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PdfTools_Types.h File Reference

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struct  TPdfToolsGeomInt_Size
struct  TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Resolution
struct  TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Size
struct  TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Margin
struct  TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Point
struct  TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Rectangle
struct  TPdfToolsSys_Date


#define BOOL   int
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0


typedef enum TPdfTools_ErrorCode TPdfTools_ErrorCode
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_Permission TPdfToolsPdf_Permission
 The permissions allowed by a PDF document.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_XfaType TPdfToolsPdf_XfaType
 The XFA type of a PDF document See PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetXfa to get the XFA type of a PDF document.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions TPdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance
typedef enum TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy
typedef enum TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy
typedef enum TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy
typedef enum TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution
typedef enum TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation
typedef enum TPdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy TPdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy
 The conversion strategy for PDF objects.
typedef enum TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy
 The removal strategy for PDF objects.
typedef enum TPdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection TPdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection
 The strategy for recompressing images The strategy expresses the broad goal when recompressing images.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution
 The vertical resolution of Fax images The two resolutions available in Fax images.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType
 The compression type for bitonal (Fax) TIFF images.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType TPdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType
 The background type to use when rendering into an image.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace
 The color space used in PNG images.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace
 The color space used in JPEG images.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace
 The color space used in various image formats.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions
 Defines how to render annotations and their popups.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory
 The validation error category.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity
 The severity of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory
 The category of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode
 The code identifying particular conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship
typedef enum TPdfToolsSign_WarningCategory TPdfToolsSign_WarningCategory
 The warning category The category of the warning of TPdfToolsSign_Signer_Warning.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval TPdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval
typedef enum TPdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation TPdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation
typedef enum TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm
typedef enum TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm
 Cryptographic signature algorithm.
typedef enum TPdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType TPdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType
 Padding scheme of the cryptographic signature algorithm The signature algorithm is defined by the signing certificate's key type. For example, RSA or ECDSA. For some keys, e.g. RSA keys, there are different padding algorithms. Some cryptographic providers let you set this padding algorithm. However, this only has an effect on signatures created by the cryptographic provider itself. All signed data acquired from external sources may use other signing algorithms; more specifically, the issuer certificates of the trust chain, the time-stamp’s signature, or those used for the revocation information (CRL, OCSP). It is recommended to verify that the algorithms of all signatures provide a similar level of security.
typedef enum TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat
typedef enum TPdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation TPdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation
 Whether to embed validation information to enable the long-term validation (LTV) of the signature.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication
 Main status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication
 Sub-status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector
 Select the signatures.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource
 The source of the validation time.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource
 The source of data such as certificates, OCRPs or CRLs.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy
 The revocation check policy.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Document.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Signature.
typedef enum TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage_Document.
typedef enum TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping.
typedef enum TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile.
typedef enum TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping.
typedef enum TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration.
typedef enum TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent.
typedef enum TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile.
typedef struct TPdfTools_ConsumptionData TPdfTools_ConsumptionData
typedef struct TPdfTools_LicenseInfo TPdfTools_LicenseInfo
typedef struct TPdfTools_Sdk TPdfTools_Sdk
typedef struct TPdfTools_StringList TPdfTools_StringList
typedef struct TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary
typedef struct TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_MetadataSettings TPdfToolsPdf_MetadataSettings
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Encryption TPdfToolsPdf_Encryption
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Document TPdfToolsPdf_Document
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Metadata TPdfToolsPdf_Metadata
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_UnsignedSignatureField TPdfToolsPdf_UnsignedSignatureField
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Signature TPdfToolsPdf_Signature
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentSignature TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentSignature
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_CertificationSignature TPdfToolsPdf_CertificationSignature
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentTimestamp TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentTimestamp
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldList TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldList
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Revision TPdfToolsPdf_Revision
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_Page TPdfToolsImage_Page
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_PageList TPdfToolsImage_PageList
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_Document TPdfToolsImage_Document
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_SinglePageDocument TPdfToolsImage_SinglePageDocument
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_MultiPageDocument TPdfToolsImage_MultiPageDocument
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_DocumentList TPdfToolsImage_DocumentList
typedef struct TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_ImageRecompressionOptions TPdfToolsOptimization_ImageRecompressionOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_FontOptions TPdfToolsOptimization_FontOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalOptions TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_Optimizer TPdfToolsOptimization_Optimizer
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Web TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Web
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Print TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Print
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Archive TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Archive
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MinimalFileSize TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MinimalFileSize
typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Mrc TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Mrc
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ContentOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ContentOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffJpegImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffJpegImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffLzwImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffLzwImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffFlateImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffFlateImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAsFax TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAsFax
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAtResolution TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAtResolution
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageToMaxImageSize TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageToMaxImageSize
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_Converter TPdfToolsPdf2Image_Converter
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Fax TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Fax
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Archive TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Archive
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Viewing TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Viewing
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Auto TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Auto
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPage TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPage
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFit TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFit
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortrait TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortrait
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageOptions TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Converter TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Converter
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Default TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Default
typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Archive TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Archive
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationOptions TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationResult TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationResult
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisOptions TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisResult TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisResult
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter
typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConversionOptions TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConversionOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_CustomTextVariableMap TPdfToolsSign_CustomTextVariableMap
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_Appearance TPdfToolsSign_Appearance
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_OutputOptions TPdfToolsSign_OutputOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_MdpPermissionOptions TPdfToolsSign_MdpPermissionOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_SignatureFieldOptions TPdfToolsSign_SignatureFieldOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_PreparedDocument TPdfToolsSign_PreparedDocument
typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_Signer TPdfToolsSign_Signer
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Certificate TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Certificate
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_CertificateList TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_CertificateList
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_TimestampConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_Session TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_Session
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_StepUp TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_StepUp
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_Session TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_Session
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Module TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Module
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Device TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Device
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Session TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Session
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceList TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceList
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_SignatureConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_TimestampConfiguration
typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_Provider TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_Provider
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_UnsupportedSignatureContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_UnsupportedSignatureContent
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ValidationOptions TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ValidationOptions
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_TrustConstraints TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_TrustConstraints
typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Default TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Default
typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomInt_Size TPdfToolsGeomInt_Size
typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Resolution TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Resolution
typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Size TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Size
typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Margin TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Margin
typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Point TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Point
typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Rectangle TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Rectangle
typedef struct TPdfToolsSys_Date TPdfToolsSys_Date


