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FieldNodeCopy Method

Copy a form field node

Copy a form field node object from an input document to the given targetDocument. The returned object is associated with the given target document but not yet part of it.

Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox.Pdf.Forms
Assembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.5.0+4edba55c604d55d1acd3b42825576b5d5e0943f1
public static FieldNode Copy(
	Document targetDocument,
	FieldNode fieldNode


targetDocument  Document
the output document with which the returned object is associated
fieldNode  FieldNode
a form field of a different document

Return Value

the copied form field, associated with the current document
IOExceptionError reading from the source document or writing to the target document
ConformanceExceptionThe conformance level of the source document is not compatible with the conformance level of the target document.
ArgumentExceptionif the targetDocument argument has already been closed
ArgumentExceptionif the targetDocument argument is read-only
ArgumentExceptionthe fieldNode object is not associated with an input document
ArgumentExceptionthe target document contains form fields that have been implicitly copied by a call to Copy(Document, Page, PageCopyOptions) with an argument options in which FormFields was set to Copy
ArgumentExceptionthe target document contains unsigned signatures that have been implicitly copied by a call to Copy(Document, Page, PageCopyOptions) with an argument options in which UnsignedSignatures was set to Copy.
ArgumentExceptionthe document associated with the fieldNode object has been closed
ArgumentNullExceptionif targetDocument is .
ArgumentNullExceptionif fieldNode is .
See Also