from __future__ import annotations
import io
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
from ctypes import *
from datetime import datetime
from numbers import Number
from pdftools_sdk.internal import _lib
from pdftools_sdk.internal.utils import _string_to_utf16, _utf16_to_string
from pdftools_sdk.internal.streams import _StreamDescriptor, _NativeStream
from pdftools_sdk.internal.native_base import _NativeBase
from pdftools_sdk.internal.native_object import _NativeObject
import pdftools_sdk.internal
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration import SignatureConfiguration
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
from pdftools_sdk.sign.mdp_permission_options import MdpPermissionOptions
from pdftools_sdk.sign.timestamp_configuration import TimestampConfiguration
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_field_options import SignatureFieldOptions
from pdftools_sdk.sign.prepared_document import PreparedDocument
from pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider import Provider
from pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category import WarningCategory
Document = "pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document"
SignatureConfiguration = "pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration"
OutputOptions = "pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions"
MdpPermissionOptions = "pdftools_sdk.sign.mdp_permission_options.MdpPermissionOptions"
TimestampConfiguration = "pdftools_sdk.sign.timestamp_configuration.TimestampConfiguration"
SignatureFieldOptions = "pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_field_options.SignatureFieldOptions"
PreparedDocument = "pdftools_sdk.sign.prepared_document.PreparedDocument"
Provider = "pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider.Provider"
WarningCategory = "pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory"
WarningCategory = "WarningCategory"
WarningFunc = Callable[[str, WarningCategory, str], None]
Event for non-critical errors occurring during signature processing
message (str):
The message describing the warning
category (pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory):
The category of the warning
context (str):
A description of the context where the warning occurred
class Signer(_NativeObject):
Process signatures and signature fields
# Event definition
_WarningFunc = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_wchar_p, c_int, c_wchar_p)
def _wrap_warning_func(self, py_callback: WarningFunc) -> Signer._WarningFunc:
def _c_callback(event_context, message, category, context):
from pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category import WarningCategory
# Call the Python callback
py_callback(_utf16_to_string(message), WarningCategory(category), _utf16_to_string(context))
# Wrap the callback in CFUNCTYPE so it becomes a valid C function pointer
return Signer._WarningFunc(_c_callback)
def __init__(self):
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_New.argtypes = []
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_New.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_New()
if ret_val is None:
self._warning_callback_map = {}
def sign(self, document: Document, configuration: SignatureConfiguration, stream: io.IOBase, output_options: Optional[OutputOptions] = None) -> Document:
Add a document signature
Document signatures are sometimes also called approval signatures.
This type of signature lets you verify the integrity of the signed part of the document and authenticate the signer’s identity.
The features and format of the signature are defined by the :class:`pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider.Provider` and the `configuration`.
Non-critical processing errors raise a :func:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.WarningFunc` .
It is recommended to review the :class:`pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory` and handle them if necessary for the application.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to sign
configuration (pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration):
The signature configuration
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the signed document is written
outputOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions]):
Document-level output options not directly related to the signature
The signed document
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
The input PDF contains unrendered XFA form fields.
See :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document.xfa` for more information on how to detect and handle XFA documents.
If the `configuration` is invalid, e.g. because the creating provider has been closed.
If the `configuration` is invalid, e.g. because it has been revoked.
If the :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration.field_name` does not exist in `document`.
If an image, a PDF or a font file for the visual appearance could not be found.
If an unexpected error occurs that can be resolved by retrying the operation.
For example, if a signature service returns an unexpectedly large signature.
If a resource required by the cryptographic provider is temporarily unavailable.
If a network error occurs, e.g. downloading revocation information (OCSP, CRL) or a time-stamp.
If the cryptographic provider does not support the requested signing algorithm.