enum  TPdfTools_ErrorCode {
  ePdfTools_Error_Success = 0 , ePdfTools_Error_UnsupportedOperation = 1 , ePdfTools_Error_IllegalState = 2 , ePdfTools_Error_IllegalArgument = 3 ,
  ePdfTools_Error_IO = 4 , ePdfTools_Error_NotFound = 5 , ePdfTools_Error_Unknown = 6 , ePdfTools_Error_Generic = 10 ,
  ePdfTools_Error_License = 12 , ePdfTools_Error_UnknownFormat = 15 , ePdfTools_Error_Corrupt = 16 , ePdfTools_Error_Password = 17 ,
  ePdfTools_Error_Conformance = 18 , ePdfTools_Error_UnsupportedFeature = 19 , ePdfTools_Error_Processing = 21 , ePdfTools_Error_Exists = 22 ,
  ePdfTools_Error_Permission = 23 , ePdfTools_Error_Http = 24 , ePdfTools_Error_Retry = 25
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_Permission {
  ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_None = 0 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_Print = 4 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_Modify = 8 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_Copy = 16 ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_Annotate = 32 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_FillForms = 256 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_SupportDisabilities = 512 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_Assemble = 1024 ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_DigitalPrint = 2048 , ePdfToolsPdf_Permission_All = 3900
 The permissions allowed by a PDF document. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_XfaType { ePdfToolsPdf_XfaType_NoXfa = 0 , ePdfToolsPdf_XfaType_XfaNeedsRendering = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf_XfaType_XfaRendered = 2 }
 The XFA type of a PDF document See PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetXfa to get the XFA type of a PDF document. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions { ePdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions_NoChanges = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions_FormFilling = 2 , ePdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions_Annotate = 3 }
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance {
  ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf10 = 0x1000 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf11 = 0x1100 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf12 = 0x1200 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf13 = 0x1300 ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf14 = 0x1400 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf15 = 0x1500 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf16 = 0x1600 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf17 = 0x1700 ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_Pdf20 = 0x2000 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA1B = 0x1401 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA1A = 0x1402 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA2B = 0x1701 ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA2U = 0x1702 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA2A = 0x1703 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA3B = 0x1711 , ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA3U = 0x1712 ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_Conformance_PdfA3A = 0x1713
enum  TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy { ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy = 1 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Flatten = 2 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Remove = 3 }
enum  TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy { ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy_Flatten = 1 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy_Remove = 2 }
enum  TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy { ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy_Copy = 1 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy_Resolve = 2 }
enum  TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution { ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution_Merge = 1 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution_Rename = 2 }
enum  TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation { ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation_NoRotation = 0 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation_Clockwise90 = 1 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation_Clockwise180 = 2 , ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation_Clockwise270 = 3 }
enum  TPdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy { ePdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy_Copy = 1 , ePdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy_Flatten = 2 }
 The conversion strategy for PDF objects. More...
enum  TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy { ePdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy_Flatten = 2 , ePdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy_Remove = 3 }
 The removal strategy for PDF objects. More...
enum  TPdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection { ePdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection_PreserveQuality = 1 , ePdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection_Balanced = 2 , ePdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection_Speed = 3 }
 The strategy for recompressing images The strategy expresses the broad goal when recompressing images. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution_Standard = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution_High = 2 }
 The vertical resolution of Fax images The two resolutions available in Fax images. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType_G3 = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType_G4 = 2 }
 The compression type for bitonal (Fax) TIFF images. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType_White = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType_Transparent = 2 }
 The background type to use when rendering into an image. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace_Rgb = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace_Gray = 2 }
 The color space used in PNG images. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace_Rgb = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace_Gray = 2 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace_Cmyk = 3 }
 The color space used in JPEG images. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace_Rgb = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace_Gray = 2 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace_Cmyk = 3 }
 The color space used in various image formats. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions_ShowAnnotations = 1 , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions_ShowAnnotationsAndPopups = 2 }
 Defines how to render annotations and their popups. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory {
  ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Format = 0x00000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Pdf = 0x00000002 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Encryption = 0x00000004 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Color = 0x00000008 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Rendering = 0x00000010 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Alternate = 0x00000020 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_PostScript = 0x00000040 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_External = 0x00000080 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Font = 0x00000100 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Unicode = 0x00000200 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Transparency = 0x00000400 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_UnsupportedAnnotation = 0x00000800 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Multimedia = 0x00001000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Print = 0x00002000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Appearance = 0x00004000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Action = 0x00008000 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Metadata = 0x00010000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Structure = 0x00020000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_OptionalContent = 0x00040000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_EmbeddedFile = 0x00080000 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Signature = 0x00100000 , ePdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory_Custom = 0x40000000
 The validation error category. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity { ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information = 1 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning = 2 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Error = 3 }
 The severity of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory {
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences = 0x00000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RepairedCorruption = 0x00000002 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors = 0x00000004 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ChangedColorant = 0x00000008 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedExternalContent = 0x00000010 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ConvertedFont = 0x00000020 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_SubstitutedFont = 0x00000040 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedTransparency = 0x00000080 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedAnnotation = 0x00000100 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedMultimedia = 0x00000200 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedAction = 0x00000400 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedMetadata = 0x00000800 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedStructure = 0x00001000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedOptionalContent = 0x00002000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ConvertedEmbeddedFile = 0x00004000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedEmbeddedFile = 0x00008000 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedSignature = 0x00010000
 The category of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode {
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_Generic = 0x00000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RemovedXfa = 0x01000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_FontNonEmbeddedOrderingIdentity = 0x01000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_FontNoRotate = 0x01000002 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_FontNoItalicSimulation = 0x01000003 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ClippedNumberValue = 0x01000004 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RecoveredImageSize = 0x02000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RepairedFont = 0x02000001 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_CopiedOutputIntent = 0x03000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_SetOutputIntent = 0x03000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_GeneratedOutputIntent = 0x03000002 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_SetColorProfile = 0x03000003 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_GeneratedColorProfile = 0x03000004 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_CreatedCalibrated = 0x03000005 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RenamedColorant = 0x04000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ResolvedColorantCollision = 0x04000001 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_EmbededFont = 0x06000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_SubstitutedFont = 0x07000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_SubstitutedMultipleMaster = 0x07000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ConvertedToStamp = 0x09000000 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RemovedDocumentMetadata = 0x0C000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_CopiedEmbeddedFile = 0x0F000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ConvertingEmbeddedFileStart = 0x0F000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ConvertingEmbeddedFileSuccess = 0x0F000002 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ChangedToInitialDocument = 0x10000000 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_ConvertingEmbeddedFileError = 0x10000001 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RemovedEmbeddedFile = 0x10000002 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode_RemovedFileAttachmentAnnotation = 0x10000003
 The code identifying particular conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType { ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType_Zugferd = 1 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType_FacturX = 2 }
enum  TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship {
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship_Source = 1 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship_Data = 2 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship_Alternative = 3 , ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship_Supplement = 4 ,
  ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship_Unspecified = 5
enum  TPdfToolsSign_WarningCategory { ePdfToolsSign_WarningCategory_PdfARemoved = 1 , ePdfToolsSign_WarningCategory_SignedDocEncryptionUnchanged = 2 , ePdfToolsSign_WarningCategory_AddValidationInformationFailed = 3 }
