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ValidatorErrorEventArgs Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.PdfA.Validation
Assembly: PdfTools (in PdfTools.dll) Version: 1.8.0+c1110cafb37403de0188424e1c97e84e318ca892
public class ValidatorErrorEventArgs : EventArgs

The ValidatorErrorEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCategory The category of the validation error
Public propertyContext A description of the context where the error occurred
Public propertyDataPart

The data part is for the main file and a data part specification for embedded files.


  • embedded-file:file.pdf: For a file file.pdf that is embedded in the main file.
  • embedded-file:file1.pdf/embedded-file:file2.pdf: For a file file2.pdf that is embedded in an embedded file file1.pdf.

Public propertyMessage The validation message
Public propertyObjectNo The number of the PDF object this error is associated to
Public propertyPageNo The page number this error is associated to or 0
See Also