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MetadataSettings Class

It allows you to set and update individual metadata properties. Any metadata properties that have been explicitly set are included in the output document.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Pdf
Assembly: PdfTools (in PdfTools.dll) Version: 1.8.0+c1110cafb37403de0188424e1c97e84e318ca892
public class MetadataSettings : NativeObject

The MetadataSettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodMetadataSettings 
Public propertyAuthor

The name of the person who created the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "dc:creator" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Author" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyCreationDate

The date and time the document or resource was originally created.

This property corresponds to the "xmp:CreateDate" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "CreationDate" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyCreator

The original application that created the document.

The name of the first known tool used to create the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "xmp:CreatorTool" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Creator" entry in the document information dictionary.

Public propertyKeywords

Keywords associated with the document or resource.

Keywords can be separated by:

  • carriage return / line feed
  • comma
  • semicolon
  • tab
  • double space

This property corresponds to the "pdf:Keywords" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Keywords" entry in the document information dictionary.

Public propertyModificationDate

The date and time the document or resource was most recently modified.

This property corresponds to the "xmp:ModifyDate" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "ModDate" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyProducer

The application that created the PDF

If the document has been converted to PDF from another format, the name of the PDF processor that converted the document to PDF.

This property corresponds to the "pdf:Producer" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Producer" entry in the document information dictionary.

Public propertySubject

The subject of the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "dc:description" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Subject" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public propertyTitle

The title of the document or resource.

This property corresponds to the "dc:title" entry in the XMP metadata and to the "Title" entry in the document information dictionary.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
See Also