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EncryptionSetPermissions Method

Set the owner password and access permissions.

Only the given permissions are granted when opening the document. To the owner of the document, all permissions are granted. For this, the document must be opened by specifying the owner password (see OwnerPassword).

Namespace: PdfTools.Pdf
Assembly: PdfTools (in PdfTools.dll) Version: 1.6.0+e1db8f4bf6125495a2d29513486ea3e61205c81b
public void SetPermissions(
	string ownerPassword,
	Permission permissions


ownerPassword  String
The owner password to be set on the PDF document (see OwnerPassword).
permissions  Permission
The permissions to be set on the PDF document.
ArgumentExceptionIf restricted permissions (i.e. not All) are specified without ownerPassword.
ArgumentNullExceptionif ownerPassword is .
See Also