 The warning category The category of the warning of TPdfToolsSign_Signer_Warning. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval { ePdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval_None = 1 , ePdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval_Signed = 2 , ePdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval_All = 3 }
enum  TPdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation { ePdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation_None = 1 , ePdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation_Latest = 2 , ePdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation_All = 3 }
enum  TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm {
  ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Md5 = 1 , ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_RipeMd160 = 2 , ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha1 = 3 , ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha256 = 4 ,
  ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha384 = 5 , ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha512 = 6 , ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha3_256 = 7 , ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha3_384 = 8 ,
  ePdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm_Sha3_512 = 9
enum  TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm { ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm_RsaRsa = 1 , ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm_RsaSsaPss = 2 , ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm_Ecdsa = 3 }
 Cryptographic signature algorithm. More...
enum  TPdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType { ePdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType_Default = 0 , ePdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType_RsaRsa = 1 , ePdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType_RsaSsaPss = 2 }
 Padding scheme of the cryptographic signature algorithm The signature algorithm is defined by the signing certificate's key type. For example, RSA or ECDSA. For some keys, e.g. RSA keys, there are different padding algorithms. Some cryptographic providers let you set this padding algorithm. However, this only has an effect on signatures created by the cryptographic provider itself. All signed data acquired from external sources may use other signing algorithms; more specifically, the issuer certificates of the trust chain, the time-stamp’s signature, or those used for the revocation information (CRL, OCSP). It is recommended to verify that the algorithms of all signatures provide a similar level of security. More...
enum  TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat { ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat_AdbePkcs7Detached = 1 , ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat_EtsiCadesDetached = 2 }
enum  TPdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation { ePdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation_None = 0 , ePdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation_EmbedInSignature = 1 , ePdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation_EmbedInDocument = 2 }
 Whether to embed validation information to enable the long-term validation (LTV) of the signature. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication { ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication_Valid = 1 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication_Invalid = 2 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication_Indeterminate = 3 }
 Main status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication {
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_Revoked = 1 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_HashFailure = 2 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_SigCryptoFailure = 3 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_SigConstraintsFailure = 4 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_ChainConstraintsFailure = 5 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_CryptoConstraintsFailure = 6 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_Expired = 7 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_NotYetValid = 8 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_FormatFailure = 9 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_PolicyProcessingError = 10 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_UnknownCommitmentType = 11 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_TimestampOrderFailure = 12 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_NoSignerCertificateFound = 13 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_NoCertificateChainFound = 14 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_RevokedNoPoe = 15 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_RevokedCaNoPoe = 16 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_OutOfBoundsNoPoe = 17 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_CryptoConstraintsFailureNoPoe = 18 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_NoPoe = 19 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_TryLater = 20 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_NoPolicy = 21 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_SignedDataNotFound = 22 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_IncompleteCertificateChain = 512 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_CertificateNoRevocationInformation = 513 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_MissingRevocationInformation = 514 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_ExpiredNoRevocationInformation = 515 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_Untrusted = 516 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication_Generic = 1024
 Sub-status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector { ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector_Latest = 1 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector_All = 2 }
 Select the signatures. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource { ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource_ProofOfExistence = 0x0001 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource_ExpiredTimeStamp = 0x0002 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource_SignatureTime = 0x0004 }
 The source of the validation time. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource {
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_EmbedInSignature = 0x0001 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_EmbedInDocument = 0x0002 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_Download = 0x0004 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_System = 0x0008 ,
  ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_Aatl = 0x0100 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_Eutl = 0x0200 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource_CustomTrustList = 0x0400
 The source of data such as certificates, OCRPs or CRLs. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy { ePdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy_Required = 1 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy_Supported = 2 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy_Optional = 3 , ePdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy_NoCheck = 4 }
 The revocation check policy. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType { ePdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType_OutputOptions , ePdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType_PdfToolsSign_OutputOptions }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType { ePdfToolsPdf_DocumentType_Document , ePdfToolsPdf_DocumentType_PdfToolsSign_PreparedDocument }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Document. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType {
  ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_SignatureField , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_UnsignedSignatureField , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_SignedSignatureField , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_Signature ,
  ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_DocumentSignature , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_CertificationSignature , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType_DocumentTimestamp
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType {
  ePdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType_SignedSignatureField , ePdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType_Signature , ePdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType_DocumentSignature , ePdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType_CertificationSignature ,
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType { ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureType_Signature , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureType_DocumentSignature , ePdfToolsPdf_SignatureType_CertificationSignature }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Signature. More...
enum  TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType { ePdfToolsImage_DocumentType_Document , ePdfToolsImage_DocumentType_SinglePageDocument , ePdfToolsImage_DocumentType_MultiPageDocument }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage_Document. More...
enum  TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType {
  ePdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType_Profile , ePdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType_Web , ePdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType_Print , ePdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType_Archive ,
  ePdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType_MinimalFileSize , ePdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType_Mrc
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType {
  ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_ImageOptions , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_FaxImageOptions , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_TiffJpegImageOptions , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_TiffLzwImageOptions ,
  ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_TiffFlateImageOptions , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_PngImageOptions , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType_JpegImageOptions
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType { ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType_ImageSectionMapping , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType_RenderPageAsFax , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType_RenderPageAtResolution , ePdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType_RenderPageToMaxImageSize }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping. More...
enum  TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType { ePdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType_Profile , ePdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType_Fax , ePdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType_Archive , ePdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType_Viewing }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile. More...
enum  TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType {
  ePdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType_ImageMapping , ePdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType_Auto , ePdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType_ShrinkToPage , ePdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType_ShrinkToFit ,
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping. More...
enum  TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType { ePdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType_Profile , ePdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType_Default , ePdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType_Archive }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType {
  ePdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType_SignatureConfiguration , ePdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfiguration , ePdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfiguration , ePdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfiguration ,
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType {
  ePdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType_TimestampConfiguration , ePdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_TimestampConfiguration , ePdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfiguration , ePdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfiguration ,
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration. More...
enum  TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType {
  ePdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType_Provider , ePdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_Session , ePdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_Session , ePdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType_PdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Session ,
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType { ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType_SignatureContent , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType_UnsupportedSignatureContent , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType_CmsSignatureContent , ePdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType_TimeStampContent }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent. More...
enum  TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType { ePdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType_Profile , ePdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType_Default }
 Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BOOL   int


