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Version: Version 4

Release notes

Learn about the changes, additions, and fixes in the PDF Viewer SDK.

Version 4



  • Redaction icon for custom button to call the SDK redaction feature.
  • Safari optimizations, HTTP options are now provided on a separate build.


  • You can now resize image stamps to their original size if smaller than a minimal defined size.
  • Memory exception happening on large documents in single page mode.
  • Issue with saved shape annotations with 1pt width stroke disappearing when editing and reloading multiple times.
  • Transparent sticky annotations now have a fallback black color.



  • WebViewerOption to disable the main toolbar and the annotation toolbar. You can use this option to create your own custom toolbars.
    • viewer.general.disableMainToolbar: boolean
    • viewer.general.disableAnnotationToolbar: boolean
  • WebViewerOption to disable the annotation lock feature.
    • viewer.permissions.allowLockAnnotations: true
    • viewer.permissions.allowEditLockedAnnotations: false
  • PdfWebViewer.getSelectedText(): string. Returns selected text.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.print() void. Opens the print dialog.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.zoomIn(): void. Sets the zoom to the closest higher predefined zoom level.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.toggleInformationPane(): void. Toggles the visibility of the information pane.
  • Event textSelected: string for PdfWebViewer.
  • Event documentClosed: void for PdfWebViewer.



  • WebViewerOption to highlight the current page in the PDF Viewer SDK. viewer.general.currentPageShadow shadowBlur: number shadowColor: string shadowOffsetX: number shadowOffsetY: number
  • The WebViewerOption lets you define custom permissions for annotations. You can restrict the permissions to a specific user.
    • annotation.annotationPermissionCallback: (annotation: Annotation, user: string) => boolean
  • Improved eraser tool. The radius for the eraser can now be adjusted in the user interface (UI).



  • An issue where hasChanges() returned null when multiple types of changes were made.
  • An issue that prevented from filling the form fields.
  • The textsearch no longer interprets braces as part of a regular expression unless a regular expression option is enabled.
  • Previously, when a page was rotated, stamp annotations could only follow the page rotation. With this update, you can rotate stampannotations independently of the page rotation.
  • Interaction with annotations on right half of the viewport in SinglePage mode.



  • WebViewerOption to disable view rotation.
    • viewer.permissions.allowRotateView
  • WebViewerOption to disable page layout mode.
    • viewer.permissions.enablePageLayoutMode
  • WebViewerOption to open the page navigation with a specific tab.
    • viewer.sidebar.selectedNavigation?: 'thumbnail' | 'outline' | 'annotation'
  • Improved edit existing annotations.
    • Shape annotations
    • Ink annotations
    • Highlight annotations
  • Tool to create rectangular highlight annotations.
  • Properties for HttpOptions for the open method:
    • mode?: 'cors' | 'no-cors' | 'same-origin'
    • cache? 'default' | 'no-cache' | 'reload' | 'force-cache' | 'only-if-cached'
    • credentials?: 'include' | 'same-origin' | 'omit'
    • redirect?: 'manual' | 'follow' | 'error'
    • referrerPolicy?: 'no-referrer' | 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' | 'origin' | 'origin-when-cross-origin' | 'same-origin' | 'strict-origin' | 'strict-origin-when-cross' | 'unsafe-url'
  • Properties for ViewOptions for the open method:
    • initialPageNumber?: number
    • initialZoom?: number
  • Improved general visual appearance and user experience.

Version 3



  • Option WebViewerOptions.viewer.permissions.allowCopyText to prevent copying of text from the PDF file. The default value is true.


  • When calling startSearch multiple times, the search input field is now updated with the new search term.
  • An issue that prevented the PDF Viewer SDK from evaluation without configuring a license key.



  • Method PdfWebViewer.getPageNumber(): number | null. Get the currently most visible page.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.getZoom(): number | null. Get the viewer zoom.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.getFitMode(): PdfFitMode | null. Get the current fit mode.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.getPageLayoutMode(): PdfPageLayoutMode | null. Get the current page layout mode.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.getRotation(): number | null.
    • Get the viewer rotation property value.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.hasChanges(): DocumentChange | null.
    • Check whether there are unsaved changes in the document.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.showInformationPane(selectedPane?: 'thumbnail' | 'outline' | 'annotation'): void. Opens the information pane and selects the given pane.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.hideInformationPane(): void. Closes the information pane.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.startSearch(text: string, searchOptions: SearchOptions): void. Opens the search tool bar and starts a new search with the given text.
  • Method PdfWebViewer.nextSearchMatch(). Highlights the next search result
  • Method PdfWebViewer.previousSearchMatch(). Highlights the previous search result
  • Method PdfWebViewer.endSearch(). Stops the current search and closes the search tool bar
  • New events for PdfWebViewer. pageNumberChanged: number zoomChanged: number rotationChanged: number fitModeChanged: PdfFitMode pageLayoutModeChanged: PdfPageLayoutMode documentChanged: void



  • Annotation filtering that yielded unpredictable results when filtering annotations from PDF files with duplicate annotation names. This described issue has been fixed.
  • Saving to FDF format no longer returns errors if any annotations are illegal to save to FDF, but only if it is actually being saved.



