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Sdk Class

Initialize the Toolbox add-on, manage its licensing, font directories, and get the value that will be written to the Producer metadata.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox
Assembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.5.0+4edba55c604d55d1acd3b42825576b5d5e0943f1
public class Sdk : NativeObject

The Sdk type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberLicensingService

Licensing service to use for all licensing requests

This property is relevant only for page-based licenses and is used to set the Licensing Gateway Service.

The default is "" for the online Pdftools Licensing Service. If you plan to use the Licensing Gateway Service instead of the Pdftools Licensing Service, the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.

Example: "http://localhost:9999"

Public propertyStatic memberProducerFullName The value that will be written by default to the Producer property of a document that is created with the Sdk.
Public propertyStatic memberVersion

The version of the Toolbox add-on

Public methodStatic memberAddFontDirectory

Add custom font directory

Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodStatic memberInitialize Initialize the Toolbox add-on, providing a license key and default Producer value.
See Also