Pdftools SDK
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Macros | Functions
PdfTools_PdfTools.h File Reference
#include "PdfTools_Types.h"
#include "PdfTools_PdfToolsSys.h"

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#define PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage   PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize   PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersion   PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffix   PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName   PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxy   PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxy   PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxyA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingService   PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceA
#define PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingService   PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceA
#define PdfTools_StringList_Get   PdfTools_StringList_GetA
#define PdfTools_StringList_Add   PdfTools_StringList_AddA
#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetA
#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKey   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyA
#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueA
#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Set   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetA
#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValue   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueA
#define PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificate   PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateA
#define PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKey   PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyA


 Initializes the library.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Uninitialize ()
 Uninitializes the library.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_ErrorCode PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetLastError ()
 Retrieves the last error code.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageA (char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Retrieves the last error message.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageW (WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Retrieve last error message.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_SetLastErrorA (TPdfTools_ErrorCode iErrorCode, const char *szErrorMessage)
 Set last error code and error message.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_SetLastErrorW (TPdfTools_ErrorCode iErrorCode, const WCHAR *szErrorMessage)
 Set last error code and error message.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Release (void *pObject)
 Release object.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_AddRef (void *pObject)
 Increase reference count of object.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Equals (void *pObject, void *pOther)
 Compare two native objects.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetHashCode (void *pObject)
 Get a hash code.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetRemainingPages (TPdfTools_ConsumptionData *pConsumptionData)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetOverconsumption (TPdfTools_ConsumptionData *pConsumptionData)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_LicenseInfo_IsValid (TPdfTools_LicenseInfo *pLicenseInfo)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_LicenseInfo_GetExpirationDate (TPdfTools_LicenseInfo *pLicenseInfo, TPdfToolsSys_Date *pExpirationDate)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_ConsumptionData *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_LicenseInfo_GetConsumptionData (TPdfTools_LicenseInfo *pLicenseInfo)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeA (const char *szLicense, const char *szProducerSuffix)
 Initialize the product and the license key. Before calling any of the other functions of the SDK, a license key must be set by calling this method. For licensing questions, contact pdfsales@pdftools.com.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeW (const WCHAR *szLicense, const WCHAR *szProducerSuffix)
 Initialize the product and the license key. Before calling any of the other functions of the SDK, a license key must be set by calling this method. For licensing questions, contact pdfsales@pdftools.com.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionA (char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The version of the SDK.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionW (WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The version of the SDK.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixA (const char *szProducerSuffix)
 The suffix for the producer Suffix that is appended to the producer string within metadata of PDF output documents (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName).
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixW (const WCHAR *szProducerSuffix)
 The suffix for the producer Suffix that is appended to the producer string within metadata of PDF output documents (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName).
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameA (char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The producer string that is set within the metadata of PDF output documents The producer string depends on the license key and producer suffix set in PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameW (WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The producer string that is set within the metadata of PDF output documents The producer string depends on the license key and producer suffix set in PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyA (char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyW (WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxyA (const char *szProxy)
 Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.
 Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetHttpClientHandler (void)
 The default handler for communication to remote servers This instance is used wherever there is no dedicated HTTP client handler parameter.
 Property denoting whether the usage tracking is enabled or disabled.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetUsageTracking (BOOL bUsageTracking)
 Property denoting whether the usage tracking is enabled or disabled.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceA (char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceW (WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceA (const char *szLicensingService)
 Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceW (const WCHAR *szLicensingService)
 Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_LicenseInfo *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicenseInfoSnapshot (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_StringList *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_GetCount (TPdfTools_StringList *pStringList)
 Get the number of elements in the list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_GetA (TPdfTools_StringList *pStringList, int iIndex, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_GetW (TPdfTools_StringList *pStringList, int iIndex, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_AddA (TPdfTools_StringList *pStringList, const char *szString)
 Add an element to the end of the list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_AddW (TPdfTools_StringList *pStringList, const WCHAR *szString)
 Add an element to the end of the list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetCount (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary)
 The number of key-value pairs in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetSize (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary)
 The number of key-value pairs in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetBegin (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary)
 Get the position of the first entry in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary)
 Get the end position of the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it)
 Get the position of the next entry in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetA (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, const char *szKey)
 Get the position of a key in the map. If no error occurred, then the position can be used to get the corresponding value with PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetW (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, const WCHAR *szKey)
 Get the position of a key in the map. If no error occurred, then the position can be used to get the corresponding value with PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyA (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Get the key of the entry given a position.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyW (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Get the key of the entry given a position.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueA (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Get the value of the entry given a position.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueW (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 Get the value of the entry given a position.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetA (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, const char *szKey, const char *szValue)
 Set the value of an entry for a given key. This operation invalidates all positions previously returned by‹pre›_‹map›_GetBegin, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext, and PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetW (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, const WCHAR *szKey, const WCHAR *szValue)
 Set the value of an entry for a given key. This operation invalidates all positions previously returned by‹pre›_‹map›_GetBegin, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext, and PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueA (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it, const char *szValue)
 Set the value of the entry at a position in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueW (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it, const WCHAR *szValue)
 Set the value of the entry at a position in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Clear (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary)
 Remove all entries from the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Remove (TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *pMetadataDictionary, int it)
 Remove the entry at a position in the map.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateA (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pArchive, const char *szPassword)
 Set the SSL/TLS client certificate as PFX (PKCS#12) archive The file must contain the certificate itself, all certificates of the trust chain, and the private key.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateW (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pArchive, const WCHAR *szPassword)
 Set the SSL/TLS client certificate as PFX (PKCS#12) archive The file must contain the certificate itself, all certificates of the trust chain, and the private key.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyA (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pCert, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pKey, const char *szPassword)
 Set the SSL/TLS client certificate and private key The file must contain the certificate and its private key. It is also recommended to include all certificates of the trust chain.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyW (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pCert, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pKey, const WCHAR *szPassword)
 Set the SSL/TLS client certificate and private key The file must contain the certificate and its private key. It is also recommended to include all certificates of the trust chain.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_AddTrustedCertificate (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pCert)
 Add a certificate to the trust store Add a certificate to the trust store of this HttpClientHandler instance. The certificates in the trust store are used to verify the certificate of the SSL/TLS server (see TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler). You should add trusted certification authorities (Root CA) certificates to the trust store. However, you can also add server certificates (e.g. self-signed certificates) and intermediate CA certificates.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_GetSslVerifyServerCertificate (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler)
 Verify the server certificate for SSL/TLS.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetSslVerifyServerCertificate (TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *pHttpClientHandler, BOOL bSslVerifyServerCertificate)
 Verify the server certificate for SSL/TLS.