If the cryptographic provider does not allow the signing operation.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration import SignatureConfiguration
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(configuration, SignatureConfiguration):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {SignatureConfiguration.__name__}, but got {type(configuration).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
if output_options is not None and not isinstance(output_options, OutputOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {OutputOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(output_options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Sign.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor), c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Sign.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Sign(self._handle, document._handle, configuration._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream), output_options._handle if output_options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return Document._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def certify(self, document: Document, configuration: SignatureConfiguration, stream: io.IOBase, permissions: Optional[MdpPermissionOptions] = None, output_options: Optional[OutputOptions] = None) -> Document:
Add a document certification signature
This type of signature lets you detect rejected changes specified by the author.
These signatures are also called Modification Detection and Prevention (MDP) signatures.
The allowed permissions are defined by `permissions`.
The features and format of the signature are defined by the :class:`pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider.Provider` and the
Non-critical processing errors raise a :func:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.WarningFunc` .
It is recommended to review the :class:`pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory` and handle them if necessary for the application.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to certify
configuration (pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration):
The signature configuration
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the certified document is written
permissions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.mdp_permission_options.MdpPermissionOptions]):
The permissions allowed. The default is :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.mdp_permissions.MdpPermissions.NOCHANGES` .
outputOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions]):
Document-level output options not directly related to the document certification
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
The input PDF contains unrendered XFA form fields.
See :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document.xfa` for more information on how to detect and handle XFA documents.
If the `configuration` is invalid, e.g. because the creating provider has been closed.
If the :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration.field_name` does not exist in `document`.
If an unexpected error occurs that can be resolved by retrying the operation.
For example, if a signature service returns an unexpectedly large signature.
If a resource required by the cryptographic provider is temporarily unavailable.
If a network error occurs, e.g. downloading revocation information (OCSP, CRL) or a time-stamp.
If the cryptographic provider does not support the requested signing algorithm.
If the cryptographic provider does not allow the signing operation.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration import SignatureConfiguration
from pdftools_sdk.sign.mdp_permission_options import MdpPermissionOptions
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(configuration, SignatureConfiguration):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {SignatureConfiguration.__name__}, but got {type(configuration).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
if permissions is not None and not isinstance(permissions, MdpPermissionOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {MdpPermissionOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(permissions).__name__}.")
if output_options is not None and not isinstance(output_options, OutputOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {OutputOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(output_options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Certify.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor), c_void_p, c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Certify.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Certify(self._handle, document._handle, configuration._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream), permissions._handle if permissions is not None else None, output_options._handle if output_options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return Document._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def add_timestamp(self, document: Document, configuration: TimestampConfiguration, stream: io.IOBase, output_options: Optional[OutputOptions] = None) -> Document:
Add a document time-stamp
This type of signature provides evidence that the document existed at a specific time and protects the document’s integrity.
The features and format of the signature are defined by the :class:`pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider.Provider` and the
Non-critical processing errors raise a :func:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.WarningFunc` .
It is recommended to review the :class:`pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory` and handle them if necessary for the application.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to add a time-stamp to
configuration (pdftools_sdk.sign.timestamp_configuration.TimestampConfiguration):
The time-stamp configuration
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the output document is written
outputOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions]):
Document-level output options not directly related to the document time-stamp
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
The input PDF contains unrendered XFA form fields.
See :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document.xfa` for more information on how to detect and handle XFA documents.
If the `configuration` is invalid, e.g. because the creating provider has been closed.
If the :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration.field_name` does not exist in `document`.
If an unexpected error occurs that can be resolved by retrying the operation.
For example, if a signature service returns an unexpectedly large signature.
If a resource required by the cryptographic provider is temporarily unavailable.
If a network error occurs, e.g. downloading revocation information (OCSP, CRL) or a time-stamp.
If the cryptographic provider does not support the requested signing algorithm.
If the cryptographic provider does not allow the signing operation.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.timestamp_configuration import TimestampConfiguration
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(configuration, TimestampConfiguration):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {TimestampConfiguration.__name__}, but got {type(configuration).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
if output_options is not None and not isinstance(output_options, OutputOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {OutputOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(output_options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddTimestamp.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor), c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddTimestamp.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddTimestamp(self._handle, document._handle, configuration._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream), output_options._handle if output_options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return Document._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def add_signature_field(self, document: Document, options: SignatureFieldOptions, stream: io.IOBase, output_options: Optional[OutputOptions] = None) -> Document:
Add an unsigned signature field
Add an unsigned signature field that can later be signed (see :class:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.unsigned_signature_field.UnsignedSignatureField` ).
