Class MinimalFileSize

  • public class MinimalFileSize
    extends Profile

    The optimization profile producing a minimal file size

    This profile optimizes the output PDF for minimal file size. This is achieved by using a varied palette of image compression algorithms, appropriate resolution setting and higher compression rates at the price of slightly lower image quality.

    The output file size is further reduced by converting Embedded Type1 (PostScript) fonts to Type1C (Compact Font Format) and removing metadata and output intents (see Profile.getRemovalOptions()). Also Spider (web capture) information is removed.

    Images above 182 DPI are down-sampled and recompressed to 130 DPI. This leads to smaller output files. The property setResolutionDPI(java.lang.Double) has influence on both values.

    When an image is recompressed, the pdftools.optimization.CompressionAlgorithmSelection.BALANCED strategy is used; this can be overridden through the property Profile.getImageRecompressionOptions().

    With this profile, the output PDF version is updated to PDF 1.7 or higher and PDF/A conformance removed.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MinimalFileSize

        public MinimalFileSize()
    • Method Detail

      • getResolutionDPI

        public java.lang.Double getResolutionDPI()

        The target resolution of images in DPI (Getter)

        The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for color and grayscale images.

        Images with a resolution above a threshold of 1.4 times the target resolution are down-sampled.

        Valid values are 1.0, or 10000, or in between.

        If null, then resolution setting is disabled.

        Default: 130.

      • setResolutionDPI

        public void setResolutionDPI​(java.lang.Double value)

        The target resolution of images in DPI (Setter)

        The target resolution in DPI (dots per inch) for color and grayscale images.

        Images with a resolution above a threshold of 1.4 times the target resolution are down-sampled.

        Valid values are 1.0, or 10000, or in between.

        If null, then resolution setting is disabled.

        Default: 130.