Pdftools SDK
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CTPdfTools_HttpClientHandlerThe handler and options for communication to remote server
 CTPdfTools_SdkSDK initialization and product information
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProviders_CertificateA X.509 certificate
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderBase class for cryptographic providers
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_ProviderThe built-in cryptographic provider
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_SignatureConfigurationThe signature configuration
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_TimestampConfigurationThe time-stamp configuration
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SessionGlobalSign Digital Signing Service
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfigurationThe signature configuration
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceThe cryptographic device (HSM, USB token, etc.)
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceListThe list of devices managed by a PKCS#11 module
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_ModuleThe PKCS#11 driver module
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SessionA session to a cryptographic device (HSM, USB token, etc.) to perform cryptographic operations
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfigurationThe signature configuration
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfigurationThe time-stamp configuration
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SessionThe Swisscom Signing Service
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfigurationThe signature configuration
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_StepUpThe options for step-up authorization using Mobile ID
 CTPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfigurationThe time-stamp configuration
 CTPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssemblerThe class for splitting or merging PDF documents
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_AutoThe image mapping that automatically determines a suitable conversion
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ConverterThe class to convert one or more images to a PDF document
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingThe base class for image mappings The image mapping specifies how an input image is transformed and placed onto the output PDF page
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageOptionsThe conversion options related to the images
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFitThe image mapping that places the image onto pages of the specified size Place images onto portrait or landscape pages. Large images are scaled down to fit onto PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFit_GetPageSize
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPageThe image mapping that places the image onto pages of the specified size Place images onto portrait or landscape pages. If an image is too large to fit on a page, the page may be rotated to better accommodate the image. Large images are scaled down to fit onto the PDF page size PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPage_GetPageSize
 CTPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortraitThe image mapping that places the image onto portrait pages of the specified size Place images onto portrait pages. Large images are scaled down to fit onto PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortrait_GetPageSize
 CTPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ArchiveThe profile for image to PDF/A conversion for archiving This profile is suitable for archiving images as PDFs
 CTPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_DefaultThe default profile for image to PDF conversion This profile is suitable for the conversion of input images to PDF
 CTPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileThe base class for image to PDF conversion profiles A profile implements the conversion settings suitable for a practical use case
 CTPdfToolsImage_DocumentThe base class for image documents Image documents are either opened using PdfToolsImage_Document_Open or the result of an operation, e.g. of PDF to image conversion using PdfToolsPdf2Image_Converter_ConvertPage
 CTPdfToolsImage_DocumentListList of image documents
 CTPdfToolsImage_MultiPageDocumentThe image document of an image format that supports multi-page images This class is used for TIFF images, which can contain one or more pages
 CTPdfToolsImage_PageThe page of an image document
 CTPdfToolsImage_PageListThe list of image pages
 CTPdfToolsImage_SinglePageDocumentThe image document of an image format that only supports single-page images This class is used for the following image formats:
 CTPdfToolsOptimization_FontOptionsThe parameters for font optimization
 CTPdfToolsOptimization_ImageRecompressionOptionsThe parameters for image recompression
 CTPdfToolsOptimization_OptimizerThe class to optimize PDF documents
 CTPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalOptionsThe parameters defining the optional data to remove or flatten
 CTPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ArchiveThe optimization profile suitable for archiving
 CTPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MinimalFileSizeThe optimization profile producing a minimal file size
 CTPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MrcThe optimization profile suitable for documents with Mixed Raster Content Reduce the file size for documents containing large images, e.g. scanned pages, while maintaining the readability of text. This is accomplished by separating the images into a foreground, background and a mask layer. The foreground and background layers are heavily down-sampled and compressed. The textual information is stored in the mask with a lossless compression type. Additionally, redundant objects are removed, resources are optimized and embedded fonts are merged
 CTPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_PrintThe optimization profile suitable for printing
 CTPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileThe base class for PDF optimization profiles The profile defines the optimization parameters suitable for a particular use case, e.g. archiving, or publication on the web
 CTPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_WebThe optimization profile suitable for electronic document exchange
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_ContentOptionsThe parameters how to render PDF content elements
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_ConverterThe class to convert a PDF document to a rasterized image
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxImageOptionsThe settings for TIFF Fax output images Create a black-and-white (bitonal) TIFF Fax output image. For the output file name, it is recommended to use the file extension ".tif"
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsThe base class for output image options
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingThe base class for image section mappings An image section mapping specifies how a PDF page, or a section of it, is transformed (e.g. cropped or scaled) and placed onto the target image
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegImageOptionsThe settings for JPEG output images
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngImageOptionsThe settings for PNG output images For the output file name, it is recommended to use the file extension ".png"