#define FALSE   0


#define TRUE   1

Typedef Documentation

◆ TPdfTools_ConsumptionData

typedef struct TPdfTools_ConsumptionData TPdfTools_ConsumptionData

◆ TPdfTools_ErrorCode

◆ TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler

typedef struct TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler

◆ TPdfTools_LicenseInfo

typedef struct TPdfTools_LicenseInfo TPdfTools_LicenseInfo

◆ TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary

typedef struct TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary

◆ TPdfTools_Sdk

typedef struct TPdfTools_Sdk TPdfTools_Sdk

◆ TPdfTools_StringList

typedef struct TPdfTools_StringList TPdfTools_StringList

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm

Cryptographic signature algorithm.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType

Padding scheme of the cryptographic signature algorithm The signature algorithm is defined by the signing certificate's key type. For example, RSA or ECDSA. For some keys, e.g. RSA keys, there are different padding algorithms. Some cryptographic providers let you set this padding algorithm. However, this only has an effect on signatures created by the cryptographic provider itself. All signed data acquired from external sources may use other signing algorithms; more specifically, the issuer certificates of the trust chain, the time-stamp’s signature, or those used for the revocation information (CRL, OCSP). It is recommended to verify that the algorithms of all signatures provide a similar level of security.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation

Whether to embed validation information to enable the long-term validation (LTV) of the signature.

Embed revocation information such as online certificate status response (OCSP - RFC2560) and certificate revocation lists (CRL - RFC3280). Revocation information of a certificate is provided by a validation service at the time of signing and acts as proof that the certificate was valid at the time of signing. This is useful because even when the certificate expires or is revoked at a later time, the signature in the signed document remains valid.

Embedding revocation information is optional but suggested when applying advanced or qualified electronic signatures. This feature is not always available. It has to be supported by the signing certificate and the cryptographic provider. Also, it is not supported by document time-stamp signatures. For these cases, a subsequent invocation of PdfToolsSign_Signer_Process with PdfToolsSign_OutputOptions_GetAddValidationInformation is required.

Revocation information is embedded for the signing certificate and all certificates of its trust chain. This implies that both OCSP responses and CRLs can be present in the same message. The disadvantages of embedding revocation information are the increase of the file size (normally by around 20KB), and that it requires a web request to a validation service, which delays the process of signing. Embedding revocation information requires an online connection to the CA that issues them. The firewall must be configured accordingly. If a web proxy is used (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxy), make sure the following MIME types are supported:

  • application/ocsp-request
  • application/ocsp-response

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Certificate

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Certificate TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Certificate

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_CertificateList

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_CertificateList TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_CertificateList

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType iChildType = PdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_Provider

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_Provider TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_Provider

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_SignatureConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_SignatureConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_TimestampConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_TimestampConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_Session

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_Session TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_Session

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_SignatureConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_TimestampConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersGlobalSignDss_TimestampConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Device

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Device TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Device

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceList

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceList TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_DeviceList

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Module

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Module TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Module

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Session

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Session TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_Session

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_SignatureConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersPkcs11_TimestampConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_Session

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_Session TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_Session

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_SignatureConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_StepUp

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_StepUp TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_StepUp

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersSwisscomSigSrv_TimestampConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler

typedef struct TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy

◆ TPdfToolsGeomInt_Size

typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomInt_Size TPdfToolsGeomInt_Size

◆ TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Margin

typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Margin TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Margin

◆ TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Point

typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Point TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Point

◆ TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Rectangle

typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Rectangle TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Rectangle

◆ TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Resolution

typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Resolution TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Resolution

◆ TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Size

typedef struct TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Size TPdfToolsGeomUnits_Size

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Auto

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Auto TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Auto

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Converter

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Converter TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_Converter

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType iChildType = PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageOptions TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFit

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFit TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToFit

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPage

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPage TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPage

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortrait

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortrait TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ShrinkToPortrait

◆ TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Archive

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Archive TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Archive

◆ TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Default

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Default TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Default

◆ TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile

◆ TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsImage_Document

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_Document TPdfToolsImage_Document

◆ TPdfToolsImage_DocumentList

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_DocumentList TPdfToolsImage_DocumentList

◆ TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage_Document.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsImage_Document. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsImage_Document*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsImage_Document_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType iChildType = PdfToolsImage_Document_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsImage_MultiPageDocument

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_MultiPageDocument TPdfToolsImage_MultiPageDocument

◆ TPdfToolsImage_Page

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_Page TPdfToolsImage_Page

◆ TPdfToolsImage_PageList

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_PageList TPdfToolsImage_PageList

◆ TPdfToolsImage_SinglePageDocument

typedef struct TPdfToolsImage_SinglePageDocument TPdfToolsImage_SinglePageDocument

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection

The strategy for recompressing images The strategy expresses the broad goal when recompressing images.

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy

The conversion strategy for PDF objects.

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_FontOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_FontOptions TPdfToolsOptimization_FontOptions

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_ImageRecompressionOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_ImageRecompressionOptions TPdfToolsOptimization_ImageRecompressionOptions

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_Optimizer

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_Optimizer TPdfToolsOptimization_Optimizer

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalOptions TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalOptions

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy

The removal strategy for PDF objects.

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Archive

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Archive TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Archive

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MinimalFileSize

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MinimalFileSize TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_MinimalFileSize

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Mrc

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Mrc TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Mrc

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Print

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Print TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Print

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Web

typedef struct TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Web TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Web

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions

Defines how to render annotations and their popups.

Annotations associate an object such as a sticky note, link or rich media with a location on a PDF page; they may also provide user interaction by means of the mouse and keyboard.

Some annotations have an associated popup.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType

The background type to use when rendering into an image.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace

The color space used in various image formats.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ContentOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ContentOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ContentOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_Converter

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_Converter TPdfToolsPdf2Image_Converter

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution

The vertical resolution of Fax images The two resolutions available in Fax images.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace

The color space used in JPEG images.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace

The color space used in PNG images.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAsFax

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAsFax TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAsFax

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAtResolution

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAtResolution TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageAtResolution

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageToMaxImageSize

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageToMaxImageSize TPdfToolsPdf2Image_RenderPageToMaxImageSize

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType

The compression type for bitonal (Fax) TIFF images.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffFlateImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffFlateImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffFlateImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffJpegImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffJpegImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffJpegImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffLzwImageOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffLzwImageOptions TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffLzwImageOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Archive

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Archive TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Archive

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Fax

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Fax TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Fax

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Viewing

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Viewing TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Viewing

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_CertificationSignature

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_CertificationSignature TPdfToolsPdf_CertificationSignature

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Document

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Document TPdfToolsPdf_Document

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentSignature

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentSignature TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentSignature

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentTimestamp

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentTimestamp TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentTimestamp

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Document.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_Document. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_Document*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Encryption

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Encryption TPdfToolsPdf_Encryption

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Metadata

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Metadata TPdfToolsPdf_Metadata

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_MetadataSettings

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_MetadataSettings TPdfToolsPdf_MetadataSettings

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Permission

The permissions allowed by a PDF document.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Revision