Macro Definition Documentation



◆ PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage

#define PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage   PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageA

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificate

#define PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificate   PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateA

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKey

#define PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKey   PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyA

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get

#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetA

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKey

#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKey   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyA

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue

#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueA

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Set

#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Set   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetA

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValue

#define PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValue   PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingService

#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingService   PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName

#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName   PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxy

#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxy   PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersion

#define PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersion   PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize

#define PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize   PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingService

#define PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingService   PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffix

#define PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffix   PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixA

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxy

#define PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxy   PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxyA

◆ PdfTools_StringList_Add

#define PdfTools_StringList_Add   PdfTools_StringList_AddA

◆ PdfTools_StringList_Get

#define PdfTools_StringList_Get   PdfTools_StringList_GetA

Function Documentation

◆ PdfTools_AddRef()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_AddRef ( void * pObject)

Increase reference count of object.

Internally, the reference count is incremented by 1.

[in,out]pObjectObject which reference count should be incremented by 1.

◆ PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetOverconsumption()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetOverconsumption ( TPdfTools_ConsumptionData * pConsumptionData)

Denotes the number of pages left to consume in the over-consumption state. The over-consumption state begins after all PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetRemainingPages are consumed. When this value reaches zero, a license error is thrown for every attempt to use the SDK.

