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PdfTools_PdfToolsSignatureValidation.h File Reference
#include "PdfTools_Types.h"
#include "PdfTools_PdfToolsSys.h"

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#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessage   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageA
#define TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Constraint   TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA
#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandler    PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerA
#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandler    PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerA
#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectName   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameA
#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerName   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameA
#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprint   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintA
#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchive   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveA


typedef void(PDFTOOLS_CALLTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA) (void *pContext, const char *szMessage, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication iIndication, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication iSubIndication, TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField *pSignature, const char *szDataPart)
typedef void(PDFTOOLS_CALLTPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW) (void *pContext, const WCHAR *szMessage, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication iIndication, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication iSubIndication, TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField *pSignature, const WCHAR *szDataPart)


PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *pConstraintResult, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The validation message.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *pConstraintResult, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The validation message.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetIndication (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *pConstraintResult)
 The main indication.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetSubIndication (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *pConstraintResult)
 The sub indication.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *pValidator, void *pContext, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA pFunction)
 Adds event handler.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *pValidator, void *pContext, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW pFunction)
 Adds event handler.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *pValidator, void *pContext, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA pFunction)
 Removes event handler.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *pValidator, void *pContext, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW pFunction)
 Removes event handler.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Validate (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *pValidator, TPdfToolsPdf_Document *pDocument, TPdfToolsSignatureValidationProfiles_Profile *pProfile, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureSelector iSelector)
 Validate the signatures of a PDF document.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The name (subject) of the certificate The common name (CN) of the person or authority that owns the certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The name (subject) of the certificate The common name (CN) of the person or authority that owns the certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The name of the certificate's issuer (CA) The common name (CN) of the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The name of the certificate's issuer (CA) The common name (CN) of the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetNotAfter (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, TPdfToolsSys_Date *pNotAfter)
 The date after which the certificate is no longer valid.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetNotBefore (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, TPdfToolsSys_Date *pNotBefore)
 The date on which the certificate becomes valid.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The certificate's fingerprint The hex string representation of the certificate’s SHA-1 digest.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, WCHAR *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The certificate's fingerprint The hex string representation of the certificate’s SHA-1 digest.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetRawData (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate, unsigned char *pBuffer, size_t nBufferSize)
 The raw data of the certificate as a byte array.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSource (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate)
 Source of the certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetValidity (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *pCertificate)
 Whether the certificate is valid according to the validation profile used.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_GetCount (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *pCertificateChain)
 Get the number of elements in the list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_Get (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *pCertificateChain, int iIndex)
 Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_IsComplete (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *pCertificateChain)
 Whether all certificates of the chain are available.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults_GetCount (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults *pValidationResults)
 Get the number of elements in the list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults_Get (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults *pValidationResults, int iIndex)
 Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult_GetSignatureField (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult *pValidationResult)
 The signature field.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult_GetSignatureContent (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult *pValidationResult)
 The data and validation result of the cryptographic signature.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetValidity (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent *pSignatureContent)
 Whether the cryptographic signature is valid according to the validation profile used.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetType (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent *pSignatureContent)
 Get actual derived type of base type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetValidationTime (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent *pCmsSignatureContent, TPdfToolsSys_Date *pValidationTime)
 The time at which the signature has been validated.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetValidationTimeSource (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent *pCmsSignatureContent)
 The source for the validation time.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetHashAlgorithm (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent *pCmsSignatureContent)
 The hash algorithm used to calculate the signature's message digest.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetTimeStamp (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent *pCmsSignatureContent)
 The data and validation result of the embedded time-stamp.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetSigningCertificate (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent *pCmsSignatureContent)
 The signing certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetCertificateChain (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent *pCmsSignatureContent)
 The certificate chain of the signing certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetValidationTime (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *pTimeStampContent, TPdfToolsSys_Date *pValidationTime)
 The time at which the signature has been validated.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetValidationTimeSource (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *pTimeStampContent)
 The source for the validation time.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetHashAlgorithm (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *pTimeStampContent)
 The hash algorithm used to calculate the signature's message digest.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetDate (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *pTimeStampContent, TPdfToolsSys_Date *pDate)
 The time-stamp time.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetSigningCertificate (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *pTimeStampContent)
 The signing certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetCertificateChain (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *pTimeStampContent)
 The certificate chain of the signing certificate.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddCertificates (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList *pCustomTrustList, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pCertificate)
 Add one or more certificates Add certificates to the trust list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveA (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList *pCustomTrustList, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pStreamDesc, const char *szPassword)
 Add certificates from a PFX (PKCS#12) archive Add certificates to the trust list.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveW (TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList *pCustomTrustList, const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pStreamDesc, const WCHAR *szPassword)
 Add certificates from a PFX (PKCS#12) archive Add certificates to the trust list.