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Revision TPdfToolsPdf_Revision

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Signature

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_Signature TPdfToolsPdf_Signature

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldList

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldList TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldList

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_SignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_SignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Signature.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_Signature. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_Signature*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_Signature_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_Signature_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_UnsignedSignatureField

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdf_UnsignedSignatureField TPdfToolsPdf_UnsignedSignatureField

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_XfaType

The XFA type of a PDF document See PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetXfa to get the XFA type of a PDF document.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship

The AFRelationship determines the relation of the invoice file to the PDF.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConversionOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConversionOptions TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_ConversionOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory

The category of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode

The code identifying particular conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity

The severity of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisOptions TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisResult

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisResult TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_AnalysisResult

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory

The validation error category.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationOptions TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationOptions

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationResult

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationResult TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ValidationResult

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator

typedef struct TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_Validator

◆ TPdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation

◆ TPdfToolsSign_Appearance

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_Appearance TPdfToolsSign_Appearance

◆ TPdfToolsSign_CustomTextVariableMap

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_CustomTextVariableMap TPdfToolsSign_CustomTextVariableMap

◆ TPdfToolsSign_MdpPermissionOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_MdpPermissionOptions TPdfToolsSign_MdpPermissionOptions

◆ TPdfToolsSign_OutputOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_OutputOptions TPdfToolsSign_OutputOptions

◆ TPdfToolsSign_PreparedDocument

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_PreparedDocument TPdfToolsSign_PreparedDocument

◆ TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType iChildType = PdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsSign_SignatureFieldOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_SignatureFieldOptions TPdfToolsSign_SignatureFieldOptions

◆ TPdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval

◆ TPdfToolsSign_Signer

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_Signer TPdfToolsSign_Signer

◆ TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration

typedef struct TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration

◆ TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType iChildType = PdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsSign_WarningCategory

The warning category The category of the warning of TPdfToolsSign_Signer_Warning.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource

The source of data such as certificates, OCRPs or CRLs.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication

Main status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType iChildType = PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector

Select the signatures.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication

Sub-status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource

The source of the validation time.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_UnsupportedSignatureContent

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_UnsupportedSignatureContent TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_UnsupportedSignatureContent

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Default

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Default TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Default

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy

The revocation check policy.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_TrustConstraints

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_TrustConstraints TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_TrustConstraints

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ValidationOptions

typedef struct TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ValidationOptions TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ValidationOptions

◆ TPdfToolsSys_Date

typedef struct TPdfToolsSys_Date TPdfToolsSys_Date

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TPdfTools_ErrorCode


A generic error occurred.


The license is not valid.


The format is not known.


The file is corrupt and cannot be opened.


Invalid password specified.


The document has an invalid conformance level.


The document contains an unsupported feature.


The file cannot be processed.


The specified item already exists.


The operation is not allowed.


An error occurred during the processing of a HTTP request.


A resource or service is temporarily unavailable.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm


MD5 This algorithm is considered broken and therefore strongly discouraged by the cryptographic community.




SHA-1 This algorithm is considered broken and therefore strongly discouraged by the cryptographic community.








SHA3-256 SHA3-256 is a new hashing algorithm and may not be supported by some applications.


SHA3-384 SHA3-384 is a new hashing algorithm and may not be supported by some applications.


SHA3-512 SHA3-512 is a new hashing algorithm and may not be supported by some applications.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm

Cryptographic signature algorithm.


RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 This is the RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 algorithm which is widely supported by cryptographic providers.


RSA with SSA-PSS (PKCS#1 v2.1) This algorithm is generally recommended because it is considered a more secure alternative to RSA_RSA. However, it is not supported by all cryptographic providers.


Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm This algorithm is generally recommended for new applications. However, it is not supported by all cryptographic providers.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat


Legacy PAdES Basic signature (PDF 1.6) Legacy PAdES Basic signature specified by ETSI TS 102 778, Part 2. This type can be used for document signatures and certification (MDP) signatures.


PAdES signature (PDF 2.0) PAdES signature as specified by European Standard ETSI EN 319 142. This type can be used for document signatures and certification (MDP) signatures.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_SignaturePaddingType

Padding scheme of the cryptographic signature algorithm The signature algorithm is defined by the signing certificate's key type. For example, RSA or ECDSA. For some keys, e.g. RSA keys, there are different padding algorithms. Some cryptographic providers let you set this padding algorithm. However, this only has an effect on signatures created by the cryptographic provider itself. All signed data acquired from external sources may use other signing algorithms; more specifically, the issuer certificates of the trust chain, the time-stamp’s signature, or those used for the revocation information (CRL, OCSP). It is recommended to verify that the algorithms of all signatures provide a similar level of security.


Default padding scheme The default padding scheme. Used for the ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm_Ecdsa signature algorithm.


RSA with PKCS#1 padding scheme Padding scheme for RSA keys that corresponds to the ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm_RsaRsa signature algorithm.


RSA with Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS) Padding scheme for RSA keys that corresponds to the ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureAlgorithm_RsaSsaPss signature algorithm.

◆ TPdfToolsCrypto_ValidationInformation

Whether to embed validation information to enable the long-term validation (LTV) of the signature.

Embed revocation information such as online certificate status response (OCSP - RFC2560) and certificate revocation lists (CRL - RFC3280). Revocation information of a certificate is provided by a validation service at the time of signing and acts as proof that the certificate was valid at the time of signing. This is useful because even when the certificate expires or is revoked at a later time, the signature in the signed document remains valid.

Embedding revocation information is optional but suggested when applying advanced or qualified electronic signatures. This feature is not always available. It has to be supported by the signing certificate and the cryptographic provider. Also, it is not supported by document time-stamp signatures. For these cases, a subsequent invocation of PdfToolsSign_Signer_Process with PdfToolsSign_OutputOptions_GetAddValidationInformation is required.

Revocation information is embedded for the signing certificate and all certificates of its trust chain. This implies that both OCSP responses and CRLs can be present in the same message. The disadvantages of embedding revocation information are the increase of the file size (normally by around 20KB), and that it requires a web request to a validation service, which delays the process of signing. Embedding revocation information requires an online connection to the CA that issues them. The firewall must be configured accordingly. If a web proxy is used (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxy), make sure the following MIME types are supported:

  • application/ocsp-request
  • application/ocsp-response

Basic: Do not add any validation information.


LTV: Embed validation information into the signature This is only possible for Legacy PAdES Basic signatures (signature format ePdfToolsCrypto_SignatureFormat_AdbePkcs7Detached).


LTV: Embed validation information into the document.

Embedding validation information into the document security store (DSS) is recommended, because it creates smaller files and is supported for all signature formats.

The document security store has been standardized in 2009 by the standard for PAdES-LTV Profiles (ETSI TS 102 778-4). Therefore, some legacy signature validation software may not support this. For these cases, it is necessary to use EmbedInSignature.