[in,out]pConsumptionDataActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_ConsumptionData.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetRemainingPages()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetRemainingPages ( TPdfTools_ConsumptionData * pConsumptionData)

Denotes the number of pages left to consume before entering the over-consumption state. When this value reaches zero, the SDK can still be used as long as PdfTools_ConsumptionData_GetOverconsumption is positive.

[in,out]pConsumptionDataActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_ConsumptionData.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Equals()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Equals ( void * pObject,
void * pOther )

Compare two native objects.

Checks if two handles point to the same object.

[in]pObjectPointer to one object.
[in]pOtherPointer to other object.
TRUE if both pointers point to the same object; FALSE otherwise.

◆ PdfTools_GetHashCode()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetHashCode ( void * pObject)

Get a hash code.

Get a hash code for a given native object.

[in]pObjectPointer to the object for which a hash code is calculated.
The hash code of the object.

◆ PdfTools_GetLastError()

Retrieves the last error code.

When a function returns a value indicating a potential error, determine the error by a specific error code. An error is confirmed if the error code differs from ePdfTools_Error_Success.

The error code that last was set.

◆ PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageA ( char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Retrieves the last error message.

Gets a detailed error message.

[out]pBufferThe function has to be called twice, the first time by setting pBuffer to NULL to obtain the actual buffer size and the second time with the allocated pBuffer and the buffer size obtained in the first call. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe number of characters to be copied to pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.

◆ PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessageW ( WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Retrieve last error message.

Gets a detailed error message.

[out]pBufferThe function has to be called twice, the first time by setting pBuffer to NULL to obtain the actual buffer size and the second time with the allocated pBuffer and the buffer size obtained in the first call. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_AddTrustedCertificate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_AddTrustedCertificate ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pCert )

Add a certificate to the trust store Add a certificate to the trust store of this HttpClientHandler instance. The certificates in the trust store are used to verify the certificate of the SSL/TLS server (see TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler). You should add trusted certification authorities (Root CA) certificates to the trust store. However, you can also add server certificates (e.g. self-signed certificates) and intermediate CA certificates.

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
[in]pCertThe certificate may be in either PEM (.pem, ASCII text) or DER (.cer, binary) form.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_GetSslVerifyServerCertificate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_GetSslVerifyServerCertificate ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler)

Verify the server certificate for SSL/TLS.

If TRUE the server certificate's trustworthiness is verified. If the verification process fails, the handshake is immediately terminated and the connection is aborted. The verification requires a trust store; otherwise, verification always fails.

Default: TRUE

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_New ( void )

The default values of newly created objects are not copied from the default handler PdfTools_Sdk_GetHttpClientHandler, but are as described in this documentation.

Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateA ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pArchive,
const char * szPassword )

Set the SSL/TLS client certificate as PFX (PKCS#12) archive The file must contain the certificate itself, all certificates of the trust chain, and the private key.

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
[in]pArchiveThe SSL client certificate in PKCS#12 format (.p12, .pfx)
[in]szPasswordThe password required to decrypt the private key of the archive
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyA ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pCert,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pKey,
const char * szPassword )

Set the SSL/TLS client certificate and private key The file must contain the certificate and its private key. It is also recommended to include all certificates of the trust chain.

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
[in]pCertThe certificate may be in either PEM (.pem, ASCII text) or DER (.cer, binary) form.
[in]pKeyThe encrypted private key of the certificate must be in PEM (ASCII text) form (.pem).
[in]szPasswordThe password required to decrypt the private key.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateAndKeyW ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pCert,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pKey,
const WCHAR * szPassword )

Set the SSL/TLS client certificate and private key The file must contain the certificate and its private key. It is also recommended to include all certificates of the trust chain.

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
[in]pCertThe certificate may be in either PEM (.pem, ASCII text) or DER (.cer, binary) form.
[in]pKeyThe encrypted private key of the certificate must be in PEM (ASCII text) form (.pem).
[in]szPasswordThe password required to decrypt the private key.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetClientCertificateW ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pArchive,
const WCHAR * szPassword )

Set the SSL/TLS client certificate as PFX (PKCS#12) archive The file must contain the certificate itself, all certificates of the trust chain, and the private key.

