


class pdftools_sdk.crypto.hash_algorithm.HashAlgorithm(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

  • MD5 (int) – This algorithm is considered broken and therefore strongly discouraged by the cryptographic community.

  • RIPE_MD160 (int)

  • SHA1 (int) – This algorithm is considered broken and therefore strongly discouraged by the cryptographic community.

  • SHA256 (int)

  • SHA384 (int)

  • SHA512 (int)

  • SHA3_256 (int) – SHA3-256 is a new hashing algorithm and may not be supported by some applications.

  • SHA3_384 (int) – SHA3-384 is a new hashing algorithm and may not be supported by some applications.

  • SHA3_512 (int) – SHA3-512 is a new hashing algorithm and may not be supported by some applications.

MD5 = 1
RIPE_MD160 = 2
SHA1 = 3
SHA256 = 4
SHA384 = 5
SHA512 = 6
SHA3_256 = 7
SHA3_384 = 8
SHA3_512 = 9