Non-critical processing errors raise a :func:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.WarningFunc` .
It is recommended to review the :class:`pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory` and handle them if necessary for the application.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to add the signature field to
options (pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_field_options.SignatureFieldOptions):
The options for the unsigned signature field
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the output document is written
outputOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions]):
Document-level output options not directly related to the signature field
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
The input PDF contains unrendered XFA form fields.
See :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document.xfa` for more information on how to detect and handle XFA documents.
The :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_field_options.SignatureFieldOptions.field_name` exists already in the input document.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_field_options import SignatureFieldOptions
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(options, SignatureFieldOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {SignatureFieldOptions.__name__}, but got {type(options).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
if output_options is not None and not isinstance(output_options, OutputOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {OutputOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(output_options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddSignatureField.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor), c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddSignatureField.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddSignatureField(self._handle, document._handle, options._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream), output_options._handle if output_options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return Document._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def add_prepared_signature(self, document: Document, configuration: SignatureConfiguration, stream: io.IOBase, output_options: Optional[OutputOptions] = None) -> PreparedDocument:
Add a prepared signature
Adding a prepared signature is only required in very particular or specialized use cases.
This method is the same as :meth:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.Signer.sign` , but without actually creating the cryptographic signature.
The cryptographic signature can be inserted later using :meth:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.Signer.sign_prepared_signature` .
While the `configuration` can be created by any :class:`pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider.Provider` ,
it is typically created by :meth:`pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.built_in.provider.Provider.create_prepared_signature` .
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to add the prepared signature
configuration (pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration):
The signature configuration
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the output document is written
outputOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions]):
Document-level output options not directly related to preparing the signature
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
The input PDF contains unrendered XFA form fields.
See :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document.xfa` for more information on how to detect and handle XFA documents.
If the `configuration` is invalid, e.g. because the creating provider has been closed
If the :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration.field_name` does not exist in `document`.
If the cryptographic provider does not support the requested signing algorithm.
If a network error occurs, e.g. downloading revocation information (OCSP, CRL).
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration import SignatureConfiguration
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
from pdftools_sdk.sign.prepared_document import PreparedDocument
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(configuration, SignatureConfiguration):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {SignatureConfiguration.__name__}, but got {type(configuration).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
if output_options is not None and not isinstance(output_options, OutputOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {OutputOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(output_options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddPreparedSignature.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor), c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddPreparedSignature.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddPreparedSignature(self._handle, document._handle, configuration._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream), output_options._handle if output_options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return PreparedDocument._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def sign_prepared_signature(self, document: Document, configuration: SignatureConfiguration, stream: io.IOBase) -> Document:
Sign a prepared signature
Sign a document that contains a prepared signature created using :meth:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.Signer.add_prepared_signature` .
Note that the `configuration` must be compatible to the configuration used when preparing the signature.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to sign
configuration (pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration.SignatureConfiguration):
The signature configuration
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the signed document is written
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
If the `document` does not contain a prepared signature created by :meth:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.Signer.add_prepared_signature`
If the `configuration` is invalid, e.g. because the creating provider has been closed.
If an unexpected error occurs that can be resolved by retrying the operation.
For example, if a signature service returns an unexpectedly large signature.
If a resource required by the cryptographic provider is temporarily unavailable.
If a network error occurs, e.g. downloading revocation information (OCSP, CRL) or a time-stamp.
If the cryptographic provider does not support the requested signing algorithm.
If the cryptographic provider does not allow the signing operation.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.signature_configuration import SignatureConfiguration
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(configuration, SignatureConfiguration):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {SignatureConfiguration.__name__}, but got {type(configuration).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_SignPreparedSignature.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor)]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_SignPreparedSignature.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_SignPreparedSignature(self._handle, document._handle, configuration._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream))
if ret_val is None:
return Document._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def process(self, document: Document, stream: io.IOBase, output_options: Optional[OutputOptions] = None, provider: Optional[Provider] = None) -> Document:
Process a document
Apply document-level processing options without any signature operation.
