Class SignedSignatureField

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    DocumentTimestamp, Signature

    public abstract class SignedSignatureField
    extends SignatureField

    A base class for signature fields that have been signed

    The existence of a signed signature field does not imply that the signature is valid. The signature is not validated at all.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()

        The name of the person or authority that signed the document (Getter)

        This is the name of the signing certificate.

        Note: The name of the signing certificate can only be extracted for signatures conforming to the PAdES or PDF standard and not for proprietary/non-standard signature formats. For non-standard signature formats, the name as stored in the PDF is returned.

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the object has already been closed
      • getDate

        public java.time.OffsetDateTime getDate()

        The date and time of signing (Getter)

        This represents the date and time of signing as specified in the signature. For signatures that contain a time-stamp, the trusted time-stamp time is returned.

        Note: The value can only be extracted for signatures conforming to the PAdES or PDF standard and not for proprietary/non-standard signature formats. For non-standard signature formats, the date as stored in the PDF is returned.

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the object has already been closed
      • getRevision

        public Revision getRevision()
                             throws CorruptException

        The document revision (Getter)

        The revision (version) of the document that the signature signs.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the object has already been closed
        CorruptException - If the signature specifies an invalid document revision