Class Session

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Session
    extends Provider

    GlobalSign Digital Signing Service

    In this session, signatures can be created using different identities, i.e. signing certificates. Signing sessions and signing certificates expire after 10 minutes. After this time, they are renewed automatically.

    When signing with this provider, these errors can occur:

    • PermissionException: If the account's quota is reached.
    • RetryException: If one of the account's rate limits is exceeded.

      The service enforces rate limits for both creating new identities and signing operations. So, if multiple documents must be signed at once, it is advisable to re-use the signature configuration (and hence its signing certificates) for signing.

    • HttpException: If a network error occurs or the service is not operational.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Session

        public Session​( url,
                       java.lang.String api_key,
                       java.lang.String api_secret,
                       HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler)
                throws PermissionException,

        Establish a session to the service

        url -

        The URL to the service endpoint.


        api_key - Your account credentials’ key parameter for the login request.
        api_secret - Your account credentials’ secret parameter for the login request.
        httpClientHandler - The SSL configuration with the client certificate and trust store. Use pdftools.HttpClientHandler.setClientCertificateAndKey to set your SSL client certificate "clientcert.crt" and private key "privateKey.key" of your GlobalSign account.
        HttpException - If a network error occurs.
        PermissionException - If a login error occurs, e.g. because the client certificate is rejected or the credentials are incorrect.
        RetryException - If the login rate limit is exceeded.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if url is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if api_key is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if api_secret is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if httpClientHandler is null
    • Method Detail

      • createSignatureForDynamicIdentity

        public SignatureConfiguration createSignatureForDynamicIdentity​(java.lang.String identity)
                                                                 throws PermissionException,

        Create a signing certificate for an account with a dynamic identity.

        identity -

        The dynamic identity as JSON string.

        Example: { "subject_dn": {"common_name": "John Doe" } }

        HttpException - If a network error occurs.
        PermissionException - If the request is not authorized by the service.
        RetryException - If the rate limit for creating new identities has been exceeded.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if identity is null
      • createTimestamp

        public TimestampConfiguration createTimestamp()

        Create a time-stamp configuration