◆ TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsCryptoProviders_ProviderType iChildType = PdfToolsCryptoProviders_Provider_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy


The elements are copied as-is to the output document.


The visual appearance of elements is preserved, but they are not interactive anymore.


The elements are removed completely.

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution


Elements with the same name are considered the same and are merged if possible.


Elements with the same name are considered different and the later occurrence is renamed.

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy


Copy named destinations Named destinations are copyied as-is.


Resolve named destinations Named destinations are resolved and converted to direct destinations.

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageRotation


No rotation is applied.


Rotation for 90 degrees clockwise.


Rotation for 180 degrees clockwise.


Rotation for 270 degrees clockwise.

◆ TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy


The visual appearance of elements is preserved, but they are not interactive anymore.


The elements are removed completely.

◆ TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMappingType iChildType = PdfToolsImage2Pdf_ImageMapping_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsImage2PdfProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsImage_Document.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsImage_Document. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsImage_Document*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsImage_Document_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsImage_DocumentType iChildType = PdfToolsImage_Document_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection

The strategy for recompressing images The strategy expresses the broad goal when recompressing images.


The image quality is preserved as far as possible.


A compromise between ePdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection_PreserveQuality and ePdfToolsOptimization_CompressionAlgorithmSelection_Speed.


Favor fast compression time over image quality.

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_ConversionStrategy

The conversion strategy for PDF objects.


The object is copied onto the output page.


The object is removed, but its visual appearance is drawn as non-editable graphic onto the output page.

◆ TPdfToolsOptimization_RemovalStrategy

The removal strategy for PDF objects.


The object is removed, but its visual appearance is drawn as non-editable graphic onto the output page.


The object is removed together with its visual appearance.

◆ TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsOptimizationProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_AnnotationOptions

Defines how to render annotations and their popups.

Annotations associate an object such as a sticky note, link or rich media with a location on a PDF page; they may also provide user interaction by means of the mouse and keyboard.

Some annotations have an associated popup.


Render the annotation without the associated popup.


Render the annotation and the associated popup.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_BackgroundType

The background type to use when rendering into an image.


White background The input PDF content will be rendered on a white background.


Transparent background The input PDF content will be rendered into an image with an alpha channel and no background.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ColorSpace

The color space used in various image formats.


◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_FaxVerticalResolution

The vertical resolution of Fax images The two resolutions available in Fax images.


A vertical resolution of 98 DPI (dots per inch)


A vertical resolution of 196 DPI (dots per inch)

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptionsType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageOptions_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMappingType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf2Image_ImageSectionMapping_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_JpegColorSpace

The color space used in JPEG images.


◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_PngColorSpace

The color space used in PNG images.


◆ TPdfToolsPdf2Image_TiffBitonalCompressionType

The compression type for bitonal (Fax) TIFF images.


CCITT Group 3 CCITT Group 3 is the predecessor to CCITT Group 4, it is a simpler algorithm that normally results in a lower compression ratio.


CCITT Group 4 CCITT Group 4 is the standard compression for bitonal TIFF images (i.e. facsimile).

◆ TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf2ImageProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance


PDF Version 1.0.


PDF Version 1.1.


PDF Version 1.2.


PDF Version 1.3.


PDF Version 1.4 (corresponds to Acrobat 5)


PDF Version 1.5.


PDF Version 1.6 (corresponds to Acrobat 7)


PDF Version 1.7, ISO 32000-1.


PDF Version 2.0, ISO 32000-2.


PDF/A-1b, ISO 19005-1, level B conformance.


PDF/A-1a, ISO 19005-1, level A conformance.


PDF/A-2b, ISO 19005-2, level B conformance.


PDF/A-2u, ISO 19005-2, level U conformance.


PDF/A-2a, ISO 19005-2, level A conformance.


PDF/A-3b, ISO 19005-3, level B conformance.


PDF/A-3u, ISO 19005-3, level U conformance.


PDF/A-3a, ISO 19005-3, level A conformance.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Document.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_Document. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_Document*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_DocumentType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions


No changes to the document shall be permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature.


Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature.


Permitted changes are the same as for ePdfToolsPdf_MdpPermissions_FormFilling, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature.

◆ TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptionsType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_Permission

The permissions allowed by a PDF document.


No permission.


Allow low resolution printing.


Allow changing the document.


Allow content copying or extraction.


Allow annotations.


Allow filling of form fields.


Allow support for disabilities.


Allow document assembly.


Allow high resolution printing.


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_SignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureFieldType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_SignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_Signature.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_Signature. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_Signature*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_Signature_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_SignatureType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_Signature_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureFieldType iChildType = PdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsPdf_XfaType

The XFA type of a PDF document See PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetXfa to get the XFA type of a PDF document.


No XFA document The document is not an XFA document but a regular PDF document.


XFA document The document is an XFA document. The document cannot be processed by many components, so it is recommended to convert it to a PDF document beforehand.


Rendered XFA document The document is a "rendered" XFA document where the PDF pages' content has been generated from the XFA form. Such documents can be processed as regular PDF documents. However, there is no guarantee that the generated pages accurately reflect the XFA document.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_AFRelationship

The AFRelationship determines the relation of the invoice file to the PDF.


◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory

The category of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.


The conversion resulted in visual differences to the document.

The conversion is optimized to preserve the visual appearance of documents. However, under some circumstances visual differences cannot be avoided. This is typically the case for low quality and erroneous input documents.


  • The visual appearance of a proprietary annotation type could not be generated.
  • Numbers that exceed the allowed value range have been clipped.
  • Text of an invalid font is unclear because its mapping to glyphs is ambiguous.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning

It is not possible for the SDK to gauge the effect of the visual differences on the document's content. Therefore, it is recommended to let a user assess, whether or not the conversion result is acceptable. If a manual review is not feasible, events of this category should be classified as an ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Error.


Repaired a corrupt document.

Corrupt documents are repaired automatically. Since the specification does not define how corrupt documents should be repaired, each viewer has its own heuristics for doing so. Therefore, the repaired document might have visual differences to the input document in your viewer. For that reason, an event is generated such that the repaired document can be reviewed, similarly to ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences.

Examples for documents that must be repaired:

  • The document has been damaged, e.g. during an incomplete file upload.
  • The document has been created by an erroneous application.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning


Managed colors of input document.

Purely informational messages related to color management.


  • Copied PDF/A output intent from input file.
  • Embedded ICC color profile.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Resolved ambiguous or conflicting descriptions of colorants (spot colors).

Colorants are special inks used in addition to the process colors (e.g. red, green, and blue in the RGB color space or cyan, magenta, yellow and black in the CMYK color space). Popular colorants are PANTONE colors typically used in printing; or also metallic or fluorescent inks.

Colorants in PDF documents contain a description that is required to paint a good approximation of the intended color in case the colorant is unavailable. Within the same document all descriptions for the same colorant should be equal. This warning is generated if conflicting descriptions must be harmonized, for example during PDF/A conversion.