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
[in]pArchiveThe SSL client certificate in PKCS#12 format (.p12, .pfx)
[in]szPasswordThe password required to decrypt the private key of the archive
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetSslVerifyServerCertificate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_HttpClientHandler_SetSslVerifyServerCertificate ( TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler * pHttpClientHandler,
BOOL bSslVerifyServerCertificate )

Verify the server certificate for SSL/TLS.

If TRUE the server certificate's trustworthiness is verified. If the verification process fails, the handshake is immediately terminated and the connection is aborted. The verification requires a trust store; otherwise, verification always fails.

Default: TRUE

[in,out]pHttpClientHandlerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler.
[in]bSslVerifyServerCertificateSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Initialize()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Initialize ( )

Initializes the library.

The function that must be called before any other API function. Failing to invoke this function results in undefined behavior.

◆ PdfTools_LicenseInfo_GetConsumptionData()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_ConsumptionData *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_LicenseInfo_GetConsumptionData ( TPdfTools_LicenseInfo * pLicenseInfo)

This property exists only for page-based licenses. It is NULL for all other licenses.

[in,out]pLicenseInfoActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_LicenseInfo.
Retrieved value.

NULL if either an error occurred or the returned object is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.

An error occurred when NULL was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_LicenseInfo_GetExpirationDate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_LicenseInfo_GetExpirationDate ( TPdfTools_LicenseInfo * pLicenseInfo,
TPdfToolsSys_Date * pExpirationDate )

The license expiration date.

[in,out]pLicenseInfoActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_LicenseInfo.
[out]pExpirationDateRetrieved value.
FALSE if either an error occurred or the [out] argument returns NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_LicenseInfo_IsValid()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_LicenseInfo_IsValid ( TPdfTools_LicenseInfo * pLicenseInfo)

Denotes whether the license is valid.

[in,out]pLicenseInfoActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_LicenseInfo.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Clear()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Clear ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary)

Remove all entries from the map.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetA ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
const char * szKey )

Get the position of a key in the map. If no error occurred, then the position can be used to get the corresponding value with PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetBegin()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetBegin ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary)

Get the position of the first entry in the map.

The order of the entries is arbitrary and not significant.

If the returned position differs from PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd,then the position can be used to retrieve the map entry with PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKey, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue.

Use PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext to get the position of the next entry.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetCount()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetCount ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary)

The number of key-value pairs in the map.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary)

Get the end position of the map.

This position does not correspond to an actual entry in the map.

It must be used to determine whether the end of the map has been reached when using PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetBegin and PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyA ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Get the key of the entry given a position.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
[out]pBufferTo determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKeyW ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Get the key of the entry given a position.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
[out]pBufferTo determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it )

Get the position of the next entry in the map.

The order of the entries is arbitrary and not significant.

If the returned position differs from PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd, then the position can be used to retrieve the map entry with PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetKey and PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetSize()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetSize ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary)

The number of key-value pairs in the map.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:
Deprecated in Version 1.1.0.

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueA ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Get the value of the entry given a position.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
[out]pBufferTo determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValueW ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Get the value of the entry given a position.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
[out]pBufferTo determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetW ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
const WCHAR * szKey )

Get the position of a key in the map. If no error occurred, then the position can be used to get the corresponding value with PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetValue.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_New ( void )
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Remove()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Remove ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it )

Remove the entry at a position in the map.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetA ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
const char * szKey,
const char * szValue )

Set the value of an entry for a given key. This operation invalidates all positions previously returned by‹pre›_‹map›_GetBegin, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext, and PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueA ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it,
const char * szValue )

Set the value of the entry at a position in the map.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetValueW ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
int it,
const WCHAR * szValue )

Set the value of the entry at a position in the map.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_SetW ( TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary * pMetadataDictionary,
const WCHAR * szKey,
const WCHAR * szValue )

Set the value of an entry for a given key. This operation invalidates all positions previously returned by‹pre›_‹map›_GetBegin, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetEnd, PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_GetNext, and PdfTools_MetadataDictionary_Get.

[in,out]pMetadataDictionaryActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_MetadataDictionary.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Release()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Release ( void * pObject)

Release object.

Register errors by calling this function within a callback body. Disposable objects should be properly disposed by using their respective close functions.