  • Eraser tool for deleting individual lines in free-hand drawings.
  • Translation keys available for the eraser tool:
    • eraser.begin
    • eraser.deleteFreeDrawingLines
  • Keyboard shortcut to cancel the current annotation tool. The default shortcut binding is Esc.
    • shortcuts.cancelEditAnnotation
  • Method open(pdfFile, fdfFiles?, password?, renderOptions?, viewOptions?). Open a PDF and optionally one or more associated FDFs.
  • Method save(saveOptions). Return the opened PDF as Blob to be used. For example to save the file.


  • Deprecated openFile use the new open method instead.
  • Deprecated openFDF use the new open method instead.
  • Deprecated saveFile use the new save method instead.



  • Preview for text markup annotations (highlight, underline, strike out) in annotation information pane. sidebar.annotationNavigation.textMarkup.preview


  • Support custom buttons, configurable with the following options: viewer.customButtons.documentbar viewer.customButtons.informationbar viewer.customButtons.annotationbar



  • Support for rectangular text selection, configurable with the option. viewer.general.rectangularTextSelection



  • Translation key contextbar.openPopup.
  • Support for rotating free-text annotations.
  • Support for custom shortcuts. Specifiable shortcuts in the WebViewerOptions:
    • shortcuts.zoomIn
    • shortcuts.zoomOut
    • shortcuts.nextPage
    • shortcuts.previousPage
    • shortcuts.firstPage
    • shortcuts.lastPage
    • shortcuts.scrollUp
    • shortcuts.scrollDown
    • shortcuts.scrollLeft
    • shortcuts.scrollRight
    • shortcuts.releaseSelection
    • shortcuts.copy
    • shortcuts.print
    • shortcuts.cancelPrint
    • shortcuts.resetZoom
    • shortcuts.fitToPage
    • shortcuts.fitToWidth
    • shortcuts.rotateView
    • shortcuts.searchNext
    • shortcuts.searchPrevious
    • shortcuts.closeSearch
    • shortcuts.toggleSidePane
    • shortcuts.showAnnotations
    • shortcuts.showOutline
    • shortcuts.showThumbnails


  • Rendering of form fields. Interactive form fields are now highlighted.



  • You can now evaluate (try out) the PDF Viewer SDK without a license key.


  • When operating without a productive license. A watermark is displayed if no license key is set or when setting an evaluation license key. An evaluation license with disabled watermark can be provided upon request.



The PDF Viewer SDK is now available on



  • Improved ink annotations:
    • Improved resizing behavior.
    • Improved bounding box computation for large line widths.
    • Improved drawing of small ink lines.
    • Line caps and joins changed to round.



  • Improved mobile and responsive view:
    • Responsive collapsing of toolbars.
    • The outline-pane is now available for small mobile devices.
    • The annotations-pane is now available for small mobile devices.


  • A complete redesign of the CSS.
    • Existing customer-specific style adjustments can be revised.
    • The font family is no longer overwritten but inherited from the document.



