Class SignatureField

    • Method Detail

      • getFieldName

        public java.lang.String getFieldName()

        The name of the signature field (Getter)

        The field name uniquely identifies the signature field within the document.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the object has already been closed
      • getPageNumber

        public int getPageNumber()
                          throws NotFoundException

        The number of the page where this signature is located (Getter)

        Whether the signature field has a visual appearance on that page is indicated by the getBoundingBox().
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the object has already been closed.
        NotFoundException - If the field is not properly linked to a page.
      • getBoundingBox

        public Rectangle getBoundingBox()

        The location on the page (Getter)

        The location of the signature field on the page. Or null if the signature field has no visual appearance.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the object has already been closed