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Conformance Class

The conformance of a PDF document
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Pdf
Assembly: PdfTools (in PdfTools.dll) Version: 1.8.0+c1110cafb37403de0188424e1c97e84e318ca892
public class Conformance

The Conformance type exposes the following members.

Public methodConformance(Int32) 
Public methodConformance(Version) Create a new conformance for a specific PDF version.
Public methodConformance(Int32, ConformancePdfALevel) Create a new PDF/A conformance (see PdfA).
Public propertyIsPdfA Whether this is a PDF/A conformance
Public propertyPdfA

The PDF/A conformance consists of two components:

1. PDF/A Part (Standard)

There are currently three different PDF/A Standards supported.

  • PDF/A-1 (ISO 19005-1): PDF/A was published by the ISO in 2005 to support long-term archiving of PDF documents. The first release, PDF/A-1, was based on the original PDF 1.4 version where a set of standards criteria was introduced such as ensuring the visual reproducibility of PDF documents regardless of future changes to viewer and printing technologies, and making PDF documents accessible to persons with eye vision challenges.
  • PDF/A-2 (ISO 19005-2): In July 2011 the ISO released the PDF/A-2 standard that takes advantages of features that only became available in later versions of PDF, up to and including PDF version 1.7. This includes the following features: JPEG2000 compression, embedded PDF/A files, transparency, and optional content (layers).
  • PDF/A-3 (ISO 19005-3): The ISO Committee released the third edition of the standard in October 2012. PDF/A-3 contains just one change that is necessary but controversial: PDF/A-2 already enabled the embedding of PDF/A-conform document as attachments. PDF/A-3, however, makes it possible to embed any document format such as Excel, Word, HTML, CAD or XML files for the first time ever.

2. PDF/A Conformity Level

There are three levels that define different requirements on the quality of the document's content (see ConformancePdfALevel.)

Public propertyValue 
Public propertyVersion The PDF version of this conformance
Public methodConformsTo Check if this conformance conforms to another.
Public methodEquals
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodGetHashCode
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodStatic memberParse 
Public methodToString
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also