Class SubForm

  • public class SubForm
    extends FieldNode

    A form field that contains other fields

    • Method Detail

      • getChildren

        public FieldNodeMap getChildren()

        The child form fields (Getter)

        Adding to this list results in an error:
        • IllegalState if the list has already been closed
        • UnsupportedOperation if the document is read-only
        • IllegalArgument
          • if the given form field node is null
          • if the given form field node has already been closed
          • if the given form field node does not belong to the same document as the list
          • if the given form field node has already been added to a form field node list
          • if the given form field node's identifier equals an identifier of one of the form field nodes in this list
        This list does not support removing or setting elements or clearing.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been closed