from __future__ import annotations
import io
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
from ctypes import *
from datetime import datetime
from numbers import Number
from pdftools_sdk.internal import _lib
from pdftools_sdk.internal.utils import _string_to_utf16, _utf16_to_string
from pdftools_sdk.internal.streams import _StreamDescriptor, _NativeStream
from pdftools_sdk.internal.native_base import _NativeBase
from pdftools_sdk.internal.native_object import _NativeObject
import pdftools_sdk.internal
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_options import ValidationOptions
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_result import ValidationResult
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_options import AnalysisOptions
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_result import AnalysisResult
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.error_category import ErrorCategory
Document = "pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document"
ValidationOptions = "pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_options.ValidationOptions"
ValidationResult = "pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_result.ValidationResult"
AnalysisOptions = "pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_options.AnalysisOptions"
AnalysisResult = "pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_result.AnalysisResult"
ErrorCategory = "pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.error_category.ErrorCategory"
ErrorCategory = "ErrorCategory"
ErrorFunc = Callable[[Optional[str], str, ErrorCategory, str, int, int], None]
Report a validation issue found in :meth:`pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validator.Validator.analyze` or :meth:`pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validator.Validator.validate` .
dataPart (Optional[str]):
The data part is `None` for the main file and a data part specification for embedded files.
- `embedded-file:file.pdf`: For a file `file.pdf` that is embedded in the main file.
- `embedded-file:file1.pdf/embedded-file:file2.pdf`: For a file `file2.pdf` that is embedded in an embedded file `file1.pdf`.
message (str):
The validation message
category (pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.error_category.ErrorCategory):
The category of the validation error
context (str):
A description of the context where the error occurred
pageNo (int):
The page number this error is associated to or `0`
objectNo (int):
The number of the PDF object this error is associated to
class Validator(_NativeObject):
The class to validate the standard conformance of documents
# Event definition
_ErrorFunc = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_wchar_p, c_wchar_p, c_int, c_wchar_p, c_int, c_int)
def _wrap_error_func(self, py_callback: ErrorFunc) -> Validator._ErrorFunc:
def _c_callback(event_context, data_part, message, category, context, page_no, object_no):
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.error_category import ErrorCategory
# Call the Python callback
py_callback(_utf16_to_string(data_part), _utf16_to_string(message), ErrorCategory(category), _utf16_to_string(context), page_no, object_no)
# Wrap the callback in CFUNCTYPE so it becomes a valid C function pointer
return Validator._ErrorFunc(_c_callback)
def __init__(self):
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_New.argtypes = []
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_New.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_New()
if ret_val is None:
self._error_callback_map = {}
def validate(self, document: Document, options: Optional[ValidationOptions] = None) -> ValidationResult:
Validate the standards conformance of a PDF document.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The document to check the quality of
options (Optional[pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_options.ValidationOptions]):
The options or `None` for default validation options
The result of the validation
The license check has failed.
The processing has failed.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_options import ValidationOptions
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validation_result import ValidationResult
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if options is not None and not isinstance(options, ValidationOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {ValidationOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Validate.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Validate.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Validate(self._handle, document._handle, options._handle if options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return ValidationResult._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def analyze(self, document: Document, options: Optional[AnalysisOptions] = None) -> AnalysisResult:
Analyze a PDF document in preparation for its conversion to PDF/A.
This method validates the document's standards conformance like :meth:`pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.validator.Validator.validate` .
In addition to that, certain additional checks can be performed.
However, the main difference is that the analysis result can be used in :meth:`pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.conversion.converter.Converter.convert` to convert the PDF document to PDF/A.
document (pdftools_sdk.pdf.document.Document):
The document to analyze
options (Optional[pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_options.AnalysisOptions]):
The options or `None` for default analysis options
The result of the analysis
The license check has failed.
The conformance of the `options` argument is not PDF/A.
from pdftools_sdk.pdf.document import Document
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_options import AnalysisOptions
from pdftools_sdk.pdf_a.validation.analysis_result import AnalysisResult
if not isinstance(document, Document):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {Document.__name__}, but got {type(document).__name__}.")
if options is not None and not isinstance(options, AnalysisOptions):
raise TypeError(f"Expected type {AnalysisOptions.__name__} or None, but got {type(options).__name__}.")
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Analyze.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p]
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Analyze.restype = c_void_p
ret_val = _lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Analyze(self._handle, document._handle, options._handle if options is not None else None)
if ret_val is None:
return AnalysisResult._create_dynamic_type(ret_val)
def add_error_handler(self, handler: ErrorFunc) -> None:
Add handler for the :func:`ErrorFunc` event.
handler: Event handler. If a handler is added that is already registered, it is ignored.
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_AddErrorHandlerW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, self._ErrorFunc]
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_AddErrorHandlerW.restype = c_bool
# Wrap the handler with the C callback
_c_callback = self._wrap_error_func(handler)
# Now pass the callback function as a proper C function type instance
if not _lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_AddErrorHandlerW(self._handle, None, _c_callback):
# Add to the class-level callback map (increase count if already added)
if handler in self._error_callback_map:
self._error_callback_map[handler]['count'] += 1
self._error_callback_map[handler] = {'callback': _c_callback, 'count': 1}
def remove_error_handler(self, handler: ErrorFunc) -> None:
Remove registered handler of the :func:`ErrorFunc` event.
handler: Event handler that shall be removed. If a handler is not registered, it is ignored.
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_RemoveErrorHandlerW.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, self._ErrorFunc]
_lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_RemoveErrorHandlerW.restype = c_bool
# Check if the handler exists in the class-level map
if handler in self._error_callback_map:
from pdftools_sdk.not_found_error import NotFoundError
_c_callback = self._error_callback_map[handler]['callback']
if not _lib.PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_RemoveErrorHandlerW(self._handle, None, _c_callback):
except pdftools_sdk.NotFoundError as e:
del self._error_callback_map[handler]
# Decrease the count or remove the callback entirely
if self._error_callback_map[handler]['count'] > 1:
self._error_callback_map[handler]['count'] -= 1
del self._error_callback_map[handler]
def _create_dynamic_type(handle):
return Validator._from_handle(handle)
def _from_handle(cls, handle):
Internal factory method for constructing an instance using an internal handle.
This method creates an instance of the class by bypassing the public constructor.
instance = Validator.__new__(cls) # Bypass __init__
return instance
def _initialize(self, handle):
self._error_callback_map = {}