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ListBoxChosenItems Property

The selected choice items

Adding to this list results in an error:

  • IllegalState
    • if the list has already been closed
    • if the choice field is marked a read-only
    • if this list is not empty and the list box field is not marked as multi-select
    • if the choice field has widgets
  • UnsupportedOperation if the document is read-only
  • IllegalArgument
    • if the given choice item is
    • if the given choice item has already been closed
    • if the given choice item is already present in this list
    • if the given choice item does not belong to the list box field's choice items

Removing items or clearing the list results in an IllegalState error if the form field is marked as read-only, or if it has widgets.

Namespace: PdfTools.Toolbox.Pdf.Forms
Assembly: PdfTools.Toolbox (in PdfTools.Toolbox.dll) Version: 1.2.0+708f7116d933787a0712d56133e4c2c9bf21e5e3
public ChoiceItemList ChosenItems { get; }

Property Value

InvalidOperationExceptionif the object has already been closed
See Also