Class Certificate

  • public class Certificate
    extends NativeObject

    A X.509 certificate

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getFingerprint()
      The certificate's fingerprint (Getter)
      java.lang.String getIssuerName()
      The name of the certificate's issuer (CA) (Getter)
      java.time.OffsetDateTime getNotAfter()
      The date after which the certificate is no longer valid.
      java.time.OffsetDateTime getNotBefore()
      The date on which the certificate becomes valid.
      byte[] getRawData()
      The raw data of the certificate as a byte array (Getter)
      java.util.EnumSet<DataSource> getSource()
      Source of the certificate (Getter)
      java.lang.String getSubject()
      The subject of the certificate (Getter)
      java.lang.String getSubjectName()
      The name (subject) of the certificate (Getter)
      ConstraintResult getValidity()
      Whether the certificate is valid according to the validation profile used (Getter)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getSubjectName

        public java.lang.String getSubjectName()

        The name (subject) of the certificate (Getter)

        The common name (CN) of the person or authority that owns the certificate.
      • getSubject

        public java.lang.String getSubject()

        The subject of the certificate (Getter)

        The distinguished name (DN) of the person or authority that owns the certificate. Formatted according to RFC 4514.
      • getIssuerName

        public java.lang.String getIssuerName()

        The name of the certificate's issuer (CA) (Getter)

        The common name (CN) of the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate.
      • getNotAfter

        public java.time.OffsetDateTime getNotAfter()

        The date after which the certificate is no longer valid. (Getter)

      • getNotBefore

        public java.time.OffsetDateTime getNotBefore()

        The date on which the certificate becomes valid. (Getter)

      • getFingerprint

        public java.lang.String getFingerprint()

        The certificate's fingerprint (Getter)

        The hex string representation of the certificate’s SHA-1 digest.
      • getRawData

        public byte[] getRawData()

        The raw data of the certificate as a byte array (Getter)

      • getSource

        public java.util.EnumSet<DataSource> getSource()

        Source of the certificate (Getter)

      • getValidity

        public ConstraintResult getValidity()

        Whether the certificate is valid according to the validation profile used (Getter)