Class OutlineCopyOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • OutlineCopyOptions

        public OutlineCopyOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getCopyLogicalStructure

        public boolean getCopyLogicalStructure()

        Copy the logical structure and tagging information. (Getter)

        Specifies whether the logical structure and tagging information associated with a an outline item is also copied when copying the item.

        This is required if the target document conformance is PDF/A Level a.

        Default value: true

      • setCopyLogicalStructure

        public void setCopyLogicalStructure​(boolean value)

        Copy the logical structure and tagging information. (Setter)

        Specifies whether the logical structure and tagging information associated with a an outline item is also copied when copying the item.

        This is required if the target document conformance is PDF/A Level a.

        Default value: true

      • setNamedDestinations

        public void setNamedDestinations​(NamedDestinationCopyStrategy value)

        Copy strategy for named destinations (Setter)

        Specify whether named destinations are resolved when copying an outline item.

        Default value: NamedDestinationCopyStrategy.COPY

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null