Class Rectangle

    • Field Detail

      • left

        public double left

        The Left value.

      • bottom

        public double bottom

        The Bottom value.

      • right

        public double right

        The Right value.

      • top

        public double top

        The Top value.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Rectangle

        public Rectangle()
      • Rectangle

        public Rectangle​(double left,
                         double bottom,
                         double right,
                         double top)
    • Method Detail

      • getLeft

        public double getLeft()
        Gets left
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft​(double left)
        Sets left
      • getBottom

        public double getBottom()
        Gets bottom
      • setBottom

        public void setBottom​(double bottom)
        Sets bottom
      • getRight

        public double getRight()
        Gets right
      • setRight

        public void setRight​(double right)
        Sets right
      • getTop

        public double getTop()
        Gets top
      • setTop

        public void setTop​(double top)
        Sets top
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object