Class Web

    • Constructor Detail

      • Web

        public Web()
    • Method Detail

      • getResolutionDPI

        public java.lang.Double getResolutionDPI()

        The target resolution of images in DPI (Getter)

        The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for color and grayscale images.

        Images with a resolution above a threshold of 1.4 times the target resolution are down-sampled.

        Valid values are 1.0, or 10000, or in between.

        Set to null to deactivate down-sampling of images.

        Default: 150.

      • setResolutionDPI

        public void setResolutionDPI​(java.lang.Double value)

        The target resolution of images in DPI (Setter)

        The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for color and grayscale images.

        Images with a resolution above a threshold of 1.4 times the target resolution are down-sampled.

        Valid values are 1.0, or 10000, or in between.

        Set to null to deactivate down-sampling of images.

        Default: 150.