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Mrc Class

The optimization profile suitable for documents with Mixed Raster Content

Reduce the file size for documents containing large images, e.g. scanned pages, while maintaining the readability of text. This is accomplished by separating the images into a foreground, background and a mask layer. The foreground and background layers are heavily down-sampled and compressed. The textual information is stored in the mask with a lossless compression type. Additionally, redundant objects are removed, resources are optimized and embedded fonts are merged.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Optimization.Profiles
Assembly: PdfTools (in PdfTools.dll) Version: 1.6.0+e1db8f4bf6125495a2d29513486ea3e61205c81b
public class Mrc : Profile

The Mrc type exposes the following members.

Public methodMrc 
Public propertyCopyMetadata

Whether to copy metadata

Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata. Default: .
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyFontOptions

The font optimization options

(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyImageRecompressionOptions

The image recompression options

(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyLayerCompressionQuality

The image quality for MRC foreground and background layers

This is a value between 0 (lowest quality) and 1 (highest quality).


Public propertyLayerResolutionDPI

The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for downsampling MRC foreground and background layers

Valid values are 1, or 10000, or in between. Set to to deactivate downsampling of images.

Default: 70.

Public propertyRecognizePictures

The option to recognize photographic regions when doing MRC.

Regardless of this property’s setting, monochrome (grayscale) images are always treated as entire photographic regions (cut­out pictures) by the MRC algorithm.

Default: .

Public propertyRemovalOptions

The parameters defining the optional data to remove or flatten

(Inherited from Profile)
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
See Also