[in]pObjectObject to be released.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetHttpClientHandler()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_HttpClientHandler *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetHttpClientHandler ( void )

The default handler for communication to remote servers This instance is used wherever there is no dedicated HTTP client handler parameter.

Retrieved value.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicenseInfoSnapshot()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_LicenseInfo *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicenseInfoSnapshot ( void )

A new snapshot is created whenever this property is accessed.

Note: PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize />must be called before accessing license information. Otherwise, the license is considered invalid.

Retrieved value.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceA ( char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.

This property is relevant only for page-based licenses and is used to set the Licensing Gateway Service.

The default is "https://licensing.pdf-tools.com/api/v1/licenses/" for the online Pdftools Licensing Service. If you plan to use the Licensing Gateway Service instead of the Pdftools Licensing Service, the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.

Example: "http://localhost:9999"

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetLicensingServiceW ( WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.

This property is relevant only for page-based licenses and is used to set the Licensing Gateway Service.

The default is "https://licensing.pdf-tools.com/api/v1/licenses/" for the online Pdftools Licensing Service. If you plan to use the Licensing Gateway Service instead of the Pdftools Licensing Service, the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.

Example: "http://localhost:9999"

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameA ( char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The producer string that is set within the metadata of PDF output documents The producer string depends on the license key and producer suffix set in PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize.

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullNameW ( WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The producer string that is set within the metadata of PDF output documents The producer string depends on the license key and producer suffix set in PdfTools_Sdk_Initialize.

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyA ( char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.

The SDK can use a proxy for all HTTP and HTTPS communication.

The default is NULL, i.e. no proxy is used. Otherwise the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to proxy.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to proxy (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of proxy.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to proxy.

Example: "http://myproxy:8080"

For SSL/TLS connections, e.g. to a signature service, the proxy must allow the HTTP CONNECT request to the remote server.

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if either an error occurred or the returned buffer is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetProxyW ( WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.

The SDK can use a proxy for all HTTP and HTTPS communication.

The default is NULL, i.e. no proxy is used. Otherwise the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to proxy.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to proxy (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of proxy.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to proxy.

Example: "http://myproxy:8080"

For SSL/TLS connections, e.g. to a signature service, the proxy must allow the HTTP CONNECT request to the remote server.

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if either an error occurred or the returned buffer is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetUsageTracking()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetUsageTracking ( void )

Property denoting whether the usage tracking is enabled or disabled.

The SDK is allowed to track usage when this property is set to TRUE. The collected data includes only non-sensitive information, such as the features used, the document type, the number of pages, etc.

The default is TRUE, i.e. usage tracking is enabled.

Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionA ( char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The version of the SDK.

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_GetVersionW ( WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The version of the SDK.

[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeA ( const char * szLicense,
const char * szProducerSuffix )

Initialize the product and the license key. Before calling any of the other functions of the SDK, a license key must be set by calling this method. For licensing questions, contact pdfsales@pdftools.com.

[in]szLicenseThe license key. The format of the license key is "<PDFSDK,V1,...>"
[in]szProducerSuffixIf neither NULL nor empty, this string is appended to the producer string within metadata of PDF output documents (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName).
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_InitializeW ( const WCHAR * szLicense,
const WCHAR * szProducerSuffix )

Initialize the product and the license key. Before calling any of the other functions of the SDK, a license key must be set by calling this method. For licensing questions, contact pdfsales@pdftools.com.

[in]szLicenseThe license key. The format of the license key is "<PDFSDK,V1,...>"
[in]szProducerSuffixIf neither NULL nor empty, this string is appended to the producer string within metadata of PDF output documents (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName).
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceA ( const char * szLicensingService)

Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.

This property is relevant only for page-based licenses and is used to set the Licensing Gateway Service.

The default is "https://licensing.pdf-tools.com/api/v1/licenses/" for the online Pdftools Licensing Service. If you plan to use the Licensing Gateway Service instead of the Pdftools Licensing Service, the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.

Example: "http://localhost:9999"

[in]szLicensingServiceSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetLicensingServiceW ( const WCHAR * szLicensingService)

Licensing service to use for all licensing requests.

