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Web Properties

The Web type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCopyMetadata

Whether to copy metadata

Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata. Default: .
(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyFontOptions

The font optimization options

(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyImageRecompressionOptions

The image recompression options

(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyRemovalOptions

The parameters defining the optional data to remove or flatten

(Inherited from Profile)
Public propertyResolutionDPI

The target resolution of images in DPI

The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for color and grayscale images.

Images with a resolution above ThresholdDPI are down-sampled.

Valid values are in the range 1.0 to 10000.

Set to to deactivate down-sampling of images.

Default: 150.

Public propertyThresholdDPI

The threshold resolution of images in DPI.

The threshold resolution in DPI (dots per inch) to selectively activate downsampling for color and grayscale images.

Valid values are in the range 1.0 to 10000. To deactivate down-sampling of images set ResolutionDPI to .

Default: 1.4 times ResolutionDPI.

See Also