Class OutputOptions

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class OutputOptions
    extends NativeObject

    The parameters for document-level features of output PDFs

    Output options are used in many operations that create PDF documents.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutputOptions

        public OutputOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getEncryption

        public Encryption getEncryption()

        The parameters to encrypt output PDFs (Getter)

        If null, no encryption is used.

        Encryption is not allowed by the PDF/A ISO standards. For that reason, it is recommended to use null when processing PDF/A documents. Otherwise, most operations will remove PDF/A conformance from the output document. More details can be found in the documentation of the operation.

        Default: null, no encryption is used.

      • setEncryption

        public void setEncryption​(Encryption value)

        The parameters to encrypt output PDFs (Setter)

        If null, no encryption is used.

        Encryption is not allowed by the PDF/A ISO standards. For that reason, it is recommended to use null when processing PDF/A documents. Otherwise, most operations will remove PDF/A conformance from the output document. More details can be found in the documentation of the operation.

        Default: null, no encryption is used.

      • getMetadataSettings

        public MetadataSettings getMetadataSettings()
        Default: null, metadata are copied to the output document.
      • setMetadataSettings

        public void setMetadataSettings​(MetadataSettings value)
        Default: null, metadata are copied to the output document.