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Tree Class

The logical structure of a document is described by a hierarchy of objects called the structure hierarchy or structure tree.

The structure tree root is not made accessible through this interface, but it permits the creation of and reference to a Document node directly below the structure tree root.

It is only possible to use this interface to create a structure tree on a new document with no content that could have contained document structure copied from an existing document. Attempts either to create a structure tree in a document containing content copied without setting the copy option CopyLogicalStructure to or to copy content into a document with a created structure tree afterwards will fail.

When creating a structure element tree, the document metadata will automatically be updated to reflect that this is a tagged PDF.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox.Pdf.Structure
Assembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.5.0+4edba55c604d55d1acd3b42825576b5d5e0943f1
public class Tree : NativeObject

The Tree type exposes the following members.

Public methodTree Creates a new StructTreeRoot and adds a root-level “Document” node
Public propertyDocumentNode The document node at the top of the structure element tree.
Public propertyRoleMap The rolemap for structure elements in the structure tree. If this does not exist it will be created.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
See Also