This has no effect on output devices where the colorant is available, e.g. on certain printers. For other output devices this warning may indicate visual differences. However, for well-formed documents (i.e. not maliciously created documents), the visual differences are not noticeable.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed references to external content.


  • Removed references to external files containing stream data used in the document.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Converted fonts of input document.

Purely informational messages related to font management.


  • Embedded a font.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Substituted a font for a similar one.

If a required font is not embedded and not available in the installed fonts, a similar font must be chosen and used. This is a commonly performed when viewing or printing a PDF document. While this may lead to minor visual differences, all text is preserved.

It is important that the installed fonts contain all fonts that are not embedded in the input documents. See the product's installation documentation for a list of fonts that are recommended to install.


  • Substituted font 'GothicBBB-Medium' with 'MS-Gothic'.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Converted transparent object to opaque.

Because transparency is not allowed in PDF/A-1, transparent objects have to be converted to opaque when converting a document to PDF/A-1. This can lead to visual differences. Even though the conversion has been optimized to reduce visual differences, they might be noticeable. Therefore, it is highly recommended to convert documents to PDF/A-2 or higher. These versions of the standard allow transparency, which results in a higher conversion quality.

This conversion event should be handled similarly to ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning


Removed prohibited annotation type.

Removing annotations does not lead to visual differences, but merely removes the interactivity of the elements.


  • Removed proprietary annotation types.
  • Removed forbidden annotation types, e.g. 3D.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed multimedia content (sound, movie).

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed prohibited action type.

Removing actions does not lead to visual differences.


  • Removed JavaScript actions in interactive form fields.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed parts of the XMP metadata that could not be repaired.

This event indicates that metadata properties have been removed during conversion. This includes any kind of metadata like e.g. the XMP metadata of a PDF document.


  • Parts of the XMP metadata of a PDF did not conform to the PDF/A standard and had to be removed.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed logical structure (tagging) information.

The logical structure of the document is a description of the content of its pages. This description has to be provided by the creator of the document. It consists of a fine granular hierarchical tagging that distinguishes between the actual content and artifacts (such as page numbers, layout artifacts, etc.). The tagging provides a meaningful description, for example "This is a header", "This color image shows a small sailing boat at sunset", etc. This information can be used e.g. to read the document to the visually impaired.

The SDK has been optimized to preserve tagging information. Typically, tagging information only has to be removed if it is invalid or corrupt.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed optional content groups (layers).

Because optional content is not allowed in PDF/A-1, it has to be removed when converting a document to PDF/A-1. Removing layers does not change the initial appearance of pages. However, the visibility of content cannot be changed anymore. Therefore, it is highly recommended to convert documents to PDF/A-2 or higher. These versions of the standard allow optional content, which results in a higher conversion quality.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning


Converted embedded file.

Purely informational messages related to the conversion of embedded files.


  • Copied an embedded file.
  • Embedded a file that has successfully been converted to PDF/A.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information


Removed embedded files.

Whether embedded files have to be removed depends on the conformance:

  • PDF/A-1: Embedded files are not allowed. All embedded files have to be removed.
  • PDF/A-2: Only embedded files are allowed, that conform to PDF/A. All embedded PDF documents are converted to PDF/A. All other files have to be removed. The Conversion Service can be used to convert PDF documents with other types of embedded files, e.g. Microsoft Office documents, images, and mails, to PDF/A-2.
  • PDF/A-3: All types of embedded files are allowed and copied as-is. The Conversion Service can be used, if a more fine-grained control over the conversion and copying of embedded files is required.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning


Removed signatures of signed input file.

Converting a signed document invalidates its signatures. For that reason, the cryptographic parts of the signatures are removed while their visual appearances are preserved.

Note that we generally recommend to sign PDF/A documents only for two reasons. First, this ensures that the file is not corrupt and its visual appearance is well defined, such than it can be reproduced flawlessly and authentically in any environment. Second, PDF/A conformance is typically required if the file is to be archived, e.g. by the recipient. Because signed files cannot be converted to PDF/A without breaking the signature, the signature must be removed before the file can be archived. By converting files to PDF/A before applying the signature, this dilemma can be avoided.

Suggested severity: ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCode

The code identifying particular conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.


Code for events that do not have a specific code associated.


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_VisualDifferences


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RepairedCorruption


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RepairedCorruption


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ManagedColors


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ChangedColorant


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ChangedColorant


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ConvertedFont


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_SubstitutedFont


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_SubstitutedFont


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedAnnotation


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedMetadata


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ConvertedEmbeddedFile


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ConvertedEmbeddedFile


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_ConvertedEmbeddedFile


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedEmbeddedFile


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedEmbeddedFile


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedEmbeddedFile


see ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory_RemovedEmbeddedFile

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity

The severity of conversion events See TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_Converter_ConversionEvent for more information on conversion events.


A conversion event which is of an informational nature.

An informational event requires no further action.

By default events of the following TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory are classified as ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Information:


A conversion event which is generally considered a non-critical issue.

An warning that might require further actions.

By default events of the following TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventCategory are classified as ePdfToolsPdfAConversion_EventSeverity_Warning:


A conversion event which is generally considered a critical issue.

A critical issue for which the conversion must be considered as failed.

By default no event uses this severity.

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAConversion_InvoiceType


ZUGFeRD (version and profile are determined automatically).


Factur-X (version and profile are determined automatically).

◆ TPdfToolsPdfAValidation_ErrorCategory

The validation error category.


The file format (header, trailer, objects, xref, streams) is corrupted.


The document doesn't conform to the PDF reference or PDF/A Specification (missing required entries, wrong value types, etc.).


The file is encrypted.


The document contains device-specific color spaces.


The document contains illegal rendering hints (unknown intents, interpolation, transfer and halftone functions).


The document contains alternate information (images).


The document contains embedded PostScript code.


The document contains references to external content (reference XObjects, OPI).


The document contains fonts without embedded font programs or encoding information (CMAPs)


The document contains fonts without appropriate character to Unicode mapping information (ToUnicode maps)


The document contains transparency.


The document contains unknown annotation types.


The document contains multimedia annotations (sound, movies).


The document contains hidden, invisible, non-viewable or non-printable annotations.


The document contains annotations or form fields with ambiguous or without appropriate appearances.


The document contains actions types other than for navigation (launch, JavaScript, ResetForm, etc.)


The document's meta data is either missing or inconsistent or corrupt.


The document doesn't provide appropriate logical structure information.


The document contains optional content (layers).


The document contains embedded files.


The document contains signatures.


Violations of custom corporate directives.

◆ TPdfToolsSign_AddValidationInformation


Do not add validation information to any existing signatures of input document.


Add validation information to latest existing signature of input document.


Add validation information to all existing signatures of input document.

◆ TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSign_SignatureConfigurationType iChildType = PdfToolsSign_SignatureConfiguration_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval


Do not remove any signatures.


