Class DocumentCopyOptions

  • public class DocumentCopyOptions
    extends NativeObject
    The document-level copy options applied when copying a document.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getCopyEmbeddedFiles()
      If set to true: All embedded files are copied.
      boolean getCopyMetadata()
      Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata.
      boolean getCopyOutputIntent()
      Copy the PDF/A output intent.
      boolean getCopyViewerSettings()
      Copy viewer properties, which include: Page Layout, Page Mode, Open Actions, Piece Info, and Collection properties.
      void setCopyEmbeddedFiles​(boolean value)
      If set to true: All embedded files are copied.
      void setCopyMetadata​(boolean value)
      Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata.
      void setCopyOutputIntent​(boolean value)
      Copy the PDF/A output intent.
      void setCopyViewerSettings​(boolean value)
      Copy viewer properties, which include: Page Layout, Page Mode, Open Actions, Piece Info, and Collection properties.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DocumentCopyOptions

        public DocumentCopyOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getCopyMetadata

        public boolean getCopyMetadata()

        Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata.

        Default: false.

      • setCopyMetadata

        public void setCopyMetadata​(boolean value)

        Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata.

        Default: false.

      • getCopyOutputIntent

        public boolean getCopyOutputIntent()

        Copy the PDF/A output intent.

        Default: false.

      • setCopyOutputIntent

        public void setCopyOutputIntent​(boolean value)

        Copy the PDF/A output intent.

        Default: false.

      • getCopyViewerSettings

        public boolean getCopyViewerSettings()

        Copy viewer properties, which include: Page Layout, Page Mode, Open Actions, Piece Info, and Collection properties.

        Default: false.

      • setCopyViewerSettings

        public void setCopyViewerSettings​(boolean value)

        Copy viewer properties, which include: Page Layout, Page Mode, Open Actions, Piece Info, and Collection properties.

        Default: false.

      • getCopyEmbeddedFiles

        public boolean getCopyEmbeddedFiles()

        If set to true: All embedded files are copied. If set to false: Only embedded files associated with pages within the given page range are copied. (PDF/A-3 only, PageCopyOptions.getCopyAssociatedFiles() must be set.)

        Default: false.

      • setCopyEmbeddedFiles

        public void setCopyEmbeddedFiles​(boolean value)

        If set to true: All embedded files are copied. If set to false: Only embedded files associated with pages within the given page range are copied. (PDF/A-3 only, PageCopyOptions.getCopyAssociatedFiles() must be set.)

        Default: false.