Macro Definition Documentation



◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprint

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprint   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintA

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerName

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerName   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameA

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectName

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectName   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameA

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessage

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessage   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageA

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchive

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchive   PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveA

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandler

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandler    PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerA

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandler

#define PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandler    PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerA

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Constraint

#define TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Constraint   TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA

Typedef Documentation

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA

typedef void(PDFTOOLS_CALL * TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA) (void *pContext, const char *szMessage, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication iIndication, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication iSubIndication, TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField *pSignature, const char *szDataPart)

Report the result of a constraint validation of PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Validate.

[in,out]pContextContext of the event callback.
[in]szMessageThe validation message
[in]iIndicationThe main indication
[in]iSubIndicationThe sub indication
[in,out]pSignatureThe signature field
[in]szDataPartThe data part is NULL for constraints of the main signature and a path for constraints related to elements of the signature. Examples:
  • certificate:"Some Certificate": When validating a certificate "Some Certificate" of the main signature.
  • time-stamp":Some TSA Responder"/certificate:"Intermediate TSA Responder Certificate": When validating a certificate "Intermediate TSA Responder Certificate" of the time-stamp embedded into the main signature.

◆ TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW

typedef void(PDFTOOLS_CALL * TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW) (void *pContext, const WCHAR *szMessage, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication iIndication, TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication iSubIndication, TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField *pSignature, const WCHAR *szDataPart)

Report the result of a constraint validation of PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Validate.

[in,out]pContextContext of the event callback.
[in]szMessageThe validation message
[in]iIndicationThe main indication
[in]iSubIndicationThe sub indication
[in,out]pSignatureThe signature field
[in]szDataPartThe data part is NULL for constraints of the main signature and a path for constraints related to elements of the signature. Examples:
  • certificate:"Some Certificate": When validating a certificate "Some Certificate" of the main signature.
  • time-stamp":Some TSA Responder"/certificate:"Intermediate TSA Responder Certificate": When validating a certificate "Intermediate TSA Responder Certificate" of the time-stamp embedded into the main signature.

Function Documentation

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The certificate's fingerprint The hex string representation of the certificate’s SHA-1 digest.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetFingerprintW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The certificate's fingerprint The hex string representation of the certificate’s SHA-1 digest.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The name of the certificate's issuer (CA) The common name (CN) of the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if either an error occurred or the returned buffer is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetIssuerNameW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The name of the certificate's issuer (CA) The common name (CN) of the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if either an error occurred or the returned buffer is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetNotAfter()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetNotAfter ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
TPdfToolsSys_Date * pNotAfter )

The date after which the certificate is no longer valid.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pNotAfterRetrieved value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetNotBefore()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetNotBefore ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
TPdfToolsSys_Date * pNotBefore )

The date on which the certificate becomes valid.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pNotBeforeRetrieved value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetRawData()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetRawData ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
unsigned char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The raw data of the certificate as a byte array.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved array pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. -1 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSource()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_DataSource PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSource ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate)

Source of the certificate.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The name (subject) of the certificate The common name (CN) of the person or authority that owns the certificate.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if either an error occurred or the returned buffer is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetSubjectNameW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The name (subject) of the certificate The common name (CN) of the person or authority that owns the certificate.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if either an error occurred or the returned buffer is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetValidity()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate_GetValidity ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate * pCertificate)

Whether the certificate is valid according to the validation profile used.