Remove all signed signatures, but no unsigned signature fields. This lets you change the encryption parameters of signed input documents, e.g. to encrypt or decrypt them (see ePdfToolsSign_WarningCategory_SignedDocEncryptionUnchanged).

While the cryptographic parts of the signatures are removed, their visual appearances are preserved.


Remove all signed (see ePdfToolsSign_SignatureRemoval_Signed) and unsigned signature fields.

◆ TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSign_TimestampConfigurationType iChildType = PdfToolsSign_TimestampConfiguration_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsSign_WarningCategory

The warning category The category of the warning of TPdfToolsSign_Signer_Warning.


PDF/A conformance of input file removed due to file encryption (i.e. PdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions_GetEncryption is not NULL). Removal of PDF/A conformance is necessary, because encryption is not allowed by the PDF/A standard.


When processing signed documents, their encryption parameters (user password, owner password, permissions) cannot be changed. Therefore, the property PdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions_GetEncryption has no effect.

This warning is generated so that the following situations can be detected:

Encryption parameters of signed documents can be changed by removing all existing signatures using the property PdfToolsSign_OutputOptions_GetRemoveSignatures. In this case, this warning is not generated.


Error adding validation information to existing signatures of input document as requested by PdfToolsSign_OutputOptions_GetAddValidationInformation. The warning's context contains a description of the affected signature.

Potential causes of this warning are:

  • Missing issuer certificate: All certificates of the trust chain are required to add validation information. Preferably, the certificates should be present in the cryptographic provider's certificate store. Alternatively, if supported by the certificate, the issuer certificate is downloaded from the certificate authority's server and stored in the user's Certificates directory (see TPdfToolsCryptoProvidersBuiltIn_Provider).
  • Network problem: The network must allow OCSP and CRL responses to be downloaded from the certificate authority's server. Make sure your proxy configuration (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxy) is correct.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource

The source of data such as certificates, OCRPs or CRLs.


Data embedded in the signature Allowed data: certificates, OCSP, CRL.


Data embedded in the document security store (DSS) Allowed data: certificates, OCSP, CRL.


Data retrieved online or from the local download cache.

Allowed data: issuer certificates (for certificates that have caIssuers extension), OCSP, CRL

Note: only data for certificates that are time-valid at the current time can be downloaded. For example, OCSP and CRL can only be downloaded for certificates that have not yet expired.


Data from the local system cache Allowed data: certificates.


From the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL)

NOTE: Support for this trust list has not yet been implemented.

Allowed data: issuer certificates


From the European Trust List (EUTL)

NOTE: Support for this trust list has not yet been implemented.

Allowed data: issuer certificates


From the custom trust list.

The list of certificates defined by the TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList. If no custom trust list has been defined, this value has no effect.

Allowed data: issuer certificates

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication

Main status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1.


The constraint is valid according to the chosen signature validation profile.


The constraint is invalid according to the chosen signature validation profile.


The available information is insufficient to determine whether the signature is valid or invalid.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType iChildType = PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector

Select the signatures.


Select the latest signature.


Select all signatures.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication

Sub-status indication of the signature validation process See ETSI TS 102 853 and ETSI EN 319 102-1.


The signer's certificate has been revoked.


The signature is invalid because at least one hash of the signed data object(s) included in the signing process does not match the corresponding hash value in the signature.


The signature is invalid because the signature value in the signature could not be verified using the signer's public key in the signer's certificate.


The signature is considered invalid because one or more properties of the signature do not match the validation constraints.


The signature is considered invalid because the certificate chain used in the validation process does not match the validation constraints related to the certificate.


The signature is considered invalid because at least one of the algorithms used in an element (e.g. the signature value, a certificate, etc.) has been considered unreliable. Either the algorithm used to invalidate the signature or the size of the keys used by the algorithm are no longer considered secure. The Signature Validation Algorithm has detected that this element was generated after this algorithm was deemed insecure.


The signature is considered invalid because the Signature Validation Algorithm has detected that the signing time is after the expiration date (notAfter) of the signer's certificate.


The signature is considered invalid because the Signature Validation Algorithm has detected that the signing time is before the issue date (notBefore) of the signer's certificate.


The signature is not conformant to one of the base standards.


The formal policy file could not be processed (e.g. not accessible, not parsable, etc.)


The signature was created using a policy and commitment type that is unknown to the SVA.


Constraints on the order of signature time-stamps and/or signed data object (s) time-stamps are not respected.


The signer's certificate cannot be identified.


No certificate chain has been found for the identified signer's certificate.


The signer's certificate was revoked at the validation date/time. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine whether the signing time is before or after the revocation time.


At least one certificate chain was found, but an intermediate CA certificate has been revoked.


The signer's certificate is expired or not yet valid at the validation date/time. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine that the signing time is within the validity interval of the signer's certificate.


At least one of the algorithms used in an element (e.g. the signature value, a certificate, etc.) to validate the signature or the size of the keys used in the algorithm are no longer considered reliable at the validation date/time. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine whether the element was generated before or after the algorithm or the size of the keys were considered unreliable.


A proof of existence that proves whether a signed object was produced before a compromising event (e.g. broken algorithm) is missing.


Insufficient information to fulfill all constraints. It may be possible to fulfill all constraints with additional revocation information that will be available at a later point of time.


The policy to use for validation could not be identified.


Cannot obtain signed data.


The certificate's chain is incomplete. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine whether the certificate is trusted.


The certificate has no revocation information. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine whether the certificate has been revoked.


No revocation information is available in the revocation information sources. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine whether the certificate has been revoked.


The certificate has expired and no revocation information is available in the signature or document. The Signature Validation Algorithm cannot determine whether the certificate has been revoked.


The certificate is not trusted because there is no valid path to a trust anchor.


Any other reason.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource

The source of the validation time.


Proof of Existence A proof of existence is evidence that proves that an object (a certificate, a CRL, signature value, hash value, etc.) existed at a specific time, which may be a time in the past. The presence of a given object at the current time is a proof of its existence at the current time. A suitable way of providing proof of existence of an object at a time in the past is to generate a time-stamp for that object.


Expired time stamp An expired time-stamp was used. Note that for expired time-stamps revocation information checks might not be possible.


Signature time Use the claimed (untrusted) time of the signature.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType

Type and subtype enumeration of TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile.

This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile. The other items refer to the derived types.

Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile*)pChildTypeHandle.

Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile_GetType function of the parent class: TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_ProfileType iChildType = PdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile_GetType(pParentTypeHandle).


◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_RevocationCheckPolicy

The revocation check policy.

  • Certificate must have revocation information (OCSP or CRL)
  • Revocation information is acquired from revocation sources
  • Revocation information is validated

Same as Required for certificates that have revocation information and NoCheck otherwise.


Same as Supported if revocation information is available in the RevocationInformationSources and NoCheck otherwise.


Do not check revocation information.