Class ConversionOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConversionOptions

        public ConversionOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getConformance

        public Conformance getConformance()

        The minimal target conformance (Getter)

        If a conformance is set, it is used as the minimal target conformance. The PDF/A version of the conformance must match the PDF/A version of the analysisOptions of pdftools.pdfa.validation.Validator.analyze. If the conformance level cannot be achieved, the conversion will abort with the error ConformanceException. If a higher conformance level can be achieved, it is used automatically.

        If null is used, the optimal conformance determined in the analysis (i.e. pdftools.pdfa.validation.AnalysisResult.getRecommendedConformance) is used. It is highly recommended to use null.

        Default value: null

      • setConformance

        public void setConformance​(Conformance value)

        The minimal target conformance (Setter)

        If a conformance is set, it is used as the minimal target conformance. The PDF/A version of the conformance must match the PDF/A version of the analysisOptions of pdftools.pdfa.validation.Validator.analyze. If the conformance level cannot be achieved, the conversion will abort with the error ConformanceException. If a higher conformance level can be achieved, it is used automatically.

        If null is used, the optimal conformance determined in the analysis (i.e. pdftools.pdfa.validation.AnalysisResult.getRecommendedConformance) is used. It is highly recommended to use null.

        Default value: null

      • getCopyMetadata

        public boolean getCopyMetadata()

        Whether to copy metadata (Getter)

        Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata. Default: true.
      • setCopyMetadata

        public void setCopyMetadata​(boolean value)

        Whether to copy metadata (Setter)

        Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata. Default: true.