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AffineTransform Properties

The AffineTransform type exposes the following members.

Public propertyA

The 'a' matrix element.

This is the 'a' element in the affine transformation matrix [a b 0; c d 0; e f 1]
Public propertyB

The 'b' matrix element.

This is the 'b' element in the affine transformation matrix [a b 0; c d 0; e f 1]
Public propertyC

The 'c' matrix element.

This is the 'c' element in the affine transformation matrix [a b 0; c d 0; e f 1]
Public propertyD

The 'd' matrix element.

This is the 'd' element in the affine transformation matrix [a b 0; c d 0; e f 1]
Public propertyE

The 'e' matrix element.

This is the 'e' element in the affine transformation matrix [a b 0; c d 0; e f 1]
Public propertyF

The 'f' matrix element.

This is the 'f' element in the affine transformation matrix [a b 0; c d 0; e f 1]
Public propertyStatic memberIdentity

The identity transform

See Also