Class Default

  • public class Default
    extends Profile

    The default profile for image to PDF conversion

    This profile is suitable for the conversion of input images to PDF.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Default

        public Default()
    • Method Detail

      • getConformance

        public Conformance getConformance()

        The PDF conformance of the output document (Getter)

        All PDF conformances are supported. For PDF/A the Archive profile must be used.

        Default value: "PDF 1.7"

      • setConformance

        public void setConformance​(Conformance value)

        The PDF conformance of the output document (Setter)

        All PDF conformances are supported. For PDF/A the Archive profile must be used.

        Default value: "PDF 1.7"

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The conformance is PDF/A but must be PDF for this profile. Use the profile Archive to create PDF/A documents.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null