Class TiffLzwImageOptions

  • public class TiffLzwImageOptions
    extends ImageOptions

    The settings for TIFF output images using the LZW compression algorithm

    LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) is a lossless compression algorithm for images. Please consult the copyright laws of your country prior to using this compression algorithm.

    For the output file name, it is recommended to use the file extension ".tif".

    • Constructor Detail

      • TiffLzwImageOptions

        public TiffLzwImageOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getBackground

        public BackgroundType getBackground()

        Combine a background with the image (Getter)

        This property allows a choice of which background to combine with the image.

        Default: BackgroundType.WHITE

      • setBackground

        public void setBackground​(BackgroundType value)

        Combine a background with the image (Setter)

        This property allows a choice of which background to combine with the image.

        Default: BackgroundType.WHITE

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
      • getColorSpace

        public ColorSpace getColorSpace()

        The color space of the output image (Getter)

        Get or set the color space. If null, the blending color space of the page is used.

        Default: ColorSpace.RGB

      • setColorSpace

        public void setColorSpace​(ColorSpace value)

        The color space of the output image (Setter)

        Get or set the color space. If null, the blending color space of the page is used.

        Default: ColorSpace.RGB