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAsFaxThe image section mapping suitable for Fax output images
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAtResolutionThe image section mapping to render entire pages at a specific resolution
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageToMaxImageSizeThe image section mapping to render entire pages using a specific image pixel size
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffFlateImageOptionsThe settings for TIFF output images using the Flate compression algorithm
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffJpegImageOptionsThe settings for TIFF output images using the JPEG compression algorithm
 CTPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffLzwImageOptionsThe settings for TIFF output images using the LZW compression algorithm
 CTPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ArchiveThe profile to convert PDF documents to TIFF images for archiving
 CTPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_FaxThe profile to convert PDF documents to TIFF Fax images
 CTPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileThe base class for PDF to image conversion profiles The profile defines how the PDF pages are rendered and what type of output image is used. A profile implements the converter settings suitable for a practical use case, e.g. create images for sending over Facsimile, for viewing, or for archiving
 CTPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ViewingThe profile to convert PDF documents to JPEG or PNG images for viewing
 CTPdfToolsPdf_CertificationSignatureA document certification (MDP) signature that certifies the document These signatures are also called Document Modification Detection and Prevention (MDP) signatures. This type of signature enables the detection of rejected changes specified by the author
 CTPdfToolsPdf_DocumentThe PDF document PDF documents are either opened using PdfToolsPdf_Document_Open or the result of an operation, e.g. of PDF optimization (see PdfToolsOptimization_Optimizer_OptimizeDocument)
 CTPdfToolsPdf_DocumentSignatureA document signature that signs the document Document signatures are sometimes also called approval signatures. This type of signature lets you verify the integrity of the signed part of the document and authenticate the signer’s identity
 CTPdfToolsPdf_DocumentTimestampA document time-stamp signature that time-stamps the document This type of signature provides evidence that the document existed at a specific time and protects the document’s integrity
 CTPdfToolsPdf_EncryptionThe parameters to encrypt PDF documents
 CTPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsThe parameters for document-level features of output PDFs Output options are used in many operations that create PDF documents
 CTPdfToolsPdf_RevisionThe document revision
 CTPdfToolsPdf_SignatureA base class for certain signature types
 CTPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldA digital signature field
 CTPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldA base class for signature fields that have been signed The existence of a signed signature field does not imply that the signature is valid. The signature is not validated at all
 CTPdfToolsPdf_UnsignedSignatureFieldAn unsigned signature field An unsigned signature field that can be signed. The purpose of the signature field is to indicate that the document should be signed and to define the page and position where the visual appearance of the signature should be placed. This is especially useful for forms and contracts that have dedicated spaces for signatures
 CTPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConversionOptionsThe PDF/A conversion options The options for the conversion of documents using the converter's method PdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_Convert
 CTPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConverterThe class to convert PDF documents to PDF/A
 CTPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisOptionsThe PDF/A analysis options Options for the analysis of documents using the validator's method PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Analyze in preparation for the document's conversion to PDF/A
 CTPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisResultThe PDF/A analysis result
 CTPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationOptionsThe PDF validation options Options to check the quality and standard conformance of documents using the validator's method PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Validate
 CTPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationResultThe PDF validation result Result of the validator's method PdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator_Validate
 CTPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidatorThe class to validate the standard conformance of documents
 CTPdfToolsSign_AppearanceThe visual appearance of signatures
 CTPdfToolsSign_MdpPermissionOptionsThe permission options when certifying a document
 CTPdfToolsSign_OutputOptionsAdditional document level options
 CTPdfToolsSign_PreparedDocumentA document that has been prepared for signing
 CTPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationConfiguration for signature creation
 CTPdfToolsSign_SignatureFieldOptionsOptions for adding unsigned signature fields These options control the creation of unsigned signature fields in PdfToolsSign_Signer_AddSignatureField
 CTPdfToolsSign_SignerProcess signatures and signature fields
 CTPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationConfiguration for adding time-stamps
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateA X.509 certificate
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContentThe data and validation result of the cryptographic signature
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResultThe result of a constraint validation
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustListThe custom collection of trusted certificates This class defines a custom collection of trusted certificates. They define the certificates used for ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_CustomTrustList and can be set in the validation profile with PdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile_SetCustomTrustList
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentThe data and validation result of the cryptographic signature
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContentThe data and validation result of the cryptographic time-stamp
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_UnsupportedSignatureContentThe validation result of a signature that cannot be read either because it has an unsupported type or is corrupt
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResultThe result of a signature validation
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidatorThe class to check the validity of signatures
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_DefaultThe default signature validation profile
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileThe base class for signature validation profiles The profile defines the validation constraints
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_TrustConstraintsCertificate trust constraints
 CTPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ValidationOptionsSignature validation options
 CTPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptorStructure that groups a set of callbacks that model streams