[in,out]pCertificateActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate.
Retrieved value.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_Get()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_Get ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain * pCertificateChain,
int iIndex )

Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.

[in,out]pCertificateChainActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain.
NULL if there is an error.
An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_GetCount()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_GetCount ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain * pCertificateChain)

Get the number of elements in the list.

[in,out]pCertificateChainActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_IsComplete()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain_IsComplete ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain * pCertificateChain)

Whether all certificates of the chain are available.

[in,out]pCertificateChainActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetCertificateChain()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetCertificateChain ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent * pCmsSignatureContent)

The certificate chain of the signing certificate.

[in,out]pCmsSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent.
Retrieved value.

NULL if either an error occurred or the returned object is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.

An error occurred when NULL is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetHashAlgorithm()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetHashAlgorithm ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent * pCmsSignatureContent)

The hash algorithm used to calculate the signature's message digest.

[in,out]pCmsSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetSigningCertificate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetSigningCertificate ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent * pCmsSignatureContent)

The signing certificate.

[in,out]pCmsSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent.
Retrieved value.

NULL if either an error occurred or the returned object is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.

An error occurred when NULL is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetTimeStamp()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetTimeStamp ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent * pCmsSignatureContent)

The data and validation result of the embedded time-stamp.

[in,out]pCmsSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent.
Retrieved value.

NULL if either an error occurred or the returned object is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.

An error occurred when NULL is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetValidationTime()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetValidationTime ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent * pCmsSignatureContent,
TPdfToolsSys_Date * pValidationTime )

The time at which the signature has been validated.

[in,out]pCmsSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent.
[out]pValidationTimeRetrieved value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetValidationTimeSource()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent_GetValidationTimeSource ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent * pCmsSignatureContent)

The source for the validation time.

[in,out]pCmsSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CmsSignatureContent.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetIndication()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Indication PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetIndication ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult * pConstraintResult)

The main indication.

[in,out]pConstraintResultActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult * pConstraintResult,
char * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The validation message.

[in,out]pConstraintResultActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT size_t PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetMessageW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult * pConstraintResult,
WCHAR * pBuffer,
size_t nBufferSize )

The validation message.

[in,out]pConstraintResultActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult.
[out]pBufferRetrieved value. To determine the required buffer size, the function has to be called with NULL. The return value of this function specifies the buffer size.
[in]nBufferSizeThe buffer size of the retrieved string pBuffer.
The amount of data written to the buffer pBuffer. 0 if there is an error.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetSubIndication()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SubIndication PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult_GetSubIndication ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult * pConstraintResult)

The sub indication.

[in,out]pConstraintResultActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList * pCustomTrustList,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pStreamDesc,
const char * szPassword )

Add certificates from a PFX (PKCS#12) archive Add certificates to the trust list.

[in,out]pCustomTrustListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList.
[in]pStreamDescThe certificates in PKCS#12 format (.p12, .pfx)
[in]szPasswordThe password required to decrypt the archive.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddArchiveW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList * pCustomTrustList,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pStreamDesc,
const WCHAR * szPassword )

Add certificates from a PFX (PKCS#12) archive Add certificates to the trust list.

[in,out]pCustomTrustListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList.
[in]pStreamDescThe certificates in PKCS#12 format (.p12, .pfx)
[in]szPasswordThe password required to decrypt the archive.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddCertificates()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_AddCertificates ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList * pCustomTrustList,
const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pCertificate )

Add one or more certificates Add certificates to the trust list.

[in,out]pCustomTrustListActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList.
[in]pCertificateThe sequence of certificates in either PEM (.pem, ASCII text) or DER (.cer, binary) form
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_CustomTrustList_New ( void )
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetType()

Get actual derived type of base type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent.

This function is invoked prior to downcasting to ascertain the derived object type.

[in,out]pSignatureContentActs as a handle to a native object.
The item of the enumeration TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContentType that refers to the actual derived type. 0 in case of an error.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetValidity()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ConstraintResult *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent_GetValidity ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent * pSignatureContent)

Whether the cryptographic signature is valid according to the validation profile used.

