectangleAnnotation - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A rectangle drawing annotation
redact(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
Redact rectangular part of the image
RemovalStrategy - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
remove(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
Not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
REMOVE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.CopyStrategy
The elements are removed completely.
REMOVE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FormFieldCopyStrategy
The elements are removed completely.
REMOVE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.RemovalStrategy
The elements are removed completely.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
RENAME - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.NameConflictResolution
Elements with the same name are considered different and the later occurrence is renamed.
RESOLVE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.NamedDestinationCopyStrategy
Resolve named destinations
restore() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Restore the graphics state.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
RGB - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ProcessColorSpaceType
right - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
The Right value.
RIGHT - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.HorizontalAlignment
Flush-right text alignment.
RoleMap - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure
A dictionary that maps the names of structure types used in the document to their approximate equivalents in the set of standard structure types.
rotate(double, Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
Rotate the page by a multiple of 90 degrees.
Rotation - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry
The orientation of a toolbox.pdf.Page.
ROUND - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineCapStyle
ROUND - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineJoinStyle


SAFELY_UNGROUPABLE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.UngroupingSelection
Un-grouping is restricted to those groups that can be un-grouped without visual loss.
SATURATION - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color.
save() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Save the current graphics state
scale(double, double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
SCREEN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result.
Sdk - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox
Initialize the Toolbox add-on, manage its licensing, font directories, and get the value that will be written to the Producer metadata.
seek(long) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Set byte position.
seek(long) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Set byte position.
seek(long) - Method in interface com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.Stream
Set byte position
segmentType - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
Defines the type of this path segment.
SEMI_BOLD - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
SeparationColorSpace - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
set(int, Quadrilateral) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
set(int, Annotation) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
Not supported.
set(int, MarkupInfo) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
Not supported.
set(int, Glyph) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
Not supported.
set(int, PathSegment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
Not supported.
set(int, TextFragment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
Not supported.
set(int, FileReference) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
Not supported.
set(int, ChoiceItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
Not supported.
set(int, RadioButton) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
Not supported.
set(int, SignatureField) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
Not supported.
set(int, Widget) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
Not supported.
set(int, Link) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
Not supported.
set(int, OutlineItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
set(int, OptionalContentGroup) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
Not supported.
set(int, Page) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
Not supported.
set(int, Node) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Not supported.
setA(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
setActivePane(ViewerNavigationPane) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
The initially visible side pane when opening the document in a viewer.
setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField
The text alignment (Setter)
setAllowMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ListBox
Allow multiple items to be selected (Setter)
setAlpha(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Transparency
setAlternateText(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Alternate text to be used where the content denoted by the structure element and its children cannot be rendered because of accessibility or other concerns.
setAnnotations(CopyStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for annotations.
setAssociationRelationship(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReference
The file's association relationship (Setter)
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The author (Setter)
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The name of the person who created the document or resource.
setB(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
setBlendMode(BlendMode) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Transparency
setBold(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
If true, the outline item is displayed in bold font.
setBorderStyle(Stroke) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.Link
The link's border (Setter)
setBottom(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
setBottomLeft(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
setBottomRight(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
setBoundingBox(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Bounding box for contents - should only be set for Figure, Formula and Table (Setter)
setC(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
setCanEdit(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
Has an editable item (Setter)
setCharacterSpacing(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current character spacing.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CheckBox
The state of the check box (Setter)
setChosenButton(RadioButton) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonGroup
This field's selected button (Setter)
setChosenItem(ChoiceItem) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
The selected combo box item (Setter)
setContent(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The information content (Setter)
setContinuous(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
setControlPoint1(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
setControlPoint2(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
setCopyAssociatedFiles(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy associated files.
setCopyLogicalStructure(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineCopyOptions
Copy the logical structure and tagging information.
setCopyLogicalStructure(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy the logical structure and tagging information.
setCopyOutlineItems(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy outline items (bookmarks).
setCreationDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The date of creation (Setter)
setCreationDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The date and time the document or resource was originally created.
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The original application that created the document.
setD(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
setDashArray(double...) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setDashPhase(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setDestination(Destination) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
The destination of the outline item.
setDisplayDocumentTitle(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will instruct the viewer to display the document's title from the metadata instead of it's file name.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItem
Displayed name (Setter)
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNode
User interface name (Setter)
setDoNotCopyContent(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Do not copy page content during duplication.
setDoNotExport(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Tells whether this field is exported (Setter)
setDoNotScroll(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field non scrollable (Setter)
setDoNotSpellCheck(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field for prevention from spell checking (Setter)
setE(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
setEditableItemName(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
The name of the editable item (Setter)
setEndPoint(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
setExportName(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItem
Export name (Setter)
setExportName(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNode
The name used when exporting (Setter)
setF(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
setFill(Paint) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
The paint for filling (Setter)
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current font.
setFontSize(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FreeText
The font size (Setter)
setFontSize(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current font size.
setFontSize(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ComboBox
The font size (Setter)
setFontSize(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ListBox
The font size (Setter)
setFontSize(Double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField
The font size (Setter)
setFormFieldConflictResolution(NameConflictResolution) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Resolution of conflicting form field names.