  • Support for tooltips for all supported languages (English, German, French, and Italian). You can set the new tooltip mode with WebViewerOptions.viewer.general.tooltips. Allowed values are:
    • Enable tooltips: 'title'
    • Disable tooltips: 'none'
    • A CSS to configure the tooltips. Use: 'css'
  • Improved translation to French.
  • New support for a close button. This button can be enabled or disabled with the new option WebViewerOptions.permissions.allowCloseFile. The new callback onCloseFileButtonClicked?() can be optionally used.
  • Support for external translation files in JSON format. Supported keys are:
    • openFile.dropFileHere
    • openFile.openFileDisabled
    • openFile.openDocument
    • openFile.selectFile
    • openFileError.description
    • openFileError.ok
    • loadFile.title
    • saveFile.title
    • passwordForm.description
    • passwordForm.ok
    • passwordForm.cancel
    • passwordForm.passwordRequiredError
    • passwordForm.invalidPasswordError
    • applicationLoader.title
    • applicationError.title
    • applicationError.reload
    • applicationError.defaultMessage
    • applicationError.invalidLicense
    • unsavedChanges.description
    • unsavedChanges.dontSave
    • unsavedChanges.cancel
    • search.inputPlaceholder
    • search.optionCaseSensitive
    • search.optionWrap
    • search.optionRegularExpression
    • search.previousMatch
    • search.nextMatch
    • search.options
    • sideNavigation.thumbnails
    • sideNavigation.outline
    • sideNavigation.annotation
    • sideNavigation.annotation.history
    • pageLayoutMode.oneColumn
    • pageLayoutMode.singlePage
    • pageLayoutMode.twoColumnLeft
    • pageLayoutMode.twoColumnRight
    • pageLayoutMode.twoPageLeft
    • pageLayoutMode.twoPageRight
    • fitMode.width
    • fitMode.none
    • toolbar.openDocument
    • toolbar.closeDocument
    • toolbar.print
    • toolbar.saveDocument
    • toolbar.nextPage
    • toolbar.previewsPage
    • toolbar.pageOf
    • toolbar.zoom
    • toolbar.zoomIn
    • toolbar.zoomOut
    • toolbar.rotateView
    • toolbar.toggleSidePane
    • annotText.add
    • annotFreeDrawing.add
    • annotFreeDrawing.opacity
    • annotFreeDrawing.strokeWidth
    • annotFreeDrawing.undo
    • annotFreeDrawing.addNew
    • annotFreeDrawing.deleteLine
    • annotFreeText.add
    • annotFreeText.edit
    • annotFreeText.fontFamily
    • annotFreeText.fontSize
    • annotFreeText.fontColor
    • annotFreeText.bgColor
    • annotFreeText.borderWidth
    • annotFreeText.alignLeft
    • annotFreeText.alignCenter
    • annotFreeText.alignRight
    • annotFreeText.bold
    • annotFreeText.italic
    • annotFreeText.underline
    • annotFreeText.lock
    • annotFreeText.unlock
    • annotFreeText.subjectPlaceholder
    • annotHighlight.add
    • annotHighlight.highlight
    • annotHighlight.underline
    • annotHighlight.squiggly
    • annotHighlight.strikeOut
    • annotStamp.add
    • annotStamp.chooseStamp
    • annotShape.add
    • annotShape.addRectangle
    • annotShape.addEllipse
    • annotShape.strokeColor
    • annotShape.strokeWidth
    • annotShape.strokeStyle
    • annotShape.bgColor
    • annotImage.add
    • annotPopup.delete
    • annotPopup.lock
    • annotPopup.unlock
    • annotPopup.color
    • annotPopup.subjectPlaceholder
    • annotPopup.contentPlaceholder
    • contextbar.rotate
    • contextbar.editPopup
    • contextbar.addPopup
    • contextbar.deletePopup
    • contextbar.lock
    • contextbar.unlock
    • contextbar.delete
    • contextbar.confirmDelete
    • contextbar.cancelDelete
    • contextbar.copyText
    • contextbar.highlightText
    • contextbar.underlineText
    • contextbar.squigglyText
    • contextbar.strikeOutText
    • errors.invalidLicense
    • stamptext.approved
    • stamptext.notApproved
    • stamptext.draft
    • stamptext.completed
    • stamptext.confidential
    • stamptext.forPublic
    • stamptext.notForPublic
    • stamptext.void
    • stamptext.forComment
    • stamptext.preliminaryResults
    • stamptext.informationOnly
    • print.title
    • print.all
    • print.current
    • print.range
    • print.invalid
    • print.print
    • print.cancel
    • border.none


  • Icons for freetext annotation and fitmode page.

Version 2


  • Filling form fields support:

    • Text fields
    • Check boxes
    • Radio buttons
    • List boxes
    • Drop down

    Enable or disable filling form fields with the option WebViewerOptions.forms.enabled.

  • Support for pre-configuring stamp annotations created from pages of a PDF file.

  • Viewing-only mode with disabled editing of annotations and form filling capability. This mode is entered automatically if the license key does not support editing. Additionally, you can enable or disable the viewing-only mode with the option WebViewerOptions.viewer.general.viewOnly.

  • Support for preventing the modification and deletion of all annotations except the currently configured author's. You can enable or disable this restriction with the new option WebViewerOptions.annotation.onlyAuthorCanEdit.

  • Double-click selects words.

  • Improved scrolling sensitivity for mobile devices.

  • French translation.


  • In the side pane, the title texts are substituted with icons.
  • In the page mode selection user interface, the texts are substituted with icons.