Class ShrinkToPage

  • public class ShrinkToPage
    extends ImageMapping

    The image mapping that places the image onto pages of the specified size

    Place images onto portrait or landscape pages. If an image is too large to fit on a page, the page may be rotated to better accommodate the image. Large images are scaled down to fit onto the PDF page size getPageSize().
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShrinkToPage

        public ShrinkToPage()
    • Method Detail

      • getPageSize

        public Size getPageSize()

        The page size (Getter)

        All output pages are created with that size. The default page orientation is portrait, but if the image fits better, the page is rotated to landscape.

        Default value: "A4" (210mm 297mm)

      • setPageSize

        public void setPageSize​(Size value)

        The page size (Setter)

        All output pages are created with that size. The default page orientation is portrait, but if the image fits better, the page is rotated to landscape.

        Default value: "A4" (210mm 297mm)

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The argument is smaller than "3pt 3pt" or larger than "14400pt 14400pt".
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
      • getPageMargin

        public Margin getPageMargin()

        The page margin (Getter)

        Default value: 20mm (0.79in)
      • setPageMargin

        public void setPageMargin​(Margin value)

        The page margin (Setter)

        Default value: 20mm (0.79in)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The argument has negative margin values.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null