Class Mrc

  • public class Mrc
    extends Profile

    The optimization profile suitable for documents with Mixed Raster Content

    Reduce the file size for documents containing large images, e.g. scanned pages, while maintaining the readability of text. This is accomplished by separating the images into a foreground, background and a mask layer. The foreground and background layers are heavily down-sampled and compressed. The textual information is stored in the mask with a lossless compression type. Additionally, redundant objects are removed, resources are optimized and embedded fonts are merged.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Mrc

        public Mrc()
    • Method Detail

      • getLayerResolutionDPI

        public java.lang.Double getLayerResolutionDPI()

        The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for downsampling MRC foreground and background layers (Getter)

        Valid values are 1, or 10000, or in between. Set to null to deactivate downsampling of images.

        Default: 70.

      • setLayerResolutionDPI

        public void setLayerResolutionDPI​(java.lang.Double value)

        The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for downsampling MRC foreground and background layers (Setter)

        Valid values are 1, or 10000, or in between. Set to null to deactivate downsampling of images.

        Default: 70.

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The given value is smaller than 1 or greater than 10000.
      • getRecognizePictures

        public boolean getRecognizePictures()

        The option to recognize photographic regions when doing MRC. (Getter)

        Regardless of this property’s setting, monochrome (grayscale) images are always treated as entire photographic regions (cut­out pictures) by the MRC algorithm.

        Default: false.

      • setRecognizePictures

        public void setRecognizePictures​(boolean value)

        The option to recognize photographic regions when doing MRC. (Setter)

        Regardless of this property’s setting, monochrome (grayscale) images are always treated as entire photographic regions (cut­out pictures) by the MRC algorithm.

        Default: false.