This property is relevant only for page-based licenses and is used to set the Licensing Gateway Service.

The default is "https://licensing.pdf-tools.com/api/v1/licenses/" for the online Pdftools Licensing Service. If you plan to use the Licensing Gateway Service instead of the Pdftools Licensing Service, the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of the Licensing Gateway Service.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to the Licensing Gateway Service.

Example: "http://localhost:9999"

[in]szLicensingServiceSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixA ( const char * szProducerSuffix)

The suffix for the producer Suffix that is appended to the producer string within metadata of PDF output documents (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName).

[in]szProducerSuffixSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetProducerSuffixW ( const WCHAR * szProducerSuffix)

The suffix for the producer Suffix that is appended to the producer string within metadata of PDF output documents (see PdfTools_Sdk_GetProducerFullName).

[in]szProducerSuffixSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxyA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxyA ( const char * szProxy)

Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.

The SDK can use a proxy for all HTTP and HTTPS communication.

The default is NULL, i.e. no proxy is used. Otherwise the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to proxy.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to proxy (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of proxy.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to proxy.

Example: "http://myproxy:8080"

For SSL/TLS connections, e.g. to a signature service, the proxy must allow the HTTP CONNECT request to the remote server.

[in]szProxySet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetProxyW()


Proxy to use for all communication to remote servers.

The SDK can use a proxy for all HTTP and HTTPS communication.

The default is NULL, i.e. no proxy is used. Otherwise the property’s value must be a URI with the following elements:



  • http/https: Protocol for connection to proxy.
  • ‹user›:‹password› (optional): Credentials for connection to proxy (basic authorization).
  • ‹host›: Hostname of proxy.
  • ‹port›: Port for connection to proxy.

Example: "http://myproxy:8080"

For SSL/TLS connections, e.g. to a signature service, the proxy must allow the HTTP CONNECT request to the remote server.

[in]szProxySet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Sdk_SetUsageTracking()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Sdk_SetUsageTracking ( BOOL bUsageTracking)

Property denoting whether the usage tracking is enabled or disabled.

The SDK is allowed to track usage when this property is set to TRUE. The collected data includes only non-sensitive information, such as the features used, the document type, the number of pages, etc.

The default is TRUE, i.e. usage tracking is enabled.

[in]bUsageTrackingSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_SetLastErrorA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_SetLastErrorA ( TPdfTools_ErrorCode iErrorCode,
const char * szErrorMessage )

Set last error code and error message.

Register errors by calling this function within a callback body.

[in]iErrorCodeSet error code.
[in]szErrorMessageSet null-terminated error message.

◆ PdfTools_SetLastErrorW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_SetLastErrorW ( TPdfTools_ErrorCode iErrorCode,
const WCHAR * szErrorMessage )

Set last error code and error message.

Register errors by calling this function within a callback body.

[in]iErrorCodeSet error code.
[in]szErrorMessageSet null-terminated error message.

◆ PdfTools_StringList_AddA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_AddA ( TPdfTools_StringList * pStringList,
const char * szString )

Add an element to the end of the list.

[in,out]pStringListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_StringList.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_StringList_AddW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_AddW ( TPdfTools_StringList * pStringList,
const WCHAR * szString )

Add an element to the end of the list.

[in,out]pStringListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_StringList.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when FALSE was returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_StringList_GetA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_GetA ( TPdfTools_StringList * pStringList,
int iIndex,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.

[in,out]pStringListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_StringList.
[out]pBufferTo determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_StringList_GetCount()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_GetCount ( TPdfTools_StringList * pStringList)

Get the number of elements in the list.

[in,out]pStringListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_StringList.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_StringList_GetW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_GetW ( TPdfTools_StringList * pStringList,
int iIndex,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.

[in,out]pStringListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfTools_StringList.
[out]pBufferTo determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfTools_StringList_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfTools_StringList *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_StringList_New ( void )
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL was returned. Retrieve specific error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. Get the error message with PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfTools_Uninitialize()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT void PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfTools_Uninitialize ( )

Uninitializes the library.

The function that must be called after all the other API functions. Failing to invoke this function results in undefined behavior.