Class AnalysisOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • AnalysisOptions

        public AnalysisOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getConformance

        public Conformance getConformance()

        The PDF/A conformance to validate (Getter)

        It is recommended to use:

        • The input document's claimed conformance pdftools.pdf.Document.getConformance, if it is an acceptable conversion conformance. No conversion is needed, if the analysis result's property AnalysisResult.getIsConversionRecommended() is false.
        • PDF/A-2b for the conversion to PDF/A-2. This is the recommended value for all other input documents.
        • PDF/A-3b for the conversion to PDF/A-3
        • PDF/A-1b for the conversion to PDF/A-1

        Default: "PDF/A-2b"

      • setConformance

        public void setConformance​(Conformance value)

        The PDF/A conformance to validate (Setter)

        It is recommended to use:

        • The input document's claimed conformance pdftools.pdf.Document.getConformance, if it is an acceptable conversion conformance. No conversion is needed, if the analysis result's property AnalysisResult.getIsConversionRecommended() is false.
        • PDF/A-2b for the conversion to PDF/A-2. This is the recommended value for all other input documents.
        • PDF/A-3b for the conversion to PDF/A-3
        • PDF/A-1b for the conversion to PDF/A-1

        Default: "PDF/A-2b"

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
      • getStrictMode

        public boolean getStrictMode()

        Whether to enable additional, strict validation checks (Getter)

        Whether to check for potential issues that are corner cases of the PDF/A ISO Standard in which a conversion is strongly advised. Also see the documentation of AnalysisResult.getIsConversionRecommended().

        Default: true

      • setStrictMode

        public void setStrictMode​(boolean value)

        Whether to enable additional, strict validation checks (Setter)

        Whether to check for potential issues that are corner cases of the PDF/A ISO Standard in which a conversion is strongly advised. Also see the documentation of AnalysisResult.getIsConversionRecommended().

        Default: true