The class for splitting or merging PDF documents |
- class pdftools_sdk.document_assembly.document_assembler.DocumentAssembler(out_stream: IOBase, out_options: OutputOptions | None, conformance: Conformance | None)[source]
The class for splitting or merging PDF documents
- __init__(out_stream: IOBase, out_options: OutputOptions | None, conformance: Conformance | None)[source]
- Parameters:
outStream (io.IOBase) – The stream to which the output PDF is written
outOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.pdf.output_options.OutputOptions]) – The PDF output options, e.g. to encrypt the output document.
conformance (Optional[pdftools_sdk.pdf.conformance.Conformance]) –
The required conformance level of the PDF document. Adding pages or content from incompatible documents or using incompatible features will lead to a conformance error.
When using None, the conformance is determined automatically, based on the conformance of the input documents used in the
method and the requirements of the used features.
- Raises:
pdftools_sdk.license_error.LicenseError – The license check has failed.
ValueError – An invalid encryption was specified in outOptions.
OSError – Unable to write to the stream.
pdftools_sdk.generic_error.GenericError – A generic error occurred.
- append(in_doc: Document, first_page: int | None = None, last_page: int | None = None, document_copy_options: DocumentCopyOptions | None = None, page_copy_options: PageCopyOptions | None = None) None [source]
This method copies document properties and a range of pages from inDoc.
- Parameters:
firstPage (Optional[int]) –
Optional parameter denoting the index of the first page to be copied. This index is one-based. If set, the number must be in the range of 1 (first page) to
(last page).If not set, 1 is used.
lastPage (Optional[int]) –
Optional parameter denoting the index of the last page to be copied. This index is one-based. If set, the number must be in the range of 1 (first page) to
(last page).If not set,
is used.documentCopyOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.document_assembly.document_copy_options.DocumentCopyOptions])
pageCopyOptions (Optional[pdftools_sdk.document_assembly.page_copy_options.PageCopyOptions])
- Raises:
pdftools_sdk.license_error.LicenseError – The license check has failed.
ValueError – The firstPage or lastPage are not in the allowed range.
ValueError – If the method has already been called with any of the following properties set to True: -
pdftools_sdk.conformance_error.ConformanceError – The conformance level of the input document is not compatible with the conformance level of the output document.
pdftools_sdk.conformance_error.ConformanceError – The explicitly requested conformance level is PDF/A Level A (
, orpdftools_sdk.pdf.conformance.Conformance.PDFA3A
) and the copy optionpdftools_sdk.document_assembly.page_copy_options.PageCopyOptions.copy_logical_structure
is set to False.StateError – If
has already been called.pdftools_sdk.processing_error.ProcessingError – The processing has failed.
- assemble() Document [source]
Assemble the input documents
The input documents appended with
are assembled into the output PDF.- Returns:
The assembled PDF, which can be used as a new input for further processing.
- Return type:
- Raises:
StateError – If
has already been called.