Package com.pdftools.toolbox.pdf.content
Class Summary Class Description CalibratedGrayColorSpace CalibratedRgbColorSpace ColorSpace Content Represents the content of a page or a group.ContentElement ContentExtractor ContentGenerator DeviceCmykColorSpace DeviceGrayColorSpace DeviceRgbColorSpace Fill Font Glyph Group GroupElement IccBasedColorSpace Image ImageElement ImageMask ImageMaskElement IndexedColorSpace LabColorSpace NChannelColorSpace Paint Path Paths define shapes, trajectories, and regions of all sorts.PathElement PathGenerator PathSegment SeparationColorSpace ShadingElement Stroke Subpath A disconnected subpath.Text TextElement TextFragment Text FragmentTextGenerator Transparency -
Enum Summary Enum Description BlendMode FontWeight Indicates the visual weight (degree of blackness or thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font.ImageType Denotes the type of the image.InsideRule LineCapStyle LineJoinStyle PathSegmentType Used to distinguish between linear (line) and cubic (Bezier curve) path segments.ProcessColorSpaceType UngroupingSelection Used to control the behavior of content extraction.WritingMode Used to distinguish between horizontally and vertically written text.