For example:
- To encrypt or decrypt PDF documents that may be signed (see the samples "Encrypt" and "Decrypt").
- To remove signatures and unsigned signature fields (see :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions.remove_signatures` ).
- To add validation information to existing signatures (see :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions.add_validation_information` ).
Non-critical processing errors raise a :func:`pdftools_sdk.sign.signer.WarningFunc` .
It is recommended to review the :class:`pdftools_sdk.sign.warning_category.WarningCategory` and handle them if necessary for the application.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The input document to process
stream (io.IOBase):
The stream where the output document is written
outputOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions]):
The document-level processing options
provider (Optional[pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider.Provider]):
The cryptographic provider to use to add validation information to existing signatures of input document
(see :attr:`pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options.OutputOptions.add_validation_information` ).
Can be `None` if no validation information is added or to use the default provider.
The license check has failed.
Writing to the `stream` failed.
The input PDF contains unrendered XFA form fields.
See :attr:`pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document.xfa` for more information on how to detect and handle XFA documents.
If a network error occurs, e.g. downloading revocation information (OCSP, CRL).
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.sign.output_options import OutputOptions
from pdftools_sdk.crypto.providers.provider import Provider
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if not isinstance(stream, io.IOBase):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {io.IOBase.__name__}, but got {type(stream).__name__}.")
if output_options is not None and not isinstance(output_options, OutputOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {OutputOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(output_options).__name__}.")
if provider is not None and not isinstance(provider, Provider):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Provider.__name__} or None, but got {type(provider).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Process.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(pdftools_sdk.internal.streams._StreamDescriptor), c_void_p, c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Process.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_Process(self._handle, document._handle, _StreamDescriptor(stream), output_options._handle if output_options is not None else None, provider._handle if provider is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return Document._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def add_warning_handler(self, handler: WarningFunc) -> None:
Add handler for the :func:`WarningFunc` event.
handler: Event handler. If a handler is added that is already registered, it is ignored.
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddWarningHandlerW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, self._WarningFunc]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddWarningHandlerW.restype = c_bool
# Wrap the handler with the C callback
_c_callback = self._wrap_warning_func(handler)
# Now pass the callback function as a proper C function type instance
if not _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddWarningHandlerW(self._handle, None, _c_callback):
# Add to the class-level callback map (increase count if already added)
if handler in self._warning_callback_map:
self._warning_callback_map[handler]['count'] += 1
self._warning_callback_map[handler] = {'callback': _c_callback, 'count': 1}
def remove_warning_handler(self, handler: WarningFunc) -> None:
Remove registered handler of the :func:`WarningFunc` event.
handler: Event handler that shall be removed. If a handler is not registered, it is ignored.
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_RemoveWarningHandlerW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, self._WarningFunc]
_lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_RemoveWarningHandlerW.restype = c_bool
# Check if the handler exists in the class-level map
if handler in self._warning_callback_map:
from pdftools_sdk.not_found_error import NotFoundError
_c_callback = self._warning_callback_map[handler]['callback']
if not _lib.PdfToolsSign_Signer_RemoveWarningHandlerW(self._handle, None, _c_callback):
except pdftools_sdk.NotFoundError as e:
del self._warning_callback_map[handler]
# Decrease the count or remove the callback entirely
if self._warning_callback_map[handler]['count'] > 1:
self._warning_callback_map[handler]['count'] -= 1
del self._warning_callback_map[handler]
def _create_dynamic_type(handle):
return Signer._from_handle(handle)
def _from_handle(cls, handle):
Internal factory method for constructing an instance using an internal handle.
This method creates an instance of the class by bypassing the public constructor.
instance = Signer.__new__(cls) # Bypass __init__
return instance
def _initialize(self, handle):
self._warning_callback_map = {}