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Appearance Properties

The Appearance type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBottom

Distance to bottom of page

This property specifies the distance between appearance's bottom edge and the bottom of the page.

If , the distance to the bottom is unspecified.


Public propertyCustomTextVariables Maps the name of a custom text variable to its value. These variables can parametrize the content of the text element in the appearance configuration XML and Json files. They are used by setting "[custom:‹key›]".
Public propertyLeft

Distance to left of page

This property specifies the distance between appearance's left edge and the left of the page.

If , the distance to the left is unspecified.


Public propertyPageNumber

The number of the page where the appearance is positioned

Page number must be in the range from 1 to PageCount.

If , the appearance is positioned on the last page.


Public propertyRight

Distance to right of page

This property specifies the distance between appearance's right edge and the right of the page.

If , the distance to the right is unspecified.


Public propertyTop

Distance to top of page

This property specifies the distance between appearance's top edge and the top of the page.

If , the distance to the top is unspecified.


See Also