[in,out]pSignatureContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent.
Retrieved value.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetCertificateChain()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_CertificateChain *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetCertificateChain ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent * pTimeStampContent)

The certificate chain of the signing certificate.

[in,out]pTimeStampContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent.
Retrieved value.

NULL if either an error occurred or the returned object is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.

An error occurred when NULL is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetDate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetDate ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent * pTimeStampContent,
TPdfToolsSys_Date * pDate )

The time-stamp time.

[in,out]pTimeStampContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent.
[out]pDateRetrieved value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetHashAlgorithm()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsCrypto_HashAlgorithm PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetHashAlgorithm ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent * pTimeStampContent)

The hash algorithm used to calculate the signature's message digest.

[in,out]pTimeStampContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetSigningCertificate()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Certificate *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetSigningCertificate ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent * pTimeStampContent)

The signing certificate.

[in,out]pTimeStampContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent.
Retrieved value.

NULL if either an error occurred or the returned object is actually NULL. To determine if an error has occurred, check the error code as described in the note section below.

An error occurred when NULL is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetValidationTime()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetValidationTime ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent * pTimeStampContent,
TPdfToolsSys_Date * pValidationTime )

The time at which the signature has been validated.

[in,out]pTimeStampContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent.
[out]pValidationTimeRetrieved value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetValidationTimeSource()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeSource PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent_GetValidationTimeSource ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent * pTimeStampContent)

The source for the validation time.

[in,out]pTimeStampContentActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_TimeStampContent.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult_GetSignatureContent()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_SignatureContent *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult_GetSignatureContent ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult * pValidationResult)

The data and validation result of the cryptographic signature.

[in,out]pValidationResultActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult.
Retrieved value.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult_GetSignatureField()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsPdf_SignedSignatureField *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult_GetSignatureField ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult * pValidationResult)

The signature field.

[in,out]pValidationResultActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult.
Retrieved value.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults_Get()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResult *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults_Get ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults * pValidationResults,
int iIndex )

Returns the element at the specified position in the given list.

[in,out]pValidationResultsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults.
NULL if there is an error.
An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults_GetCount()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT int PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults_GetCount ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults * pValidationResults)

Get the number of elements in the list.

[in,out]pValidationResultsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_ValidationResults.
May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.
An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator * pValidator,
void * pContext,
TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA pFunction )

Adds event handler.

[in,out]pValidatorPointer to the object to which the event handler is added.
[in,out]pContextThe context of the event handler.
[in]pFunctionThe event callback that is added.
TRUE if adding event handler was successful; FALSE if error occured.
In case of an error, the specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_AddConstraintHandlerW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator * pValidator,
void * pContext,
TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW pFunction )

Adds event handler.

[in,out]pValidatorPointer to the object to which the event handler is added.
[in,out]pContextThe context of the event handler.
[in]pFunctionThe event callback that is added.
TRUE if adding event handler was successful; FALSE if error occured.
In case of an error, the specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_New ( void )
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerA()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerA ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator * pValidator,
void * pContext,
TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintA pFunction )

Removes event handler.

[in,out]pValidatorPointer to the object from which the event handler is removed.
[in,out]pContextThe context of the event handler.
[in]pFunctionThe event callback that is removed.
TRUE if removal was successful; FALSE if error occured.
In case of an error, the specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerW()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_RemoveConstraintHandlerW ( TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator * pValidator,
void * pContext,
TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_ConstraintW pFunction )

Removes event handler.

[in,out]pValidatorPointer to the object from which the event handler is removed.
[in,out]pContextThe context of the event handler.
[in]pFunctionThe event callback that is removed.
TRUE if removal was successful; FALSE if error occured.
In case of an error, the specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator_Validate()

Validate the signatures of a PDF document.

[in,out]pValidatorActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsSignatureValidation_Validator.
[in,out]pDocumentThe document to check the signatures of
[in,out]pProfileThe validation profile
[in]iSelectorThe signatures to validate
The result of the validation

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes: