Class PngImageOptions

  • public class PngImageOptions
    extends ImageOptions

    The settings for PNG output images

    For the output file name, it is recommended to use the file extension ".png".
    • Constructor Detail

      • PngImageOptions

        public PngImageOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getBackground

        public BackgroundType getBackground()

        Combine a background with the image (Getter)

        This property allows a choice of which background to combine with the image.

        Default: BackgroundType.WHITE

      • setBackground

        public void setBackground​(BackgroundType value)

        Combine a background with the image (Setter)

        This property allows a choice of which background to combine with the image.

        Default: BackgroundType.WHITE

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
      • getColorSpace

        public PngColorSpace getColorSpace()

        The color space of the output image (Getter)

        Get or set the color space.

        Default: PngColorSpace.RGB

      • setColorSpace

        public void setColorSpace​(PngColorSpace value)

        The color space of the output image (Setter)

        Get or set the color space.

        Default: PngColorSpace.RGB

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null