setFormFields(FormFieldCopyStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for form fields and widgets.
setFullScreen(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will make the viewer try to enter full screen mode.
setHeight(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Widget
The widget's visibility (Setter)
setHideMenubar(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will instruct the viewer to hide it's menu bar.
setHideToolbar(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
If true then opening the document will instruct the viewer to hide it's toolbar.
setHorizontalScaling(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current horizontal scaling.
setInsideRule(InsideRule) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Fill
setIsolated(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
the transparency isolation behavior (Setter)
setIsOpen(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
If true, the item is expanded.
setItalic(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
If true, the outline item is displayed in italic font.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
Keywords associated with the document or resource.
setKnockout(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Group
the transparency knockout behavior (Setter)
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the default language for the document.
setLeading(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current leading.
setLeft(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
setLength(long) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Set the length of the stream in bytes.
setLicensingService(URI) - Static method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.Sdk
Licensing service to use for all licensing requests (Setter)
setLineCapStyle(LineCapStyle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setLineJoinStyle(LineJoinStyle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setLineWidth(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setLinks(CopyStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for links.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
Whether the content can be modified (Setter)
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Widget
Whether the widget can be modified (Setter)
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.CombTextField
The maximal text length (Setter)
setMaxLength(Integer) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
The maximal text length (Setter)
setMetadata(Metadata) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the metadata of the document.
setMetadata(Metadata) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
the metadata of the page.
setMiterLimit(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setModificationDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The date of last modification (Setter)
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field as multi-line (Setter)
setNamedDestinations(NamedDestinationCopyStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineCopyOptions
Copy strategy for named destinations (Setter)
setNamedDestinations(NamedDestinationCopyStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for named destinations (Setter)
setNewWindow(Boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.EmbeddedPdfLink
The opening behavior (Setter)
setOcgConflictResolution(NameConflictResolution) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Deprecated in Version 1.0. Setting this property has no effect. When copying pages from multiple documents, layers (optional content groups, OCG) are always merged.
setOpenDestination(Destination) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The destination that is displayed when the document is opened.
setOptimizeResources(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Find and merge redundant resources.
setOutputIntent(IccBasedColorSpace) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
the output intent of the document.
setOwnerPassword(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The owner password opens the document with no access restrictions.
setPage(Page) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
The page on which marked content associated with the structure element node is to be found.
setPageDisplay(PageDisplay) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerSettings
The positional arrangment for displaying pages when opening the document in a viewer.
setPageLayout(PageLayout) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageDisplay
setPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Fill
setPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
setPassword(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.GeneralTextField
Flags this text field as a password entry field (Setter)
setPermissions(EnumSet<Permission>) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The permissions that will be granted to a user who opens the document using the Encryption.getUserPassword().
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Flags this field as read-only (Setter)
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.Field
Flags this field as mandatory (Setter)
setRight(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
setRise(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current rise of the baseline.
setSamples(byte...) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Image
The raw content of the image.
setSegmentType(PathSegmentType) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegment
setSignedSignatures(RemovalStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Removal strategy for signed signature fields.
setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
The stroke properties (Setter)
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfo
The subject (Setter)
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The subject of the document or resource.
setTag(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Node
Tags should conform to the Standard Structure Types described within the PDF standard.
setText(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.TextField
This field's text (Setter)
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Metadata
The title of the document or resource.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItem
The title of the outline item.
setTop(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
setTopLeft(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
setTopRight(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentElement
the transform to be applied to the alignment rectangle (Setter)
setUngrouping(UngroupingSelection) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentExtractor
Configures the extractor's behavior regarding the selection of groups to be un-grouped.
setUnsignedSignatures(CopyStrategy) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageCopyOptions
Copy strategy for unsigned signature fields.
setUri(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.WebLink
The link target (Setter)
setUserPassword(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Encryption
The user password opens the document with the permissions defined by the Encryption.getPermissions() parameter.
setViewerSettings(ViewerSettings) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Document
The settings to use when opening the document in a viewer.
setWidth(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
setWordSpacing(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
the current word spacing.
setX(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
Sets Point.x
setY(double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
Sets Point.y
ShadingElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
show(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
Show a text string.
showLine(String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
Show a text string and go to the next line.
Signature - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A base class for certain signature types
SignatureField - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A digital signature field
SignatureFieldList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
SignedSignatureField - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A base class for signature fields that have been signed
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
size() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
Size - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer
Size - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real
Size() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
Size() - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
Size(double, double) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
Size(int, int) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
skew(double, double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
SLASH - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
SOFT_LIGHT - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value.
SOLD - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
SQUARE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
SQUARE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineCapStyle
Squiggly - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A squiggly text underlining annotation
Stamp - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A stamp annotation
StickyNote - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A sticky note annotation
stopTagging() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Stop tagging content.
Stream - Interface in com.pdftools.toolbox.sys
The unified stream interface for reading and writing data.
StrikeThrough - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An annotation for striking through text
StringMap - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox
Stroke - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Stroke(Paint, double) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Stroke
SubForm - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A form field that contains other fields
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
Subpath - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
A disconnected subpath.
SUPPORT_DISABILITIES - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Allow support for disabilities.


