Class Archive

  • public class Archive
    extends Profile

    The profile for image to PDF/A conversion for archiving

    This profile is suitable for archiving images as PDFs.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Archive

        public Archive()
    • Method Detail

      • getConformance

        public Conformance getConformance()

        The PDF/A conformance of the output document (Getter)

        The supported PDF/A conformance are:

        • "PDF/A-1b"
        • "PDF/A-1a"
        • "PDF/A-2b"
        • "PDF/A-2u"
        • "PDF/A-2a"
        • "PDF/A-3b"
        • "PDF/A-3u"
        • "PDF/A-3a"
        With level A conformances (PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-3a), the properties getAlternateText() and getLanguage() must be set.

        Default value: "PDF/A-2b"

      • setConformance

        public void setConformance​(Conformance value)

        The PDF/A conformance of the output document (Setter)

        The supported PDF/A conformance are:

        • "PDF/A-1b"
        • "PDF/A-1a"
        • "PDF/A-2b"
        • "PDF/A-2u"
        • "PDF/A-2a"
        • "PDF/A-3b"
        • "PDF/A-3u"
        • "PDF/A-3a"
        With level A conformances (PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-3a), the properties getAlternateText() and getLanguage() must be set.

        Default value: "PDF/A-2b"

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The conformance is PDF but must be PDF/A for this profile. Use the profile Default to create PDF documents.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
      • getAlternateText

        public StringList getAlternateText()

        The alternate text describing the image (Getter)

        The alternate text provides a meaningful description of the images. For example, "This color image shows a small sailing boat at sunset". This information can be used to read the document to the visually impaired.

        The list must contain a description for each page of the input image document. For the conversion of pdftools.image.SinglePageDocument, a single description is sufficient. For pdftools.image.MultiPageDocument, multiple descriptions may be required.

        Alternate text is required for PDF/A level A conformance. It is not advisable to add "dummy" tagging solely for the purpose of achieving level A conformance. Instead, for scanned text documents, the Conversion Service can be used to recognize the characters in the documents (OCR) and tag the image with the recognized structure and text. For other types of images, such as photos, logos or graphics, alternate text descriptions should be written manually by a user.

        Default: empty list

      • setAlternateText

        public void setAlternateText​(StringList value)

        The alternate text describing the image (Setter)

        The alternate text provides a meaningful description of the images. For example, "This color image shows a small sailing boat at sunset". This information can be used to read the document to the visually impaired.

        The list must contain a description for each page of the input image document. For the conversion of pdftools.image.SinglePageDocument, a single description is sufficient. For pdftools.image.MultiPageDocument, multiple descriptions may be required.

        Alternate text is required for PDF/A level A conformance. It is not advisable to add "dummy" tagging solely for the purpose of achieving level A conformance. Instead, for scanned text documents, the Conversion Service can be used to recognize the characters in the documents (OCR) and tag the image with the recognized structure and text. For other types of images, such as photos, logos or graphics, alternate text descriptions should be written manually by a user.

        Default: empty list

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()

        The language of the output PDF (Getter)

        The language code that specifies the language of the PDF and specifically its getAlternateText() descriptions. Specifying the language is highly recommended for PDF/A level A conformance.

        The codes are defined in BCP 47 and ISO 3166:2013 and can be obtained from the Internet Engineering Task Force and the International Organization for Standardization.

        If no code is set, the language will be specified as unknown.


        • "en"
        • "en-US"
        • "de"
        • "de-CH"
        • "fr-FR"
        • "zxx" (for non linguistic content)

        Default: null (unknown)

      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(java.lang.String value)

        The language of the output PDF (Setter)

        The language code that specifies the language of the PDF and specifically its getAlternateText() descriptions. Specifying the language is highly recommended for PDF/A level A conformance.

        The codes are defined in BCP 47 and ISO 3166:2013 and can be obtained from the Internet Engineering Task Force and the International Organization for Standardization.

        If no code is set, the language will be specified as unknown.


        • "en"
        • "en-US"
        • "de"
        • "de-CH"
        • "fr-FR"
        • "zxx" (for non linguistic content)

        Default: null (unknown)