TAG - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
tagAs(Node) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Associate content created following this call with the supplied element of the document structure tree.
tagAs(Node, String) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Associate content created following this call with the supplied element of the document structure tree.
tell() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Get current byte position.
tell() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Get current byte position.
tell() - Method in interface com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.Stream
Get current byte position
Text - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
TextElement - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
TextField - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A text field
TextFragment - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Text Fragment
TextGenerator - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
TextGenerator(Text, Font, double, Point) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextGenerator
Create a new text generator for appending text to a text content object.
TextInsert - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An annotation that marks a point to insert text
TextMarkup - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An annotation that marks up part(s) of a text
TextStamp - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
A text stamp annotation
TextStampType - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
Specifies the text displayed for predefined TextStamps.
THIN - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
THUMBNAILS - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
TIFF - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
toArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.QuadrilateralList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.AnnotationList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.MarkupInfoList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Subpath
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Text
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.TextFragment
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.FileReferenceList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.ChoiceItemList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.RadioButtonList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.SignatureFieldList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.WidgetList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.LinkList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.OutlineItemList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OptionalContentGroupList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.PageList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.NodeList
toByteArray() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Creates a newly allocated byte array.
ToolboxException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
ToolboxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.ToolboxException
top - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Rectangle
The Top value.
TOP_SECRET - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
topLeft - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
topRight - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Quadrilateral
toString() - Method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
transferFrom(InputStream) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Read data from the input stream and write it to this stream.
transferTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Read data from this stream and write it to the output stream.
transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ContentGenerator
Modify the current transform matrix by concatenating the specified matrix.
transformPoint(Point) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
Transforms the given point.
transformQuadrilateral(Quadrilateral) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
Transform a given quadrilateral
transformRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
Transform the given rectangle
translate(double, double) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.AffineTransform
Transparency - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Transparency(double) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.Transparency
Tree - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure
The logical structure of a document is described by a hierarchy of objects called the structure hierarchy or structure tree.
Tree(Document) - Constructor for class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.Tree
Creates a new StructTreeRoot and adds a root-level “Document” node
TWO_PAGE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageLayout
Displays two pages side by side.
TWO_PAGE_FIRST_PAGE_SINGLE - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageLayout
Use PageLayout.ONE_PAGE display for the first page and PageLayout.TWO_PAGE display for the remaining pages.


Underline - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations
An text underlining annotation
UngroupingSelection - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Used to control the behavior of content extraction.
UnknownFormatException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
The format is not known.
UnknownFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.UnknownFormatException
UnsupportedFeatureException - Exception in com.pdftools.toolbox
The document contains an unsupported feature.
UnsupportedFeatureException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pdftools.toolbox.UnsupportedFeatureException
updateSize(Rectangle) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Page
Update the page size to a specified rectangle.
UPSIDE_DOWN - com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.Rotation


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.HorizontalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.Rotation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.InsideRule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineCapStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineJoinStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegmentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ProcessColorSpaceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.UngroupingSelection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.WritingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.CopyStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FormFieldCopyStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.MdpPermissions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.NameConflictResolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.NamedDestinationCopyStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageLayout
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OcgState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.RemovalStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.HorizontalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.Rotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.FileAttachmentIcon
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.LineEnding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.annotations.TextStampType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Conformance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.BlendMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.FontWeight
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ImageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.InsideRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineCapStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.LineJoinStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.PathSegmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.ProcessColorSpaceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.UngroupingSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.WritingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.CopyStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FieldNodeMap
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.FormFieldCopyStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms.MdpPermissions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.NameConflictResolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.NamedDestinationCopyStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.PageLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation.ViewerNavigationPane
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.OcgState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.Permission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.RemovalStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.structure.RoleMap
values() - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.StringMap
values() - Static method in enum com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERTICAL - com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content.WritingMode
The writing direction is in negative y-direction.
ViewerNavigationPane - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
Specifies an informational side pane in a viewer used for document navigation or displaying document wide information.
ViewerSettings - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation


WebLink - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.navigation
An external link
Widget - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
A form field widget
WidgetList - Class in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.forms
width - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.integer.Size
The width (horizontal size).
width - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Size
The Width value (horizontal size).
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.FileStream
Write to the stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.MemoryStream
Write to the stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.pdftools.toolbox.sys.Stream
Write to the stream
WritingMode - Enum in com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Used to distinguish between horizontally and vertically written text.


x - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
The X value (horizontal coordinate).


y - Variable in class com.pdftools.toolbox.geometry.real.Point
The Y value (vertical coordinate).
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